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Everything posted by puzzled

  1. I think another kharku lehar will start in Punjab. Majha will probably be flooded with the army soon. Hindu raj is full of hankar and pap and it's only been around 75 years. Don't think they've got long though, lol.
  2. Got a question about showering before doing nitnem. Rather then having a shower can we just brush our teeth and wash our face, hands and feet instead? I normally get up between 5am-5:45am in the morning, but recently I've been waking up 4am-4:30am but I just go back to sleep again because its early, but Its keep on happening so I'm taking it as a sign that I should be getting up earlier! But problem is, in the past when I've got up at 4am everyone else starts complaining and moaning that I woke them up! everyone else gets up at 5am! My room is in the attic, and its on top of my mums room, sisters room and dads room, the floor is wood and they can hear me moving around! my shower is in the attic as well and its quite loud! when the water hits the plastic base it makes a lot of noise, so everyone wakes up. When I get up around 5am or after then its Ok coz everyone else is getting up as well, but when I get up around 4am, they get all grumpy. The last thing I want is everyone moaning that I woke them up! so whenever I wake up at 4am to do nitnem, rather than having a shower, can I just brush teeth and wash face, hands and feet instead! using the sink. It gets really awkward and all problematic in my house over small things ? and I want to avoid that, especially first thing in the morning.
  3. I emailed them and they replied saying they can't accept donations from abroad atm.
  4. Do tangled hair cause split ends? My hair naturally tangles a lot, so maybe that's why ...
  5. Yes pescetarians. I think in some cultures fish isn't considered meat. Samurai warriors didn't eat meat either. The ancient Chinese were vegetarians aswell. The gladiators mainly had plant based diet. Even in Islam according to the hadiths Muhammad only ate meat a few times a year and mainly had a vegetarian diet. This worldwide obsession and addiction to meat is quite recent and mainly because of Western countries.
  6. What do you do with split ends? Half my hair have split ends! My hairs not dry at all, I oil my hair around 2 times a week. How can you prevent split ends? It hasn't stopped my hair from growing though ...
  7. Yeah, most uncles aunties were shipped off to the West by their parents when they were only 16, 17 years old. And they found themselves in an alien country with a strange culture. Considering they came from large extended families and then found themselves being all alone in this country, and being sent away from their home when they were only 16 or 17 must have been very traumatic. But that don't explain why the same generation born in the UK are weird as well. A lot of them have a chip on their shoulder.
  8. Wow, have you been to the natural history museum London? They've got lots of fossils and skeletons. Imo that's where dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures should be, in a museum, not roaming the earth in the 21st century!
  9. A lot of Pubjabis who are aged around 45+ seem disturbed. Not just the ones born in India but the ones born here in the West as well. They're just odd. I don't know what it is. A lot of built up emotions, anger. Its like they're living in a cage. This then takes a toll on their kids. Which is just selfish.
  10. I can relate to that but in my case it's my dad! Its very damaging, and its not easy to accept that its messed your head up, but it really does mess your head up. I think it has a much bigger affect mentally than we actually realise. It moulds your personality and relationships with others.
  11. The average everyday White person is Ok, especially the ones under 40. My friend of nearly 20s years is White. I've lost count the number of times I've left my card in the atm or my phone on public transport, normally because I've got lots happening in my head, and many time it's been a White person who has come running after me with my card or phone! On the other hand there's plenty of ethnic people who would put it in their pockets instead. As cheesy as it sounds there's good and bad people in every race and culture. On the other hand the elite are corrupt.
  12. What do you think of this? more people in poor countries need to be self sustainable, in fact even us here in the West.
  13. Iol exactly. It could be a money making thing, creating a prehistoric park with Mammoths. I've only seen the first 3 Jurassic park movies, I loved those movies as a kid.
  14. Anyone who's been around a lot of Mirpuri people then you'll know that their culture is hyper sexual. I grew up with a lot of Mipuris around me, and when we were 10/11 year old boys they were already using very derogatory Punjabi words for genital and sexual stuff. As 10/11 year old boys one of the ways they would cuss each other was by commenting about the other guys grandmothers genitals. They would use the rude Punjabi world beginning with P and as a normal 10 year old boy I didn't know what it meant and I asked my mother what it meant. They was just 10/11 year old boys, so how did they know that language? They obviously learnt it from their parents! A Mirpuri Malik girl that I still talk to, I went to school with her, and when we were in school she told me her dad watches mujra and that his favourite song is "nach k@njari" she was laughing, she thought it was funny ... Hearing this kind of stuff from them was very normal. From all the different South Asian women, Mirpuri women the the worst. Their culture is very sexual. Northern Punjabis and Central Punjabis are very different. Pakistanis from central Punjab are quite open about being embarrassed by mirpuris, they call them junglees. If you've speak to Bangladeshis from the Dakka region they'll call the Bangladesis from the Sylet region junglees. Syleti Bengalis are like the Mirpuris.
  15. You do realize that Mirpur is a district? in the Potohar region, meaning Mirpuris can be Jatts, Maliks, Rajputs etc Saying the rapists are Mirpuri and Jatts is like saying they are Amritsari and jatts. One is a location and the other a background. They call their language/dialect Potohar/Potwadi Mirpuris hey have a hierarchy, the Maliks, Jatts, Rajputs, Rajas etc all claim to be higher than the other and compete for dominance. They are feudal people We've had a lot of houses broken into down our street and my dad went over to ask the Mipuri man who lives down the road asking him how he's going to protect his house, his response was "I'm a Jatt so I'll crack their head open with a cricket bat" If you've been around Mirpuris then you'll know that is quite a typical Mirpuri reply. A "funny" video about if Mirpuris had an airline. @2:20
  16. But that's the thing, they have the most powerful thing backing them, the media. But the media is just using them.
  17. As cool as this sounds, I kind of disagree with it... humans have started playing God. Reintroducing animals to countries that they once inhabited is good, but reintroducing an extinct prehistoric animal is just wrong imo ... What next? Bringing the dinosaurs back?
  18. lol yes. But I've seen some British born Singhs wear them like a gol dastar and carry it off quite well. But I would personally never wear a printed one lol. Other than black I do sometimes wear a dabian wala parna, black and white. In the old days in Pubjab they used to wear printed ones, I've seen black and white photos of relatives wearing printed paghs. It looked good on them, then again it was different time and different people and trends...
  19. I'm not very keen on printed paghs, though they do look good on some people. With me, Black is as exiting as it gets lol.
  20. Sorry bro I couldn't find it, I went through the photos today. I have some other photos from the exhibition though ...
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