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Everything posted by dallysingh101

  1. Tell you when it happens big time: at uni. When girls start studying with sullay. Next thing you know, she is loved up.
  2. Do people know, when Mongols conquered Baghdad, they weren't sullay, they slowly converted over generations after taking over. When they first landed they burnt down the grand library there. This set sullay back in terms of civilisation. Curiously it was a mix of Islam and Mongul military savagery that later fused leading to the Moghuls. Apparently the Brits destroyed a lot of literature after Panjab was annexed too. http://www.sikhawareness.com/topic/12683-the-prebritish-annexation-educational-system-in-the-panjab/
  3. I think the outright viciousness of Mongols played a big part too. They weren't averse to massacring whole cities when resisted. Actually the torture techniques applied on Sikhs later on derive from their own practices, which some later Moghul leaders inherited and employed. ^^^Balkaar That's a good point, even when occupied, the Afghans don't give up resisting. Many stubbornly refuse to be co-opted like many of our people did when colonised.
  4. I think one of the powerful forces against us (as a numerically small community) is the power of 'majority influence' - it's hard for many young people to stick out against the grain. Hell, even many adults struggle with this. I also believe in an 'inoculation effect', where sometimes you just have to let young people see and experience certain things and contextualise it to them simultaneously, so they get inoculated against it for life. As the risk of offending, I think you can do this with boys more than girls because of obvious reasons. It's a sad fact but many men perceive females as objects that are to be used for their gratification and as a medium to attack the girl's wider community. This is reality, the sooner our people (especially girls) grasp this the better. One positive of modern times is that the veneer of falseness of 'respectable society' is being peeled back. We are clearly seeing people who act harmless and friendly publicly can often be covering up very seedy things. I mean look at how many celebrities we grew up watching and loving have turned out to be abusers.... Saville, Rolf Harris, the list goes on. I did a module on sexual abuse at uni (on a psychology course) years ago, and many of the things I was taught on there have only become properly contextualised now. I remember my lecturer , who was an expert in the field, telling me how pedos are very devious, and like other sociopaths able to gain trust and portray a innocuous persona to work themselves into positions of power where they can act out their urges undetected. But on a personal level sister, I've got a very close friend, whom I knew for years before she told me about being abused by her stepfather. She's just had a daughter, and we often discuss the reality that having such experiences can naturally make one very defensive and protective. You have to be careful and conscious of not being too smothering because that can blow up in one's face too (not to say you are doing this, but just that people who've experienced abuse can (understandably behave like this). In the end, all we can try to do is what is right - the reality is that not all things are in our hands. Strengthening our community (not just our individual families) is a major part of this.
  5. I just meant that some girls are quite aware of the nature of certain men, they aren't oblivious to how they act. Not just paks, but generally. I mean goray do this sort of pseudo-grooming themselves with ethnic girls at white dominated workplaces too, where they isolate a girl they like from other apnay and steadily move on her to get her. Or apply subtle pressure to make her stay away from other apnay. Sometimes you'd go into a workplace and the apneean would be terrified of being seen talking to an apna, and when they did, you'd see hatred in whiteys eyes. I don't know if it happens much now, but a few years ago, even some messed up apnay would be quite degrading to girls along caste lines, seeing certain apneean as nothing but 'low caste' meat for their pleasure. So it gets more complex than just paks, but that they are the number one for sleazy perversion against us right now. When I said clued up, I meant as in being aware of how these types of guys think and act. And not all girls with cut hair like all that clubbing, bhangra lark. I think all strategies to raise awareness and increase cohesion need to be tried now, I like Jugraj's vids too. I think a rethink amongst ourselves is also in order. A bit more acceptance and a little less one-up-manship wouldn't hurt? It's strange but we are quite standoff-ish with each other?! And I'm probably no less guilty as the next person in this.
