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Everything posted by ChardikalaUK

  1. Languages and societies evolve all of the time. You can't expect Punjab to be the same place it was back in the 1960s - 1980s.
  2. If that ever happens Sikhs will easily be a minority in Punjab. Jatts are 60% of our population I believe.
  3. Paet of the allure of drugs is that it is forbidden and exotic. Magic mushrooms grow in the UK yet very few locals eat them.
  4. We are no different to Bhaiyas. They leave UP/Bihar for a better life and we move to western countries.
  5. Whilst singing songs about so called Rangla Punjab. It's a failed culture.
  6. Pretty much every mixed race Sikh boy that I've seen raised wearing a guti ends up cutting their hair.
  7. You've got to be crazy for considering marrying a South American catholic. If you are going to get a mail order bride go east whether that is India or further east.
  8. We are a dying community. Mass migration from out of Punjab and low birth rates will end us. I can see us being like Parsis one day.
  9. We're a minority in virtually every city in Punjab apart from Anandpur Sahib, always have been. Jalandhar and Ludhiana have a massive Hindu majority. My Grandparents from my Dad's side had 11 Grandchildren, 8 of us are outside of India, even 2 of the 3 left want to move, just the loser cousin who wants to stay. That's the mentality over there. It's a mass exodus.
  10. Yes it is stupidity of the highest order. I don't think most rural Sikhs in India realise that we're only a slight majority in Punjab.
  11. Opiates are the one drugs you do not want to mess with. They completely ruined China and turned them into a third world country for a century. Any neighbourhood with hard drugs users tends to be a violent hell hole.
  12. When it comes to figures they would be grouped with other Sikhs so it wouldn't show up prevalently in government statistics. On the other cousin marriage is prevalent in almost all Muslim groups.
  13. Well if you want to relive taking opium and cannabis go back to Punjab. We've seen what a great impact opium is having there these days. Grow up and try to move out of your parents house before you're 50.
  14. You come across as someone who was bullied by jatts, Mr Hardman fraam fackin East Landan. If you go back far enough some of our ancestors walked around naked. The fact is drug dealing is illegal and in general ruins societies. I think every country should follow the Singapore model in terms of zero tolerance towards drugs.
  15. I'm not even jatt, I just find your constant bashing of them pathetic, as if other castes in Punjab don't do the same things. Yes I've heard about the wife sharing they did back in the day but that is long gone.
  16. Yes, their inbreeding also makes more of them related to each other, further strengthening their ties. But as with sulley and any other group that practices inbreeding they are heavily represented when it comes to serious birthing defects.
  17. So you condone drug dealing and people smuggling. What a piece of work you are. Not to mention 90% of your posts are on bhangra and jatts. These criminals are scumbags.
  18. Their incest disgusts me. I find them half way between us and sulley in their outlook on life.
  19. Not surprised. The Afghan Sikhs are far richer than your average Punjabi/Gujarati shop owner from the 70s-90s were. Now we know where that extra cash is coming from. They buy houses in expensive parts of Southall/Hounslow and cars in cash. A lot of their shops are involved in the drugs business. All while keeping Sikhi saroop.
  20. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/04/24/channel-migrants-small-boats-albanians-indians-smugglers/ Apne have now overtaken Albanians on illegal boats coming from France.
  21. Well it could be worse, they could be wearing saris, exposing rolls upon rolls of back fat!
  22. In theory we may consider them equal but are they treated so? Punjab has one of the worst levels of female foetocide in India. Gianis are all men, in the west the Katha and Kirtan are all done on the men's side of the gurdwara, the committee members are all men. There has never been a female chief minister in Punjab or the head of a political party. Having some historical female warriors like Mai Bhago, Joan of Arc, Boudica does not tell you anything about the attributes of the wider female population of a group. Sikh women in India are very feminine. It is in the west where women and men are seen as more equals and that is where Sikh women have picked up some masculine behaviours such as focusing on their careers and getting married later.
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