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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. That's not enough. The change has to take place mentally otherwise it's just a pakhand.
  2. I honestly now believe it's some inherent, genetic stupidness in the pends of Panjab. If the dumbos keep having babies with each other, they create more dumbos to the point that stupidity becomes normalised. That's what's happened.
  3. Whatever you might experience in Rajastan brother, in Panjab, certain jaats, namely juts have behaved so horrendously, they actually made a lot of 'low castes' leave Sikhi. They even banned them from their Gurdwaras. Then to add insult to injury, the fudhus are now converting to christianity in droves themselves. You couldn't make it up. Treating people like that just makes the jobs of those seeking to convert easier.
  4. They can afford to have people convert given their numbers. Can you say the same about us? Are so many apnay converting out of our bad karma then?
  5. How comes no one's bothered to comment on the Mahmood extracts I posted? I notice everyone will have read her other book But no one can be bothered to analyse her later critical article.
  6. I don't know about rajastan, but I know how they treat them in panjab. Juts are weirdos like that too. They'll be asr5elicking friendly to outsiders and another thing internally. That probably explains the rajastani thing.
  7. Children as young as 10 are having their sex changed on their medical records sparking fears that GPs could misdiagnose patients A paediatrician warned that routine tests could be wrongly interpreted by GPs She said she had seen half a dozen young people given a new name and gender In some cases they were given new NHS number, with original records replaced Guidance issued saying all patients can freely change their sex on their records https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9915073/Children-young-10-having-sex-changed-medical-records.html
  8. Let's drop the subject. I'm going to start thinking about the past too much then! lol He's just really physically lazy from young I guess. I realise now, having him here living with me meant he couldn't get away with it for a bit, plus he was probably really motivated because his wedding was coming up. He's had umpteen opportunities to do physically work (that would have paid off too) but preferred sedentary type work. He is a creature of comfort I guess (well f**king undeniably). You can take a horse to water...etc. etc.
  9. Bros got access to a reasonably resourced small private gym. We bought a lot of the stuff together. It's such a shame man.
  10. Yeah! There's that dimension too. If I was a broad and someone sprung that up on me, I'd be fuming. Maybe he feels now that he's married and got kids, she can't run off and has to tolerate it? The ironic thing is, he lived with me prior to getting married, and we talked about this when he got slimmed down........ it's like really selfish of him too in my opinion? I know females might keep quiet, but I'm pretty sure they'll be embarrassed about it to some degree.
  11. Yeah, I think a lot of historic events from dasmesh pita's time there shaped many Malwai people's and all the Taksaal and sampardaya like Rara Sahib. They flattened Sirhand. It's no wonder they put out stuff like this: Whilst these other 1diots promote this..... These other pussoos are literally running the panth into the ground. We can't keep ignoring that. And their jut identity is central to their stupid behaviour.
  12. you've found the one positive I can find in that stuff. Exercise. It should be done privately at home though, not publically as some routine that wouldn't look out of place in a gay pride march.
  13. I'd say there have always been more animalistic types than the other. That's why you keep going around in circles. It's almost as if you purposefully are in denial about all the animals in order to hold together the very tenuous, self-aggrandising self-image you have as a community? Overplay one side by miles, and completely obfuscate or ignore the other. Hence long periods of time, and no change/progress for the better.
  14. That's cool. We'll leave you all to your delusional devices and watch the show. When you have 'brothers' like you have in your 'biraderi', what's the point of having enemies (as they say in Panjabi). You vacillate like a nut case. You got no back bone. And knock yourself out about the 'foibles', let's see how long that takes to blow up in your face. All you seem to do is hide behind some stereotypes of Kenyans like they represent the majority. Come on and bring it out. What, you think I'd get depressed and crying like you??? I'll give you this much, you have improved. Not long ago I'd be scared shytless you was about to top yourself with the defeatist, depressed crap you used to routinely spout. We're not all of that delicate constitution. So say what you want, and give me a good laugh.
  15. This pattern just keeps repeating itself. Some fight for Sikhi as kharkus, even more join the Panjab police and murder and rape the movement into the ground. Can you trust such people?
  16. That's what hurts the most. Given our current characteristics, even if we got it, it's be the most adharamic place going. Anyone with a conscience, will feel ashamed at things going on. People will be using Gurdwara funds like Badal family. Only Waheguru knows how they'd treat Mazhbhis....I don't even want to think about it. Benti bhai ji. If you ever find the Gurmukhi text of Parchian Sewa Das please share. I think it is only a small text. I've not been able to find it for years, you might be in a position to, or someone you know might have it?
  17. He lived the life bhai ji. He wasn't a hypocrite. I remember hearing about how he cussed off some jutt guy who had got some Mazhbhi women pregnant, and was crying to him about it saying 'I've ruined my life!". He told him: "if she was good enough for you then, why isn't she now?" Then he did their Anand Karaj. People who I've spoken to who grew up with him said he was quiet and had lots of insaniyat and was seriously abiyaasi.
  18. What are those bobble things on his wrists and shoulders all about?
  19. Be careful what you're saying bro!! Delete that last bit. Thing with parchaar is that we can't keep doing it like we have. I've been watching for decades and the current method hasn't helped foster unity one bit let alone overcome casteism in the pends. It's worse now than it ever has been. And bhai ji, people in the diaspora are getting more intelligent and well informed. There's people out here who can read purataan granths like most young people in Panjab can't.
  20. I don't know why Kenya keeps coming into people's heads??? Look on the real. Jutts have had a completely unhindered prolonged period 'leading' the panth. We're in deep doo-doo now because of them. Those characteristics are obviously not suitable for hammering any sustainable, future, not only for jutts themselves, but for any one else. Badal is your king. That's what your society has produced. And be thankful that tarkhans had the skills and verve to carve out a chunk of the construction industry in the UK, or there would be even more juts running around bare bottomed in the pends right now. Tarkhans couldn't have pulled that off being like jutts, stabbing each other in the back all the time. A unskilled peasant jut's dream is to come to the UK and live a tarkhan life - that says it all. Telling yourself people want to be you is a weak defense mechanism to cope with the truth. Nothing could be further from the truth.
  21. You hate us coz you ain't us. And you probably actually believe that. Hahahahha! Thick c**t.
  22. I think a lot of us are experiencing this stuff. More people than like to admit, because apnay like to put a benauti front on all the time, like everything is excellent. Going back to the OP, I think there is a lot of nostalgia in the diaspora for Sikh raj. I grew up with the K'stan lehar in the background. Things are pretty messed up in Panjab right now. Some of us are thinking, if another lehar happens, and we have the same type of panchod gaddaars lurking around. That's going to fail again. I don't think we can afford a bunch of deaths right now.
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