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Everything posted by puzzled

  1. What double standards? I asked him how he knows it was a muslim who did this. What's wrong with vegetarians? Countless sikhs are vegetarians, the shaheed singhs were vegetarians, bhagat kabir and baba deep singh were vegetarians, our ancestors were too, so was sant jarnail singh, are you going to call them names and discriminate against them too? Not all Hindus worship cows, in the south they butcher and eat them. Many just respect them for being a humble animal which provides them with milk, butter and other dairy products. Rajputs worship weapons and warrior deities so why not call hindus weapon/warrior worshippers?
  2. puzzled

    Gurdwara Designs

    Tarn taran sahib gurdwara is also very beautiful. I'm pretty sure it was built during the Sikh empire, it has that vibe, it doesn't have that gaudy modern gurdwra look. I still havnt been tarn taran sahib ? apart from the 2 domes at the front either side of the big dome in the center, the building appears pretty much the same
  3. puzzled

    Gurdwara Designs

    The only gurdwareh that get away with gold interiors, and look beautiful, are harmandir sahib and hazur sahib, because they were done by actual artists from the royal darbar of maharaja ranjit singh. All these other gurdwareh look really gaudy with their golden interiors. Whats sad is that when i went bangla sahib a few years back, i was shocked with the rows and rows of delhis homeless people sleeping with ripped blankets on the main road leading to bangla sahib and outside the gurdwara too. How can covering walls of a gurdwara with gold be a priority when there is so much poverty at your door step. Would guru harkrishan ji covered his house in gold or would he of used that wealth to feed the poor?
  4. What kind of language is that? Vegetarian Cow worshippers? That's the sort of language that Muslims use when talking about other religions, our gurus taught us better than that.
  5. Ok that's cool, even if you considered yourself a Hindu that wouldn't of bothered me, i was just curious. What made you interested in Sikhi? do you practice both Sikhi and the Brahmin way then ? I haven't met many brahmins but the few i have come across are strict about their religion. My mums close friend is a nepali brahmin and they are very religious. They have lots of rituals, sacred days, restrictions etc a few years back she took her son to nepal for the janeu thread ceremony, it was a really big event for her family.
  6. How do you know they were Muslims?
  7. Your right mental illness does go unnoticed, they have no idea what it is. In India you see a lot of disturbed and depressed people. The country is full of unhappy people who want to escape. If you have a family member who is addicted to alcohol, you can actually pay the police who will tie him up and beat him with canes till his limbs are broken, basically not cure the poor guy but drill fear into him. It happens a lot in rural Punjab, they think beating men with addictions cures their addiction. I actually feel mentally challenged when im in India. I really can see why the people are so depressed and unbalanced in that place ...
  8. Don't know much about it but Buddhists challenged the caste system, caste system was how the Brahmins ensvaled society and made their living, caste system sustained their power and kept them at the top of the food chain. Buddhists rejected the Vedas and questioned the authority of the Brahmins. Brahmins had no choice but to destroy Buddhism. I think this was around the time of the early Islamic invasions who also did a lot of destruction to Buddhistm in India. They destroyed the tree that Buddha sat under. Tbh it's brahminism which did all this and everything else. The Muslims and Brahmins worked hand in hand to enslave India, the Muslims did it politically while the Brahmins did it socially ...
  9. LOL jealous of what? I don't date or do that stuff out of my own choice, if I wanted to do all that then I would of started a long time back, it's not exactly a mission now is it.
  10. Why are all your posts about Muslims ?
  11. Shocking! look at what these apes did to that poor woman. They raped her while she was pleading with her attackers to consider the sanctity of the place. The irony! the masses in India believe Ganga to be pure/pavitar. One of the worst sinful acts committed in a place where people come to wash cleanse their sins, men have gone mad in that country, they behave worse than stray dogs. Women are not safe anywhere in that place! not safe in their homes, not safe in the villages or cities, not safe in religious places, where are women supposed to go then? what the hell is wrong with that country? why are the men like that? They are pigs not men https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6238733/Two-men-turns-rape-film-woman-Indias-sacred-River-Ganges.html
