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Everything posted by amarjitpalli

  1. Do you mean 'kuraht?' If someone commits a kuraht after they have become amritdharrie then they will have to appear before the panj piyareys and confess their kuraht. The panj piyareys will then tell him/her what to do before they can be accepted back into the panth.
  2. You must have noticed this is not a very common feeling among people born as sikhs by birth. It is quite unusual for their vocal chords to produce these kinds of comments! Do you know why this is so? It is due to the fact they have suddenly smelled the dollar notes in their new countries. They have started living in the lands of plenties..............
  3. That's because they prefer to look stupid than smart!
  4. It is their hankaar that is making them think they are too good to be sikhs. They think they are a cut above the rest of sikhs and look down on them for following Sikhi!
  5. Nor me. They all too busy counting money, no interest in sikhi.
  6. What? You can't really buy anybody's ashes on the black market! Do you even know how expensive they are? They would only sell like hot cakes if they were below the stock exchange price! Not affordable, unless you have plenty of cash.
  7. Women in Sikhism don't have equal rights as men when it comes to making such important decisions such like marriage, education, whether to remain single, if to take the amrit and so on. They are still the property of their parents, brothers and do on. Boys get treated higher and they always want sons.
  8. "The Mongolian wild horse is known in the West as the Prezewalski horse after the Russian naturalist, Nikolai Przewalski, who first sighted several herds in 1879. In Mongolia it is called Takhi and it is purported to be largely unchanged since the time of Genghis Khan (ca. late 12th - early 13th century). The word Takhi means "spirit," a reference to the horse's fierce independence and untameable nature." https://www.fei.org/...estrian-history Mongols were merciless killers.
  9. I also do hope it never ever becomes normalized ever. But it has been going on for a long time, that's why we see so many 'historical child abuse cases.' No one ever knew this was happening, so how do we know that it is not still happening or will not happen in the future even if in secrecy?
  10. ....................But we are already living in a 'pretty messed up, brain washed society' as it is. There is a group of people that claim that this kind of behaviour is okay according to their religious beliefs. I do hope it will never become accepted as a 'norm' ever, but the way things are going, it seems highly likely it will.
  11. http://dailysikhupdates.com/british-starved-3-million-bengalis-death-1942/
  12. It is very worrying for other migrants already living in Europe, who arrived before them as this is going to cause shortage of everything. We already know there is a shortage of housing in these countries. You have a point.
  13. https://www.rt.com/news/314437-erdogan-west-refugees-terror/ This does make a lot of sense but it is still very worrying for migrants already residing in Europe including Britain. After reading this link one reaches a conclusion why migrants are arriving in their droves to the shores of the western countries. He says that 80 percent of oil belonging to Libya and iraq is in the hands of the West. Also read this link to get a balanced view on the current refugee situation. http://www.rt.com/news/314435-putin-isis-syria-refugees/
  14. I did not know my opinion would cause you to reply in such a fainthearted manner? Have I said something too difficult for you to handle? Oooops, I do beg your pardon, for not realizing that! I thought you fully supported opposing opinions and told others off for not having them. You have really got me confused now. You mention some cliches such as 'fragile ego,' 'huge egos,' you wouldn't be referring to yourself by any chance? Of course, there are plenty of nice and caring people out there as well as humble and secure ones, but surely not everyone can be classed as such. There must be some that are not. Can you imagine how hard it must have been for someone to tell us about what her father did to her as a child. She came on this forum with a good heart hoping her readers would be 'humble and secure' who would listen to her story with empathy and in friendship. No, this is not how you reacted. You judged her and mocked her for sharing her pathetically sad experiences with us. This goes to prove how humble and secure you must be as a person. Instead of listening to her kindly and trying to understand what she must have felt when she was going through with her bad experiences, you did the opposite. So, no way, anyone can class you as a humble or secure individual. In my humble and secure opinion, it is really bad to be bad to someone who has already suffered something horrendously bad and is seeking to share her experiences with others with a good and honest heart. I sincerely hope my piece of writing above has not shaken your super fragile and super huge ego. Have a nice life. In my humble and secure opinion this is my best composition so far! I am stating this opinion in the absence of a fragile or a huge ego!
  15. Oooooooooooooops!! Harsh words again! The real world out there is not completely composed of harsh people for your kind information. There are plenty of nice and caring people out there in the real world, thank god for that! Everyone is entitled to their sesitivities towards something so I can't see why would anyone want to tell someone off for having them. Opposing views are fine but to to be bad to people for sharing something bad on the forum is not so good.
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