  6. I think it's more raising girls like lulloos myself. Or innate stupidity. It's not kesh because I've met plenty of clued up girls who cut their hair, so we can eliminate that. I mean some of these girls are so dense that they'll actually be in a car full of leering paks (like 5 of them!), on their own - and see nothing a bit dubious about that..... But they'd have been 'smart' enough to get into uni..... The mind doth boggle. It's social intelligence mixed with physiology maybe. Lacking 'theory of mind' where you can't fathom the fact that people are being utilitarian behind their niceness. Being so naive that you are oblivious to the threatening/compromise situation you are in. And this beggy beggy thing people have going on with wanting to be 'accepted'. I mean even when they are told/warned they still don't get it and attack the messenger.
  7. I've always had a suspicion of people who are outwardly squeaky clean. I think a lot of apneean mess up with sullay because some of them (sullay) are quite adept at presenting this type of persona whilst they have a whole different world going on inside. Sikh Panjabis are often straight pendus, who can't do this. Myself included. lol
  8. ^^^ I see Putin's stepped in now. It looks like only Russian can offer some counter balance to Euro kartootan right now. I'm just wondering what fudhooness goray will get up to if a bewakoof like Trump gets on the throne in the US?
  9. Nah, I think it is more complicated than that, drink might be used in some cases but sometimes it's more down to being attention hungry or flattered or plainly finding someone physically attractive.
  10. I miss those types of guys, they were crazy and fun, and watched each others back when it was really needed. They did have big hearts! But I get it, girls like the metrosexual flex these days.
  11. One thing about it is that they target the vulnerable and impressionable, we need to be extra vigilant and aggressively vocal about it as a community, that way they will leave us alone. That means confronting abusers, the police (if need be), social services, the media and the government itself. Simultaneously, we have to train the girls not to put themselves in vulnerable positions, which is tough given that many of them are pretty stubborn. Right now the message is out that Sikhs girls are easy targets, we have to reverse this impression.
  12. Well I didn't see ANYONE else making noise about the issue let alone confronting the groomers when they were. So maybe you're deluded? I think we've both made our points clearly now. I'm not belittling the modern approach for the record, but respect is due where it is due, even if people like you can't get their heads around the difficulties faced by apnay in the past when they tried dealing with it and everyone and his mom was in denial about what was going on. All of the progress being made today is those guy's victory.
  13. I am clueless about this culture, there is no two ways about it. I honestly don't know a thing about them. And I don't favour savage animals, I've just seen a fair bit of action over the years (not my choice, just where we ended up) - and I've got my own experiences of the type of guys that stick around when it gets nasty having to fight these 'savage animals'. Those brothers weren't angels but some of them were really cool, they weren't dead inside, in fact they had some of the biggest hearts you could meet - but yeah, they had flaws too. But their nobility often far outweighed their vices. And...(might as well make this point now) I think some of the warriors that crop up in our history, who took bhang or whatnot - I've got a feeling some of them might have been like this too. Might as well throw that in the mix.
  14. Not at all, I'm simply not advocating your own pie in the sky approach which doesn't comprehend the people we are dealing with. Look up my previous posts on this forum under my old user id (dalsingh) I was more than vocal about apnay crawling up EDL/BNP ar5e to deal with the issues we are facing. In fact it was the forum moderators decision to allow pro-EDL speakers a platform here that led me to leave the forum in disgust for a few years. How long did you expect them to make sacrifices whilst the rest of you played happy families and ignored the issue? If some of them are forced to drug sell now after having served time - well where the hell were the rest of the apparently affluent community to help them when they were free? Think of that before you go momma's boy on them. No one is saying anything against the other approach you are mentioning but don't try and belittle the sacrifices and bravery of people who were ahead of the pack, way before people like you came in. You should respect them. They paved the way for this whole can of worms to be opened up having to deal with internal puppoos in the community, and the police, and the media, and a colluding social service system. I told you before that I don't advocate associating with right wing white groups (or any outsider groups that pretend to be our friends), I'm not dense like your average pendu who can't tell friend from foe. You need to grow up mate, those guys you're insulting are worth ten-thousand of you.
  15. I ain't gonna lie Singhni, some of the savage animals I've seen look like they would throw those blokes in your posts over their shoulders and carry them away like war-booty.... lol Maybe it's an urban thing, but people really train it out these days - usually with weights, so you got a lot of hench strong blokes to contend with.