  12. Yeah my cousins side chick was well fit lol i was 11 when i saw her at my cousins wedding and she was in her 30s but damn did i find her hot hahah! as a 11 year old i would of done her haha! i still remember her wearing this royal blue sari and short shoulder length bleached hair lol and she was dancing too! he continued banging her after he got married which is obviously wrong though ... his wife, which was a love marriage, used to drive to his work place just to see if the paki was there.
  13. You need to admit to your husband what your doing. It's not fair on him, he deserves to know, stop lying to him and tell him the truth. He probably is a good man. Stop hiding stuff from him. Your just using the black magic bs to cover your own wrong doings. It's not the black magic which made you sh@g your cousin it's you who wanted to sh@g him so you did it. Stop making excuses up and own up to what your doing
  14. I had a atheist almost anti sikh phase when I was around 12 13 years old too then i had a angry anti hindu khalistani phase and then I lost interest in religion at 16 17 lol teenage years can be very confusing. I started developing a interest in proper sikhi at around 18 years old by searching online. Its around the age of 22 that i actually started getting involved in sikhi It's just a part of growing up I guess
  15. Yeah my married cousins side chick was a paki lol she was even present at his wedding lol my mum's friend a punjabi lady, her husband was cheating on her with a paki slapper. My friend told me how he knows a apna who was banging a paki girl while she had a copy of the quran on the bed as well! He got annoyed and tossed it on to the floor and then continued banging her haha! I could go on but it's nothing to be proud of lol
  16. The has crossed my mind lol kids are nothing but a disappointment. In my family, neighbours , people around me, everyone is fed up of their kids . I do question myself if I do want kids. It's actually scary.
  17. Only waheguru decides that. But what your doing is very wrong. Your sleeping with your cousin brother while your married to another man.
  18. Should of posted this on gupt section, would be interesting to see what sikh females think of this as the woman in the video is putting some major accusations against them lol She looks and sounds like a mipuri tart herself tbh
  19. Here is a Egyptian depiction of the afterlife with a person getting his heart weighed on a scale by Anubis, the god of death. This painting dates back to 1275 BC way before Christianity.
  20. what we call kalyug is basically what they call satan. They believe satan distracts people from god by luring people with wealth, pleasures etc. satan tried luring jesus in the garden but jesus stomped on satans head. we believe in this age of kalyug people will be distracted my materialistic things and pleasures. difference is whenever they struggle or go wrong they blame satan, while a Sikh is told to take his own responsibility ... Also if you believe in the janam sakhis, then kalyug personified itself in a disgusting demonic form before Guru Nanak ji while holding his tongue in one hand and his private parts in the other, he introduced himself as kalyug and said that this is his age. When guru ji asked him why he has taken on this demonic form, kalyug replied by saying that in his age (kalyug) he will cause man to become lustful and commit sexual sins, and develop a taste for worldly things, which if you take a good look around it is very much true lol this is no different to what Christians believe satan does we believe jamdoots or messengers of death punish you
  21. ਸਤਸਿੰਗ ਜਾਇ ਕਰ ਚਿੱਤ ਡੁਲਾਵੈ ॥ Satsiṅg jāi kar citt ḍulāvai ॥ The one who participates in the true-congregation half-heartedly ਭਾਈ ਨੰਦ ਲਾਲ ਜੀ : ਤਨਖ਼ਾਹ ਨਾਮਾ ਪੰ. ੧੩ ਈਹਾਂ ਉੁਹਾਂ ਠੋਰ ਨਾ ਪਾਵੈ ॥ (੪) Īhān uhān ṭhōr nā pāvai ॥ (4) Will find shelter nowhere.(4) ਭਾਈ ਨੰਦ ਲਾਲ ਜੀ : ਤਨਖ਼ਾਹ ਨਾਮਾ ਪੰ. ੧੪ ਹਰਿ ਜਸ ਸੁਣਤੇ ਬਾਤ ਚਲਾਵੈ ॥ Hari jas suṇtē bāt chalāvai ॥ While listening to the celestial glories, (one who) starts idle-talks, ਭਾਈ ਨੰਦ ਲਾਲ ਜੀ : ਤਨਖ਼ਾਹ ਨਾਮਾ ਪੰ. ੧੫ ਕਹੇ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਸਿੰਘ ਵੋਹ ਜਮ ਪੁਰ ਜਾਵੇ (੫) Kahē gōbind siṅgh vōh jam pur jāvē (5) Says Gobind Singh, goes to the hell.(5) ਭਾਈ ਨੰਦ ਲਾਲ ਜੀ : ਤਨਖ਼ਾਹ ਨਾਮਾ ਪੰ. ੧੬
  22. Concept of a place where one is punished for wrong doings even exists in Hinduism, naraka, long before it was mentioned in Christianity. It's not just a abrahamic concept even Buddhism mentions it. Ancient egyptions even believed in concept of a place of punishment and reward in the after life. The tombs of egyptions have paintings depicting the after life with their heart being weighed on a scale. This is a very old belief. Sikhi also mentions a place of suffering and punishment in the next life
  23. Why no divorce allowed in sikhi ? what if your partner cheats on you or treats you like crap. What if they convert to another religion?
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