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Singh375 last won the day on December 14 2022

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    Sikhi, Philosophy, Gatka

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  1. Guest Anmol ji, please don't feel upset. You are very young, your whole lifetime is ahead of you. It's normal and part of life we will go through different emotions. Nothing is wrong on your part, you are trying your best and this is known by Guru Sahib Ji. Stay positive and keep going
  2. Singh375


    Any amount of bandgi we could ever do is no more significant than a young child running up to their parent at the end of school to show the painting they made. The painting is a few brush marks, nothing special. But still the parent praises their child and proudly hangs the painting on the fridge at home. Why? Because the painting was made with genuine love and innocence, even the child wanting to show their parent what they made was out of love. There was no ego of wanting to show themself to be the best artist. A mahapurkh did bachan that the ultimate aim of human life is not reaching sachkhand. The ultimate aim is to achieve union of our Surat with Gur-Shabad. Like a person stuck down a hole thinking their aim is to reach the top. Yes and no. Yes that is the goal, but setting that goal does not actually get them out. Their job is to grab hold tightly of the rope thrown down to them and not let go. Pulling them to the top is the job of the person who came to rescue them. While sachkhand is where we dream to go, the thing is, that place is so great beyond all comprehension or imagination. If we apply our logic of how to reach there we will definitely fall short and not make it. Your best guess of sachkhand won't even be 0.00000001% of how majestic or anand it actually is, for that's the place where all souls of the true bhagat, bhramgiani, sants even God himself reside. Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj came to help us in kalyug by giving Shabad di daat. Our only real hope is to attach completely our Surat with the Gur-Shabad. There should be deep emotion, surrender and trust. It's the surrender of our Surat unto that Gur-Shabad which results in the soul embarking on Surat Di Yatra back home to sachkhand. Gur-Shabad is ALIVE. It's magnetized in qualities of the Satguru. Ocean of compassion, unconditional love, destroyer of pain, everlasting peace, liberator of reincarnation and so much more. We just have to lose ourself in anand of meditating on the Gur-Shabad, the rest is his kirpa
  3. Hey bro, by Vaheguru ji kirpa you are doing incredibly well. You received Amrit at young age, and from Sri Anandpur Sahib, wow that’s awesome! Amrit doesn’t ‘break’. All young people are the same, kaam is strong at that age. As for feeling down, honestly every person in this world is miserable and down. Life is harsh and unpredictable. Death doesn’t always come in old age it can come at any time. Daas is not from any Sikhi background at all. My younger brother passed when I was 9, that’s what started spiritual curiosity. Religion is a game, spiritually is something different. Maybe life has to be unduly cruel to show you deeper things. The purpose of human life was to merge back with Vaheguru. Kulyug, maya, 5 vikaar are absolute snakes which wrapped themselves around people to distract them of that purpose. Bro Vaheguru expressed his love towards you by arranging you meet Satguru ji. Now you gotta take strength and fight. Your strength will come from gurbani, sangat, seva, simran, keertan, katha. Sikhi history will give strength too. Guru Sahib Ji loves you so much, he sacrificed his chaar sahibzade for YOU. Focus on your relationship with Guru Sahib Ji. Love him back and trust him.
  4. Singh375

    Amrit sachar UK

    Image upload worked Let's see if links work too... (edit - it didn't )
  5. Singh375

    Amrit sachar UK

    Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh There's 3 upcoming Saturday 12 November (1pm) - Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Smethwick B66 3AP Saturday 19 November (9am) - Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Slough SL2 5SS Saturday 19 November (2pm) - Sri Guru Tegh Bhadur Gurdwara - Leicester LE5 4QB Posters attached to next reply, if admins click approve
  6. My love for you is so strong @lostguyji, always
  7. Doesn’t this just create extra and annoying workload for admins? i think it would be better to allow un-moderated posts and just take down inappropriate posts as required @S1nghji
  8. A few days ago daas read a thread about ridhi sidhi and there was a beautiful reply by dearest Veer Harsharan Ji where he referred to these beings as being reservoirs of Vaheguru ji's power. It's a great way to describe it. You can see the full reply here https://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/77749-ridhi-sidhi-what-actually-happened/&do=findComment&comment=641262
  9. So cool to know, thanks! It’s a really beautiful recording
  10. Please avoid this, you’ll bump into judgemental types who push you away from Sikhi. Hanji go to the gurdwara and pray in front of Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, that Guru Sahib ji please help me. Understand this much, your soul won’t find peace anywhere else. There is no other than Satguru ji who can liberate your soul. Then take a seat in the sangat and reflect. Forget the situation for a moment. Vaheguru ji made his decision he would like to pull you back to him forever and for this purpose he arranged you have this mortal body and meet Satguru ji. It’s never too late, don’t feel bad about anything. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji are the living guru. Daas would advise to start a sahej paath, where you read the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It’s fine to use an app on your phone or online. Start with read 1 ang per day, but read translation too. This establishes your continuous daily conversation with Guru Sahib Ji. It will make a huge difference to your life. Personal experience daas would even call it magic. Whatever question or problems I have always seems to if by magic those answers come up in sahej paath. Then Mool Mantar, simran, seva, read history of Sikhi etc. @SikhInTheMakingji can give you practical tips because he got through this, just like you will too The punishment for drinking alcohol is molten metal poured down your throat in afterlife. Not to mention other hells your soul passes through. Why you want to drink that poison for? Make a RULE. If alcohol comes into your hand, without thinking pour it down the sink immediately! The best thing you could drink as a mortal on earth is beautiful and sweet Khande di phaul prepared by Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji. Guru sahib ji tells us Singh panchan main hamro vasa. Work towards taking amrit di daat.
  11. Singh375

    Amrit sachar UK

    Sunday 11 Sep - Smethwick Sunday 25 Sep - Wolverhampton Sat 22 Oct - Southall (park avenue) Posters attached
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