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Son of Guru Gobind Singh Ji

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  1. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh, where did you go Singh? I remember talking to you on the older forums. I think you came to Dakota Gurdwara as well once.

  2. Satgur Meraa Sadaa Sadaa Naa Aaave Naa Jaaey
  3. vaaheguru ji ka khalsa vaaheguru ji ki fateh SaintSoldiers.COM has been doing Panthik Seva in UK for probably over 5-6 years. Saintsoldiers.net really haven't had many updates so what's a point site which has been the same for the last year or so? Besides a couple of videos I don't see anything new. Now please dont' this as an offense, but rather as an encouragement. Please start working on your site and add more stuff, if you can. The site saintsoldiers.net serves the same purpose which saintsoldiers.com will and has been. If your aims are the same, why put the other side down? You should be encouraging more Panthik sites. If Waheguroo! Network had ego behind lauching new sites, I think same could be said about many different sites which are linked to this site. What was the need of starting sikhsangat.com when there was already sikhnet.com, akj.org, ikonkar.com? Forums have been around for so long, so why was Sikhsangat.com launched a couple of years ago? Why sikhionline.com when there was already photos.waheguroo.com? Why Saintsoldiers when there was PanthKhalsa.org? Why sikhivideos.com when there was www.khalsa.tv? Pyareeo, if everyone had the same approach as you, I think we would be stuck with sikhnet.com, akj.org and panthkhalsa.org, as these three are probably the oldest sites on the net. Hopefully my message doesn't get deleted like yesterday. I dont' see why the new admins can be so much against forum members who are only giving suggestions? vaaheguru ji ka khalsa vaaheguru ji ki fateh
  4. but sadly I can't find that group address anymore :umm: It's probably deleted.. but oh well.. here's one of Baba Isher Singh Ji.
  5. got this from Bh. Balpreet Singh Ji's group on MSN photos
  6. I think ksinghni used the word necessary to ask why DO YOU want to get tatoos of Gurbani in the the first place when you have other options? If you want to go against the wishes of Guru Sahib, go ahead that's ur own personal choice, but why is that you want to abuse Guru Sahib by using his own Bani as a tatoo? Isn't it just like saying: "Guru Sahib has asked us to not drink alcohol, but I'll show him by drinking right inside the Gurdwara Sahib"?
  7. I thought that the Punj Kakaars do a very good job of that.
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