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Everything posted by Sukhvirk1976

  1. I agree with you. The question is whether sheikh farid was a Muslim in the end.. And I would assert that he was.. But for me being a sikh and a true Muslim is not mutually exclusive
  2. What do you mean when you say this? If not a democratic body politic then what? Did you attend the last sarbat khalsa? I'm really curious to hear your views SSA
  3. What about if we just focus on this life and try not to make mistakes? We see history repeating itself despite seeing or understanding how and why it has repeated itself..
  4. What about if they Rajput..? And as technically its not a Dastaar but kes that makes up 1 of the five ks
  5. Can you please provide me with the definition in Gurbani you refer to.. Additionally if there is a definition in Gurbani then why does the rahit Maryada not use that definition?
  6. Yes you can and I do. A attack helicopter cannot define itself... And only guru sahib can define sikh.. So as long as I'm comfortable that I meet guru sahibs criteria and not someone else's I don't really care..
  7. Can you please provide a top ten 100%=gurbani then what comes second Koran or Vedas? I believe the criticism has to do with how hollow people's beliefs are and missing the point
  8. Sikh is not khalsa.. You can be a sikh without taking Amrit.. Furthermore the definition of a sikh as defined by rehit maryada has been defined by politicians.. I define myself as a sikh whether someone else thinks I am is irrelevant.. Just as their are many amritdhari people I have met who I feel don't espouse sikhi despite taking Amrit.. Mool mantar defines the essence of sikhi. Why do we need additional texts edited by politicians to tell us what it means
  9. Wrong you can't be khalsa without taking Amrit
  10. I believe bani in sggs ji addresses why Sikhs don't believe to be superior as such
  11. But we don't follow the what the Sikhs of the 1700s did.. We follow sggs.. And also the sikh panth has always been very diverse and pluralistic.. I don't understand why you need to homogenise? There were Muslims in guru sahibs court who whilst not khalsa were still sikh?
  12. I'd like to see a original source to support your argument?
  13. I have to disagree with how you dovetail your comments with a unfounded and unsubstantiated attack on the committee.... The gurdwara and Sangat have every right to believe in their interpretation of sikhi.. It is by no means whatsoever that so called mixed faith marriages are against maryada. The SGPC is a political organisation, moreover their edict supposedly against mixed faith marriages is flawed on many levels.. You don't know that they do it for financial gain and to just throw that out there is slanderous... I will say it like it is, I to this day have not been convinced that so called mixed faith marriages are against maryada... But what I do know for certain is what you agreed with in your first paragraph, that even though I disagree with the protest I'm more disgusted that they engaged in a big protest. If anything the protest blew up in the face of the protesters.. Rocking up shutting down the gurdwara, masked faces with kirpans.. And then to deny the objectives to beat the charges seems a bit rich
  14. Love it.. Such gymnastics.. It's not that difficult really just requires some discipline of mind.. The very definition of a sikh in many ways
  15. I think you should try and spend some time understanding the poetic form.. It is written in poetic form to stop people taking things literally but to encourage contemplation.. I suppose guru sahibs best efforts we still don't understand
  16. I wasn't there, so I don't know. but I doubt he melted into thin air.. He wasn't a jadugargh and spoke vehemently against such things so I find it hard to believe that he would have.. Do you believe that he did?
  17. Please explain further, just be explicit please.. Did they have out of body communion or something what are you suggesting?
  18. Haven't thrown out any scriptures bro.. Ggsj is a path to truth. Mool mantar the most beautiful articulation of truth.. The definition against which everything measured
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