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Everything posted by KFI

  1. yeah a test, but its stupid that ppl think akal purkh will help us or try to break our rehit? some ppl think , oh dont be smart! waheguru sent the pig so you can eat it and be saved, like c'mon and trust me, if you care about your rehit, religion, etc you will walk for days without food till you pass out or find something. One will not walk for awhile get tired and say ok ill eat the food. a true person will walk and try to find something, then unknowingly he/she will go unconcious and be found/saved later somehow or die i guess. One will not walk for awhile get tired and say ok ill eat the food in this line i meant food = pig not real food.. the edit button isnt working
  2. In Sri Guru Granth Sahib it says the creator provides and cares for its creation. thus, something will happen that will save the human especially if lots of ardas has been done. The individual will walk or find transporation further than those "hundred miles" with no food until he gets food. In gurbani it is also stated, he who has waheguru in his mind, what should he worry about? sorry i dont have exact tuks but Sri Guru Granth Sahib says this.
  3. KFI

    I'm Scared..

    heera singh: "if u live in toronto let me know i can help you out" haha vadha sevadar
  4. KFI


  5. KFI

    Erm..read Pleasee..

    we know its her not her friends, i mean c'mon! alsoooo i tink ur 2 yung to tink bou dis stufffffff
  6. KFI


    therees a few, i like "Defenders" which is on khalsaforce.net
  7. KFI

    Facial Hair & Pants

    Well i dont think a Amrit dhari should wear long skirts even i dont get it, is there nothing to waer that you have to go to such things? someone with a dastar wearing a long skirt i think will look stupid anyhow, even without dastar , long skirts is for ppl who cant wear short skirts, thus tend to go to the long ones, so what's the big beauty impression you're trying to get when people know you cant wear short ones and you resort to long ones? why not just..., NOT wear them at all?
  8. and i would say punjabi's are really hopeless at pronouncing some english names... this thread is a disgrace to "white" sikhs/non sikhs. I'm going to request this thread be closed. reported. hahaahha funniest post ever its not a disgrace, lets talk about how indians pronoucne gore names? that would be funny aswell! notice the section its to have fun and make jokes, some ppl may find jokes offensive, etc then dont open this thread u dont have to ruin it for everyone
  9. Wow lets see how much support this gets, when i said the same thing on the thread to a girl who was victimized i get blased for "all talk no action"
  10. I dont even get what you said and what you're trying to ask? Opinions about young people not following sikhism? that's a problem as we all know, but we cant do anything except just do more camps, etc this has been discussed millions of times i suggest you try searching. I think it is mainly guys who show disrespect...they only go to the Gurudwara whenever they feel like going Don't we "feel" like going to the gurdwara before we actually go? or do we say aww man i dont wanna go but i have to ? i dont get it Lastly, it's a concern for most of the people, but people who actually care are actually doing something and increasing awareness and doing parchar. All we can do is do ardaas so people can go on the right path.
  11. this thread was pointless People come with their little views and make a little thread about it and discourage others Why do we need to prove ourselves and think we know more worldly knowledge than another? People disrespects shaheeds and their motives and talk <banned word filter activated> online because they know nothing is going to happen to them, Any one here cannot say 1/10000th of things they said infront of a group of khalistani's because theyll get so mad and maybe leave you a inch from death Discussion is different, stating is different, and arguging is different Next time we should pose our views as a question, so people dont think you are sending a message to 50000 people on what your saying "I think we wont get khalistan because of 1)2)3)." then "We can conquer those problems by 1)2)3)" becuase "1)2)3)...etc" No, We have "THIS IS WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN AND THATS FINAL" "someone proves you wrong" We all need to stop thinking we're some smartasses who know too much. My views KHALISTAN ZINDABAD KHALISTAN ZINDABAD BULEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SONNNNNNNN HALLLLLL SATTT SRIIIIIIIIIII AKALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL "We will get khalistan with guru's help, guru ji himself will provide us with weapons" - ISYF The class of khalistan has gotten very big, many people have graduated and many more will graduate soon, people in smaller classes are failing and need to also join the khalistan class so they can too, one day graduate.
  12. KFI

