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Everything posted by Kaurr

  1. Is it that addictive? What happens if you dont drink it for a while? Ive never really been a soft/energy drink drinker. I only drink a few cups (all at once) after a month or two. Probably because I'm a pretty healthy person. I perfer a cup of light Chaa.
  2. I saw on youtube this video a few weeks ago where this guy's dad got taken buy a bunch of medical guys cause apparently he had corona. Then gave them the old guys dead body. Said that do saskar and dont remove the coverings. Son got suspicious cause the height of the body was too small and the guy was apparently over 6ft. Removed the coverings and found out there was an old lady! Now the son wants to know if his dad is alive or not
  3. I come from an amridhari family as well thats very religious and respected and if I were in your position, my parents wouldve kicked me out the house, I would have become homeless, none of my family members would talk to me and my parents would have lost all their respect. I know you feel like this mona guy is your soul mate and so on but youve got to realise that your not going to be on this earth forever. What actions are going to benefit you after you die? Also, you should be thanking got that you were born into a very religous amritdhari family. Do you have any idea how many unborn spirits want to be in your position? Being born in an amridhari family is one of the greatest gifts ever, dont mess it up. And for that bf you have, you will meet many like him. You can go live with you bf and do whatever, its up to you- but dont go back to your parents whilst still thinking of you bf 24/7 Also, you shoudnt have been intimate in the first place no matter what, you can think that you're gonna spend the rest of your life with someone- but your actually not. Dont let these feelings make you do the wrong thing
  4. im not really that sure but im assuming that he means is that the past present and future are the same, its only our stubborn minds that make believe- its all an illusion, Im not really sure tho
  5. oof but at 1:50 that is a good way to wash the dishes
  6. yh, if this sa called gay anand karaj happens then dont be suprised to see a bunch of kusre wanting their own 'anand karaj' as well. And then in a couple of generations down god knows what other 'anand karaj' will happen.............
  7. Kaurr


    Bro whose been downvoting ALL MY POSTS HAVE YOU GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO???????
  8. is it just me or does someone predict after a massive war there will be khalsa raj- and is it normal to be exited for that war?
  9. of course they are, cause this is the 21st century where theres freedom of speech as long as its no 'hate'. sikhs are allowed to have gay marriges and are allowed to do bujjar kurehats and can do whatever the f they want cause religion has no importance anymore **Edit** Im being sarcastic
  10. cause thats what muslims do they want to prove to everyone that theyre superior even though in the inside theyre actually empty
  11. dont know what is wrong with this muslims all they want to do these days is convert everything to a mosque mate, arent there already a thousand mosques around that area? why do you need more? messed up people
  12. Kaurr


    probably some hindu nationalist
  13. lol. so much for pakistan being an islamic country
  14. Women arent supposed to be in panj pyare. I heard in this katha that women have a role of giving birth physically and men have a role of giving birth spiritually. Thats like saying 'we need more men giving physical birth'
  15. theyre probably gonna try make punjab even smaller but it shouldnt come by suprise that the sikh population is decreasing in punjab, all the sikhs are going to western countries cause of no jobs or theyre all converting so they can support themselves financially.
  16. Honestly, god help him. But he needs as much support as he can get. About time people see the sh1t indian gov does
  17. Is it normal to feel the presence of spirits around you. Eg, someone might tell me some ghost stuff that happen in the past and then for the rest of the day whenever I'm alone I feel something where I am. I might be about to go to sleep and I sence things around me. Does this happen to a lot of people, or is it just me?
  18. Instead if wishing bad on someone, wish that your manager could be a better person. Or you can leave your job and report him
  19. Kaurr


    Probably not, cause it is for medical reasons
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