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Everything posted by proudkaur21

  1. They just start doing bhangra anywhere..... whyyyyyyyyyy
  2. How does this nonsense help punjab and our homeland in any ways??
  3. Why do they do their hair cuts like this ? They look like clowns. "Expert jatt" lol this is culture for these people. And people think this culture is something to be proud of. Punjabi culture is clownery.
  4. The free time during covid made me realize how tacky the punjabi songs are. Like it was like a realization hit me that I was listening to such nonsense filth and seeing people dance like maniacs to them and enjoying it. I cannot enjoy punjabi dance or songs anymore.
  5. saw it on twitter. Think they are Kenyan Sikhs from their turban style? Like i said apne revel in degeneracy. They feel pride in being degenerate to show off how modern they are. Any high value person will look at these people as jokers. Only someone with no brains can enjoy people acting like this. Since the past few decades Sikh men have become very lax. I remember when daughters would be afraid of their Sikh fathers and now....
  6. Many bad things happen in the Pakistani industry too but I've noticed they keep it on the low unlike our people who feel pride in being degenerate as it shows how modern they are and not backward traditional "savages".
  7. Does anyone listen to punjabi songs or watch punjabi movies anymore after covid? I think the last time I heard a punjabi song was like 3 years ago on a radio lol. Do they still have any audience?
  8. Lol facts if you have to remove all your clothes to be relevant then you really arent attractive. They know this quite well.
  9. These people who go in the entertainment industry love the filth. We all know what goes on in that industry.
  10. But there should be additional original birs right? Baba deep singh ji also composed many birs. Do we have atleast even one of the original from the guru's time or no? Isnt one of the original birs in the British museum as well? Having the original bir is the most important thing.
  11. They will say the companions had special powers and so could not forget a single word lol.
  12. I take whatever khushwant singh says with a grain of salt. Also was he not an atheist?
  13. India will have a 42 trillion$ economy? Everyone and their mother is trying to leave India and run to Canada as it is easiest to immigrate here. And im not talking about Punjabis I'm talking about Indians from other parts of India. Literally families moving here to Canada and I keep hearing India is doing this and that. I'm taking about rich families moving not even the unemployed masses.
  14. Also wasnt the Quran written many years after their prophet's death? I dont know if I'm wrong but they say it was memorized by some of their people and passed on through oral traditions or something. I could be wrong though.
  15. But doesnt reformation confirm christianity is false. I mean if a religion needs to be reformed then how come it is the truth lol.
  16. Funny thing is whenever the prophet wanted to do something he would claim it was divine revelation from god lol for example marrying his adopted son's wife.
  17. Isnt that a good thing for non muslims lol?
  18. Well 2000 years of constant invasions can be partly blamed for that. The sikh kingdom was running just fine. Literacy rate was high. People were encouraged to learn various languages and subjects. Many sikhs were well versed in multiple languages. Maharaja ranjit singh developed good relations with foreign groups. You should read more about our kingdom and how things were done .There has been a systematic dumbing down of our people since our fall just like what is happening in the west now. Sikhi teaches you discipline. Most punjabis are undisciplined and love chaos. Now whose fault is this? You should understand that west had the time to industrialize and correct their errors whereas we gained independence(not really us sikhs but south asia in general) and then had to rapidly industrialize without much considerations post 1947 which is why you see all this chaos. The Indians wanted Industry but didnt think further than that which is why you see all the major rivers polluted and no care for environment. You think europe was always clean and never had chaos? Alot of people on this forum seem to suffer from self hate. Add onto this the caste system and the oppression suffered by a large group of people in the subcontinent for centuries being devoid of education , proper nutrition and what not. There are multiple factors as to why things are the way they are. The people in the subcontinent have a mentality of subjugation and slavery. They accept their bad conditions instead of revolting against the norm. This is also why they hate when Sikhs revolt against the state for our rights. For 1000 years they have been taught subjugation and think that is the right way. They accept the bad conditions instead of fighting against it.
  19. Lmaoooo sometimes arabs are their ancestors and sometimes Turks. Now both arabs and Turks have kicked them to the curb???
  20. I was thinking the same thing. I think if they have family then the debt is their responsibility now.
  21. How so? All abrahamic religions are equally bad. Christianity has done same things as Islam and also continue to target sikhs.
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