    Taking Amrit

    WJKK WJKF I didnt read the above But, The punj pyare jeevan was already written in a such destiny guru ji chose the perfect 5, and they did not knw and they did not need to think as guru ji had thought for the 5 pyare already. Guru ji chose those who were already chosen by Guru himself WJKK WJKF
  13. Yeah, but free always isnt the same worth as pay. I'd choose ms word over openoffice anyday. They both have their ups and downs, but try each one for a few weeks and you can tell for yourselves. If we're using linux, and other open source, yes, using linux you'd be already hating windows, so you'd use opensource like openoffice, and all the other opensource, but openoffice, etc is good to do basic things, other than that word and the rest just overtake openoffice anyday.
  14. KFI


    Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh What bibi ji said above post is correct, but that is the core and essentials of a sikh, we all do that, once everyone obtains that level, they eventually move on onto political issues and khalistan, etc... Look at various jathas like Babbar khalsa, etc also, although they were babbars they didnnt say ur not a babar get lost. No, they had different views, and although some people didnt agree to their views, that doesnt mean their bad sikhs, We say we need to be all one ,etc. We are one, we need to put differences aside, Differences we see in people is what sets us apart and makes us think were not one. Jathas is not a bad thing, We need to look into these things more carefully and see what we're getting from this. My friend told me about platoons, battalions, etc in armies, they are divided and seperated but their initial goal is the same. In today's society and world, a few people that have similar views become known with a different name (obvious) thus, you will get "jathas, groups" etc created. For example Many people are khalistanis, while some are not. Khalistan supporting people become known as "khalistanis" So are we saying that's not right? there shouldnt be ppl that believe in khalistan? Same way, lets say there is a jatha that believes we should fight for hakh, we should fight for people supressing religion, etc we should fight for human rights for panth etc. However, some say we should remain silent, we should not take arms, we should not do it in an aggressive manner. We have two different views. Jathas are made such as battalions are in armies, they are branches off a tree, yes they have different values, that is apart of human nature, but if we are stict about our rehit and sikhism, even being apart of a Jatha will not take us down. Please dont speak of jathas like that, if yuo look around many big groups and jathas help sikhism evolve, and many jathebandis helped wake up sikh youth. The bad thing is Castes, which is different from Jathas Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh
  15. KFI


    just do nitnem then everything will be good
  16. i feel this whole topic is disrespect for khalistani shaheeds
  17. KFI

    My Gf Is Pregnant

    You made a huge mistake. Now, keep the baby or else you'll make a mistake equal or even more worse then current one
  18. I had a chance to go one day.. Gurughar was packed with sangat, just amazing.
  19. KFI

    Translation Please!

    ^ thats what it means literally but to expand on that a little bit , it means its the fauj/army that follows gurus teachings and stands up for justice, and helps people, which renders them the ultimate army
  20. Nice post. First you diss everyone, then you talk about how Some people might help, So you think no one is going ot help but there still be some people, what if everyone who said we'll do something fit in that Some ppl group, You made yourself look like a retard, and i wont help you look even bigger. You come here with a No-Name Guest saying S behind your computer behind No name, Why dont you do something if no one else is going to do it? Do you know every single person in the world? If 5 people fail Does the 6th person ALSO HAS to fail? It seems you know a lot, but how much do you really know? You the same as us, behind a screen, What makes you more legit than us? You said victims dont post and read rubbish and think they get support, Wow good one, So i guess its better to get no-support and to continue digging a mental tunnel leading to depression ? Your post is made out of assumptios as you probaly dotn even know anyone here, and you call their offer of help as wanting to be "macho" , "gangster" , and "saviours?" Wow look at you buddy, Mr. Clear it all up, Mr. Let me explain it to everyone I understand this situation more than anyone else. Anyways, you had no right to say what you did, and i suggest you stfu we know your not gonna do anything, but that doesn't give you the right to assume everyone is like you.
  21. I kind of have to agree with that, We have bigger things to worry about, we should put this loneliness bull to the side and look ahead. Lets not think about ourselves but for the panth. Lets sacrifice our feelings for a little for others. I dont know other ppl look at it, but I think we have no value (as normal pappis) and we should live with whhatever happens as guru jis wantings. All we can do is look ahead and hope for good.
  22. WJKK WJKF I have read most pages and replies and what i've noticed is we're only trying to solve a single case, a single victim, Kaur, Heera asked u 50 times where u live and u finally answered Preston and a gurdwara called Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara well, the reason we asked you this was so singhs can ge to the bottom of the problem, once you are out, there are more victims that will become victim to the same problem again and again. I suggest you register a account here, and send me information such as address of gurdwara, etc, details about attacker etc, everything so these issues can be solved. Anyone else who knows gurdwaras where things like these occur also contact me WJKK WJKF
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