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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. Personally I'm not remotely surprised. Let's put things in a wider geo-political perspective. These are my opinions btw, I don't expect people to share them, and as writing them are uncomfortable, I imagine reading them will also be for many. Whatever your feelings about it, the reality is that right now, India (politically and economically) is doing big things that challenge the global, white supremacist dominance (read eurocentrism) that's been dictating things for centuries to all nonwhite people's (and others) detriment. The indian speeches castigating the hegemony and warmongering by mainly western europeans and americans resonate with many people globally including Africa and some parts of latin America. I've heard this multiple times over the last year from varying sources. So for the first time in centuries, the people who've held a hegemonic stranglehold on global politics and economy and even culture are on a back foot. Indians are (understandably in context) being seen as heroes for helping finally confront and face this reality and not succumbing to western threats and manipulations. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and india took it. Slap bang at a point when this is happening our lot pop up looking as if they want to derail that. And people shouldn't be ignorant of the perception of certain apnay being chaaplooses to goray, which shouldn't be surprising given the unquestioning military support for the white colonial agenda certain apnay gave in recent history. I've always said that white supremacism/hegemony is something that we have to face up to and confront, regardless of any contentions with delhi. If timing and tactics are anything to consider, I would have thought letting india get on with challenging western european hegemony and the undeniable growth of neo-nazism in the west would've been in our interests right now, especially as we aren't capable of dealing with it on our own, and with many of our lot having a historical proclivity to subordinate themselves to this for personal gain in any case. So I'm not remotely shocked a lot of hate is coming our way. It's like supporting certain people during the 'Indian mutiny' which did us no favours and just led to the plunder of Panjab and after a hundred years of slavery, use and abuse being left to face mass murder and rape and losses of large swathes of land whilst certain people scuttled off into the sunset.
  2. I don't agree with a lot of this guys stuff but here he echoes what I believe
  3. Yeah, but emotional extravagance can also be harmful and demoralising. We have longstanding and strong traditions of stoicism.
  4. Maybe rock this look? You'll probably end up with a peasant wife straight outta the pend if you do? What a twat, twisting a moustache he doesn't even have. Bruin bhangra!
  5. Yep, and maybe try and mimic that complete lack of style and strange sense of coordination most desis seem to have going on. Here's some images to help you get 'the look':
  6. Let's not get hysterical or over dramatic, that doesn't help at all. It is what it is.
  7. First thing, these types of situations aren't anything new to the panth. Second thing, if we don't do different moves to previous ones, how can we expect outcomes to be different? Plus, if he's put his head up above the parapet like that, I'm sure he full well knows where it can go. I'm sure he's not naive. They should break out all those people who have been imprisoned for Waheguru knows how long, well after their sentences were completed. Actually that should have been done a long time ago.
  8. Don't eat or drink anything anyone gives you on your journey. Take your own snacks.
  9. This place was supposed to be the hotbed/epicentre of the nazi movement over there.
  10. I was thinking - how did she get herself in this position/lifestyle? And then do this at this age? (by this I mean a lot of people do end up doing some seriously dumb stuff when young and immature, but she's well into her 30s). How did she fall into these social circles?) Then I remembered CP.
  11. Why drag this bollox out after decades? It's not like we don't have other more impending issues.
  12. What planet are you on bro? We wasted decade upon decade going to Human Rights groups, UN, various governments, countless marches - haven't you learned that these things are useless yet? Jews are white too, and we should all know (by now!) how deeply rooted white supremacist racism plays a central part in western european politics. You seriously think any org would push for sanctions against India? And that too, for our mostly pendu, minor economical status community. I don't think so. When people post things like you have above, it makes me wonder just how politically clueless apnay are - even after all this time. Sorry, it's not a personal attack but I'm just exasperated by it at this point.
  13. This is all a moot point to me. I don't think (given our current state) getting the diamond back would give any real, wider, significant benefit to the panth as a collective. But what it could do (and maybe really powerfully), is help put a focus on recent Sikh history and achievement and geo-political events that could connect lost apnay and apneean on the periphery of the the panth a bit closer and make them a bit more knowledgeable, and broads like this perfectly exemplifiy this. That's no small thing in my opinion.
  14. Mate be realistic, that's not happening. If nothing else, at least some ignorant Sikhs watching might get an inkling of what happened to our recent ancestors under colonialism. Plus it serves to let others know that no, not all was hunky dory when brits came to Panjab.
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