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Everything posted by puzzled

  1. i had a whole packet of oreos today lol i eat healthy mostly but somtimes spoil myself but its true what you said i think bhagat kabir ji or bhagat farid ji says eat little and sleep little
  2. i watched this documentary a few yrs back where this fat obese man wanted to have a baby with his thin partner because he was obese he couldn't actually naturally have intercourse with his partner because he would of ended up flattening her to death so the doctors had to take them to a swimming pool and do it there. they lifted him into the swimming pool in a crane he was like hanging off the crane and then they lowered him down to the pool where his misses was and did it the reason he had to hang off a crane while doing it was because he was so fat that he would of just drowned in the water and probably drowned his misses as well. once he finished the crane lifted him back up again i dnt know if that make sense lol but thats jus fcked up! how fat can you make yourself he cdnt even get it up so they had to poke him with sticks and brushes i think its important to stay in shape and eat only healthy stuff
  3. being fat is a sin, its a disrespect to gods creation. our body is a temple to our spirit should take care of it humans are even making animals obese by feeding them to much animals in the wild never get obese because they know what their natural limit is wild animals eat to survive thats why they dnt get fat we eat for taste and thats why we get fat pet animals also get fat because their owners keep feeding them.
  4. Angry fat woman breaks scale with hammer
  5. i watched a doc about his guy on bbc he is nothing but a hate preacher a lot of human right activists, lawyers get killed by mullahs like him they have crazy amount of power in pakistan people and even politicians fear them
  6. in america fat people need cranes to take them out and they live in sheds coz they cant fit through the front door and have baths in swimming pools becoz they dnt fit in bathtubs
  7. shes even finds it hard to breath while standing! hathi jiha i dnt agree with fat acceptance i dnt feel sorry for fat people at all 0
  8. im not criticizing them lol! all im saying is that they have some issues which seem to trickle down to the younger generation iv actually always praised our ancestors/ elders
  9. Yh but I wouldn't talk about this with friends or family openly being anonymous on here gets you to talk about stuff which you wouldn't in real Me, my mum or my sister dnt talk about my dad or what he did to us/me My mum knows I didnt have it easy with him I was the eldest but we dnt talk about stuff like that lol! I would never do that to my kids what he did to me He even used to beat me to eat food and then stand there watching then I used to end up throwing up in the sink. Who the hell does that
  10. not sure my baba died b4 i was born and iv never spoken about my baba with my dad me and my dad dnt have that kind of relationship we really dnt talk much
  11. yh news is full of bs how people are "spreading fake information about 5g" people arent stupid just look whats happening to the birds dropping dead you can imagine whats happening with our brains too
  12. my mums fine but my dad has anger issues it was a lot worse when i was younger and a lot of the time he used to let it out on me. beating, hitting, kicking, grabbing me and shaking me and i was only 6/7 yrs old lock me in the garden for hours i think he has some mental issues deep down and a lot of anger im sure its trauma from their childhood and then they do the same thing on their kids
  13. im really not surprised iv got cousins who were beaten black and blue, cousin who has hole in her head because her mum hit her in the head with her high heel, punjabi girl on our road has depression because of her dad, another on the road nxt to ours girl had a mental break down because of how her dad treated her and she ended up going in and out of hospital so many traumatized people because of childhood experiences.
  14. its as if they let their anger out on their kids older punjabis are fcked up in the head they need to get a grip its just leaves so many scars in your head when they do this
  15. so put it on airplane mode at night? ok
  16. Yh that makes sense they beat fear into you in that country. thats how they are raised and they do the same with their kids here. No wonder there are so many damaged people.
  17. I think there's gnna be a increase in mental issues and depression/anxiety Som1 told me its not a gd idea to keep your phone under/near you pillow at night think I'm gnna stop doing that
  18. I'm sure it is because there's so many things about ourselves that even we cant figure out why it is even our personalities why are some people naturally more angry etc
  19. I cnt read hindi I dnt know what that says but these muslims are licking all the plates and forks etc Disgusting VID-20200404-WA0005.mp4
  20. One thing though drugs ain't a big issue in doaba that seems to be more of a majha thing they do alcohol and tamakhoo and other minor nasha but not the kind of stuff people do in majha iv heard some villages in majha have a lot more women because a lot of the men have died of drugs we dnt have that kind of stuff ... I guess that's because doaba is the furthest away from the paki border Una in himachal Pradesh is part of doaba too so not sure why they have put that in himachal they all speak hindi/punjabi in una only difference is una is mainly mountain area .
  21. But why do parents behave like that? They have issues. Happy mum making rotis in kitchen and dad running around with kids on shoulders is just bs iv never seen that in any punjabi family, atleast not the ones I know. Most punjabi men women seem disturbed and cant cope with relationships. I really dnt like the loud boisterous punjabis either just really annoying I grew up with drinking and partying around me back in the 90s there used to be punjabi families living around our house and every weekend the men used to get together and have drinking parties. They used to rotate whose house these parties were held in. Me and the other kids always used to be present that these parties. Just lots of alcohol and lots of meat And old punjabi music! The local divorced punjabi slappers used to come around as well sometimes for glassy. Then the alcohol used to run out so one of the men used go to the local off licence to buy another 2 or 3 bottles I used to go to the off licence with them haha! I even knew the names of the bottles as a kid! Famous grouse whisky was quite a popular 1 lol I remember the man at the shop used to wrap the bottle in newspaper. Our neighbours bazurg used to get really drunk and then the men used to carry him to his house couple of houses down from ours i remember he once was so drunk he fell into the Bush LMAO we used call him papa Around 2003 everyone started moving areas and their kids grew up so thats when these parties started disappearing. Yh some interesting childhood memories there lol
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