  16. I don't know mate. Before any of you jumped on the wagon (years too late in my opinion) I remember the B'ham originated 'gang' everyone seems to admire now. Back then people like you used to point fingers and accuse them of bigotry and whatnot. They did more than anyone else to tackle and highlight this and they didn't take your softly softly approach. Brother, don't be pushing this politically correct thing on other Sikhs under the guise of Gurmat. I know my history well, Singhs didn't deal with sullay in the past by being naram patolay. Highlighting ugly truths about other communities that effect us isn't 'racism or bigotry' as you seem to think. There ARE deeply rooted aspects of other societies and cultures that do try and attack and subvert us. This is not a figment of anyone's imagination. The louder and clearer we are with illuminating the insidious nature of the people we are dealing with the better prepared our people will be.
  17. Okay, I don't think we need to try posting reams of incidents here now. People probably getting the idea. I think with the advent of the internet, more and more people can access accounts/perspectives that are outside of the traditional mainstream (i.e. white man and his lies) if they want to. Which is positive. We'll always get some sell outs who'll jump on whiteys wagon for their own advantages, but I think more and more people will wake up to the truth over generations. I mean I remember only a few years ago on this very site, you'd get umpteen numptys singing the praises of colonialism because their unpaarh, unskilled grandpa got a job out of it.... but people are a little less forthcoming with their sycophancy these days. So the point is getting through. Back to the OP, we can see that goray are still two face, duplicitous snakes with how they cry about human rights elsewhere but go selectively blind about the same things when it suits them (i.e. with Saudis), because they want their business and oil.
  18. You know what, instead lecturing us why don't you take your ar5e to the people who are doing all the sick stuff and try and run your mouth there? We aren't dealing with individual acts of evil but endemic, systematic, religio-cultural drives to attack, subvert and undermine us, that steeps to shockingly low levels. You take your head out of the sand. Yeah but how would they fair against more ruthless 'rough and tough' communities?
  19. Well, I tell you what, given what's been going on with grooming, conversions and terrorism around us - I think a dollop of self-preservation and caution is more than healthy. Following our Guru's doesn't mean we walk into a snake pit all naive and misty eyed like gullible children. There's enough crap going on we have to be careful of. So forgive some of us for not walking around like lulloos.
  20. They tried to kick off a revolt against the Brits but an apna informer grassed them up. They are members of the Ghadar Party. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghadar_Party http://www.sikh-history.com/sikhhist/events/ghadr.html
  21. Yeah, I hear you but don't knock people with a more traditional view either. Personally I think one of the reasons we have a lot of problems like grooming etc. is because many Sikh males have become emasculated since the colonial period. So they face more 'thugged out' traditional males and don't know how to deal with it.
  22. That's the new strategy: represent it as a sexual orientation amongst many.
  23. Yeah, this is a really interesting topic. They slowly but surely alienated us from texts that explored rajniti not only in the Dasam Granth but also other works like Prem Sumarag. Part of the strategy to do this was to put it in our minds that these are 'hindoofied' texts. By the time they finished with us our own people were dis-acknowledging their own texts because they had the idea that these were related to the effeminate Hindoo. Even to this day, people use these same arguments against DG i.e. they contain translations of Hindu texts, they are salacious (with Charitrio Pakyaan) etc. etc. They simultaneously pushed for a ruralisation of Sikhs because they made loads of money from agriculture, and Sikhs went to the extreme of singing and dancing about farming instead of exploring power and more sophisticated pursuits. A glaring example is how they really pushed the point that Baba Nanak did some farming in the latter days of his life went they settled at Kartarpur, you don't see this point amplified like it was under the Brits in pre-annexation literature. The ploy was obvious, encourage Sikhs to settle for agricultural pursuits (which goray profited from immensely) and joining the imperial army to fight for white man causes; but thank God, not everyone was mugged off and some people saw through what was going on.
  24. I think some of it is what you suggest but also, some girls are proper clueless like that. Dumb.
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