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Everything posted by puzzled

  1. this woman sonam mahajan constantly tweets about sikhs too, iv noticed a lot of these hindutva poster girls popping up l8tly they create social media pages just to target non hindus in india her entire twitter page is about non hindus in india
  2. the hate that some of these people have for non hindus is the same level of hate some radical muslims have for non muslims, theres no difference
  3. i saw this on twitter. poor thing. Some singhs from up north are going to help him out and also teach him martial arts for free.
  4. Well some sections of the hindu community are not very happy about sikhs helping the muslims in delhi
  5. Lions are beautiful animals. I saw some in Dudley zoo they are huge! The tigers were even bigger. Its sad seeing these beautiful animals behind bars in cold damp countries like the uk. They should be wild and roaming free in their native lands.
  6. I thought these people didn't exist anymore i thought it was a dead sect!
  7. i saw this on tv about them it was a really gd show
  8. same here they too sat there without movement while they were being tortured, but they didnt feel anything detached body from soul. if i remember correctly this buddhist monk set himself on fire as a protest against the government that was carrying a genocide on his people.
  9. is that the gurdwara in southall ? buddhist have so much discipline i dont know how they do it! i guess its through meditation. theres videos of buddhist setting themselves on fire self immolation and not even moving! how the hell! like this really famous one hes just sat there quite while he is on fire!
  10. thank waheguru that there are many singhs who properly practice sikhi otherwise imagine that state of sikhi if people like katy sian, sunny hundal, city sikhs took over! if these people had it their way then they would bring interfaith marriages into the gurdware, probably get rid of the shastars "because they are violent" and invite Buddhist monks and yoga babe to do some yoga and mantras.
  11. these gora-fyed liberal westernized ones are the worst ones! iv always said that. i can't stand punjabis who behave like that they probably see us as primitive and i hate how these people self elect themselves to represent us and become a "voice" they would probably wipe the Queens chittar for her if given the opportunity they really would
  12. Not sure how many have seen this but its a old punjabi documentary about Nihang Singhs made in 1989.
  13. yh i was watching this monk trying to explain stuff to the bbc and he said something like its hard tell the point that we came to exist, because we are made up of genetics, chromosomes etc which have been passed down for centuries and even b4 that so if that is what we are made up of then how old are we really? also he said something like us eating food/plants which absorb the suns rays which then becomes part of us. the earth, sun everything is part of us
  14. who are city sikhs? just checked wikipedia and they say they are a "voice for progressive sikhs" do these people represent us? why do people self elect themselves to represent us and talk behalf of us? is that what they are doing?
  15. puzzled

    Beard curling

    Il buy argan oil, and you just leave it in your hair for a couple of hours and then just wash it out. Iv heard gd stuff about it. My mum put mustard oil in my hair and it stank so bad lol Do you know about indian stuff like brahmi oil and the other one I think is called bringraj and neem ? apparently they gd as well https://www.hollandandbarrett.com/shop/product/fushi-really-good-hair-oil-60038860?skuid=038860&utm_campaign=shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&gclsrc=aw.ds&&&gclid=CjwKCAiAnfjyBRBxEiwA-EECLKxy1YiaxsMKn0nCdYn4g8nSoSza6runzFol7UuuSGhrvQ9kqb6ecRoCRT4QAvD_BwE
  16. puzzled

    Beard curling

    Lol fixo is terrible. I use wax mostly but I hate using it. My hair is in a really bad condition. It's really dry feels like straw! Split ends everywhere. I put oil on every week but it's still really dry.
  17. Iv heard different things about him, like he was the first human to die and that depending on our good or bad actions he either appears as a saintly figure or really scary looking thing when he judges us.
  18. Who is dharamraj? What's his ithiaas? Why does he judge us? Why did Waheguru ji give dharamraj the duty of the judge? Is he a devta?
  19. puzzled

    Beard curling

  20. Vedas were passed down orally for centuries from the rishis who first received them through meditation, after being passed down orally for centuries then they were written down. A bit like Chinese whisper isnt it lol. !
  21. Yh traditionally they believe brahma came up with the vedas and preached while it was the rishis who wrote them down, documented them. Brahma is normally depicted holding the vedas in one of his hands
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