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Everything posted by Sat1

  1. I’ve been friends with women earning over 100k a year who say that they’d marry a man on a way lower salary so that’s not true.
  2. Who said feminists see men as an atm. House duties need to be done, whether by men or women.
  3. Good to see a mother looking to instill good values in her child. This is really needed.
  4. ?? I thought you were all serious
  5. Sat1


    Lovely. In the midst of negative Karams, we can practice Truth and the light shines forth. It’s Kalyug atm and an all out strike against maya is needed, the more detachment and truth practice, the more light.
  6. It’s not crazy. The Universe is all interconnected, we are One. Nothing is a coincidence,
  7. ? Tradition of physical abuse of a vulnerable being? Are you a human being?
  8. When you start the Bhagti path, a lot of tests come to show you your attachments and which Thieves affect you. In your dream, take control and do naam simran. I had dreams before of literal demons. And I sat and did naam simran and was fine. We have no idea how powerful naam/ truth is. Your thieves are magnified if you’re not watching and working on yourself. So take care, read gurbani and apply it to your life. Relax, be in sehaj and at peace, don’t fall for the rubbish of maya and Kalyug. It’s just rubbish, complication and negativity and sends you deep into a dark well of desire. Not worth it at all, it’s just an illusion.
  9. The Gurus all carried the same Jyot. They all recognized that they were and still Are One. We are too but we don’t realise it.
  10. Race doesn’t matter, Sikhs are all different colors and doesn’t matter what race u are. It’s weird, I was telling someone yesterday about Guru Nanak going to Mecca. He went seeing Arabic people there as brothers and sisters, no different to people where he came from. Just seeing them as Humans. The issue today is that racism is rife.. skin colour doesn’t matter, we are all Human and all Equal.
  11. Read gurbani and understand the meanings. Then apply them to your life, ie truthful living.
  12. Lol. They need it, so many struggling out there.. we’ve all seen it even just In India. We living in western countries are so fortunate.
  13. We dictate our own lives, your husbands choice to treat you badly is his choice and yours has been to stay with him thus far. Why don’t you speak to a therapist about it?
  14. Sat1

    Advise me plz

    You need to speak to a therapist. If you are in the UK, there is a free service called the IAPT service, try that. Or google organizations that help women in trouble or deal with domestic disputes. Seek out support, maybe citizens advice bureau.
  15. I wish we could do this in africa, other third world countries where people are literally starving. Would be amazing
  16. Yoga for excercise, health benefits. Exercise is also good for the mind. Gurbani is saying don’t use yoga to achieve liberation. But you don’t seem to know exactly what yoga is. Gurbani is the gyan, the Gyan is the Guru, the teacher. We read it and apply it to our lives in remembrance, in Action. In this age, naam, ie, the Gyan, the simran, Truth in action gets us across the burning world ocean. I never said use yoga as a form of liberation. Read the gyan and apply it. But by all means, use yoga as excercise, it doesn’t prohibit that. Gurbani teaches us to practice Truth in action, ie our daily lives. Not sit in on a mountain doing yoga all day as a hermit etc. But yoga for excercise an hour or so a day is totally fine.
  17. Yoga is excellent for health, it is a science. It is one of the most severely underrated exercises and is good for a humans mental and physical health. I’m not saying use it for enlightenment or the like, it’s good for excercise and helps with anxiety, phobias, ptsd and other mental disorders.
  18. How do you know he did that. The Hindu texts are thousands of years old.. do you not think they’ve been twisted and changed over time? The narration of his own previous Janam wasn’t made up, so why would he have made up the rest.
  19. The gods and goddesses are real, many have their own seva, different tasks helping the universe run. Their stories teach us of how and how not to be. We learn from others, including humans.
  20. Take care of your body mind and spirit, ie work, excercise and meditate. Take up a hobby, your family can’t stop you from having one. You just need to surround yourself with positive person and be a positive person yourself. Love yourself, build your self confidence. See a therapist if you need to. Date, don’t just marry someone you don’t know... get to know people before marriage and see if this person will respect you, love you, cherish you..if they’re a good person. Life is short..seize it, embrace and enjoy it. Go running, yoga, weights etc and meet good souls.
  21. Tell her try from 12.30am onwards, a powerful time. Do it for around 2.5 hours or however long, and go deep into the samadhi. She’ll knock out while doing simran once she’s gone deep into it.
  22. Sat1

    Erasing sins

    You’ll be fine. You’ll probably pay off the karmas for misdeeds you committed, eating meat not included as that’s okay, good for health and if you workout which you should be doing.. respect the body. God is all forgiving, we are led astray from the path and led back to it. Ultimately we dictate our own lives and you’ve chosen to walk the path again. External appearance doesn’t matter, stay pure internally recognizing God to be everyone everything everywhere, love everyone and everything as Him in Norboah and Nirviar and have no enmity for anyone. You will learn to forgive others as you are constantly forgiven and you need to forgive yourself, we all mess up and no one is perfect. Take care of your body mind and soul, ie work, exercise, mediate. And live everyday life, don’t dwell on the spirit world, Darshan etc. Be confident, happy and life a good life beyond the five thieves. Be good to others and yourself.
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