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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. It's hard to understand this. I know some canadians and yankee Sikhs applaud this, but me personally, I'd be in their face saying: "No! I'm not a muslim, I'm SIKH!" This doesn't stem from any wanting or being indifferent to seeing sullay/sulliyan getting attacked for nothing. More like I insist you recognise who I am mf, instead of applying your lazy categorisation on me.
  2. Sorry let me clarify. I mean sovereign mindset. That means a particular way of thinking regardless of whether you have a nation or not, and an absolute prerequisite to ever getting one.
  3. They trust snakes which never bodes well. How many times do we have to go through that as a community....
  4. I couldn't give a f**k about that statue. Paks have got it right. They want to emphasise and promote their own victory and self-rule. Apnay fudhoos want to remind the world about just what loyal chaaplooses we were to people who colonised us....... No intelligence, self respect or sovereign mindset.
  5. Those lot haven't got the bollocks. It'll be the former, and they'll probably be dressed like normal folks, not wearing jackboots. Not to worry though, we can always get backup from back home..... Ranveerjatt001
  6. I didn't. But still understand the sentiment.
  7. I got to say MisterSingh, you seem to vacillate a lot about this. One minute you sound like you think they are the salt of the earth and then the other you say stuff like the above.
  8. Whilst I can understand the NHS support when things looked and felt insane in the early covid days. It's things like the dhol thing that makes us look like buffoons.
  9. Okay, well we should at least try and fathom out why some of our lot are so prone to bhundh-yaari with outsiders. If we nail that, we could maybe try and combat it, instead of the embarrassing situation of having scores of collaborators.
  10. Well, I've always suspected these people, even a cursory look at their history will expose them. I'm just wondering how many of our own are going to crawl up their ar5e when things get tougher? They've got long form for it. Personally, I'd execute these people as traitors. I know what's coming up based on the past.
  11. Don't underestimate these animals capacity for evil and jealousy. They can still try remote cowardly 'scorched earth' policy. And rednecks and their leaders will have no qualms about this. They'll see others as problems to 'control' or eradicate, like a lot of them see blacks and the indigenous. Remember they have a lot history of such stuff even in the US itself. Remember Tulsa:
  12. That doesn't mean anything. Having libertine pockets in urban areas, isn't uncommon, but it doesn't change the character of the nation. You can't judge Holland from Amsterdam.
  13. What do you expect from a country that descends from the 'transported' scum of english society?
  14. I think for an intelligent Sikh man to think like this is retarded. 'Tolerance' is a very fickle thing, and only lasts as long as the 'tolerant' have some perceived advantage to it. Things can and have changed very suddenly. Like moghul 'tolerance' from Akhbar, then the sudden shaheedi of Guru Arjan Dev ji. Like the 'tolerance' of Sikhs in what is now know as pedostan...sorry pakistan, which ended pretty abruptly at partition. Like the 'tolerance' of Delhi Sikhs, which did a volte face on Indira's sending off. This is not, or ever has been, a stable thing. It's in your self-interest to face this truth and it's implications. I think this reality also played a big part in why Guru sahib encouraged Singhs to be armed to the teeth?
  15. @californiasardar1 Why don't you move to Canada?
  16. That's ALWAYS been their way. Reminds me of the Sikhs on the other side of the border when the wasps bailed on them.
  17. The taliban thing has lots of potential for america. Once a rightwinger gets in power again, he's got a ready made war, with a hard nationalistic battle cry to mobilise the rednecks. That all being said, left alone long enough, it isn't impossible that the taliban start to actually negotiate a more modernised country - albeit on their own terms. That's what honkys don't like, they like to impose their stuff. They don't like other people taking it on board in accordance to their own heritage/cultural moorings. I have no doubt this could get messy again as soon as it suits some ar5eholes agenda. Team America and that....
  18. Dude, you should f**k off from america and live somewhere else. The place seems to be messing your head up.
  19. I know. It's so true. That's why we are very far from winning any wars as a panth right now. Too much childlike thinking, and sadly I think it's genetic/biological in some quarters. The goray would probably be welcomed like this......lol
  20. That's a hard one. I think I agree that the west would want to do what MisterSingh outlined. I think this loss has stung whitey's ego/pride and their whole bullsh1t 'saviour' complex. Moneywise as well, this has turned out be a massive black hole for US finances. Can the west, in this day and age really afford such ventures? Some other questions need to be asked and answered. Can Afghanistan generate money? Who knows? But they have at least heroin. Which has a global market. Then we've seen China and Russia quickly acknowledge the new rulers. China would probably do what they are doing in Africa, in terms of rapid infrastructure development. That would make them (both parties) even stronger in terms of allies in the region. With both paks and afghs on board China will dominate the region. Afghans can sell the captured american tech (like helicopters) to Russia too, which would analyse them for weaknesses. Afghanistan will have to operate with multiple intelligence forces trying to destabilise it, esp. UK and US. I expect some of these fighters to turn up in Kashmir soon too. I think this will have impacts on India sooner or later.
  21. Point to anyone reading it. With this book here, it's well important to read the appendices too. That's some of the most important stuff and the author powerfully challenges the casteist theories that have been inserted into Sikh studies literature by both 'Sikhs' and outsiders like McLeod.
  22. You have to give it to them. They held on for 2 decades against the 'cream' of the west. In terms of tenacity, commitment and perseverance. Just shows as well, you can train your pet monkeys for 20 years and have them crumble at the crucial point. I don't think the talivban ever had any respect for british soldiers fighting ability anyway.
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