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Everything posted by singh1986

  1. Hey! So basically I have this annoying problem you know my start Menu! It got massive and generally everything has become massive like my web bar thing...I lessened the text size but it hasnt worked! I do this alot during button mashing and I have to do system restore cos It annoys me soo much, Any easier suggestions to sort this problem?
  2. singh1986


    I started growing a beard at 12 :D and even now people dont beleive me when I say I'm 20. Though I have found out that if you wash your hair with Head and shoulders everyday...you lose volume! Alas my Joora is not as mighty as it used to be and also My dhari became more corse and apparently I started getin bald patches in my dhari :lol: Also I think the use of a hair dryer and no oil ment I had significant hair reduction. Now that I know...I rub this desi green oil in my hair that stinks out the house but I am slowly getting volume back :TH: And there is my random story of my kesh! However my Dhari has actually stopped growing recently! I want it to be loonggggg, its not fair! its stuck at four inches (I just measured :lol: ) and thats pulled staright, People younger than me having longer dharis! I find that people who shaved have massive dharis while people who didnt dont! :umm: Not Fair!!!!!
  3. You've told us about your situation and not having good role models etc but what difference to your life will it make if you do cut your kesh? what is it that kesh is restricting you from exactly? How is your life gonna change when you do cut your kesh? If anything your just like everyone else and you lose precious aspect of Sikhi.
  4. Check these links out aswell, thier really good...but I bet you guys have already seen these pics :D http://www.flickr.com/groups/78978107@N00/pool/show/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrsikhnet/set...231103635/show/
  5. Hey everyone, I thought I would share this website I found with really nice and stunning Pics of Sikhs in Amritsar the photographer has manged to catch the personality, essence and character of each person in the pics....thier really good. Check it out http://www.flickr.com/photos/wildhiss/with/131981870/
  6. Who cares if someone said to shut it down! Obviously you are really hurt by this suggestion you dont have to listern do you?! just respestfully take the advice on board and carry on; you aint exactly doing anyting bad...its just that persons interpretation. No worry be happy!
  7. I WILL BE!!! :lol: :lol: :umm: If I dont get Lost :D
  8. The Khalsa Productions Forum - The Khalsa Productions Internet Toolbar - The Beautiful Sikh Poems Internet Toolbar. ^Ummm these links in your signature thing!? hawwwwwww someone from Leicester? PM me or tell me thier explanations for why they want you to shut it down and who it is! Is it justified in any way why they are asking you to do this? Dont feel down...Leicester Loves you :e: You have been blessed to be born in East Midlands :D You dont have to tell me anything if ya dont wanna but are you being bullied by someone from Leicester? I dont like bullies :lol:
  9. I have never heard of Khalsa productions before...if it was the links provided then it was cool but I dont understand why people had a problem with it? Care to elaborate? And and why are you closing down...I have only discovered it now lol. And dont go Canada...why go Canada when you live in East Midlands just come Leicester You dont have to answer above questions if you dont want to Bhaji.
  10. Admin Profanity^ Admin Profanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…see how bad your guys language it literally is all about poo :D ; _K_ you can keep your pooey accent to yourself... with your elongated and over-emphasised words at a high enough pitch to pop any normal persons ear drum And you guys have the worse Pass rates for drivng aswell; dunno how you guys pass with your pindu driving skills lolz…its like a Jungle in West Midlands with smelly Air and Water that tastes like a Choowa has died in it! East Midlands is where its at…Clean Air, National Space Centre and then there’s Walkers Crisps (Yum)…you know West Midlands couldn’t come up with such Brilliant institutions soo treasured by the World. West Midlanders smell :lol:
  11. :D Annoying West Midlanders always giving us East Midlanders a bad name with your dodgy accents (that nobody understands) funny walks and now driving! Cant you people just be normal!?!!?
  12. I have heard of this theory before...I heard a story that Baba Deep Singh Ji to resolve the issue put the names of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Ji and Guru Granth Sahib Ji on two seperate leafs/paper and put it in the Soarvar (sp?.. Amrit) at Harmander Sahib and the name left floating would be Guru. Apparently the Leaf containing Guru Granth Sahib Ji's name remained floating therefore Guru Granth Sahib Ji was confirmed as Guru of the Sikhs and the Bandai Khalsa had to accept this or leave Sikh shrines as they were said to be making a big hoo-hah of the situation. But I dont know wether I should believe such story...however are there even any Bandai Khalsa left in the world today?
  13. The only thing I know about Shirdi Sai Baba is that he was buried when he died (which is unusal for a Hindu) and a temple is now built where he died near Mumbai, Also the number of his devotees rose after his death...he wasnt that well known I think when he was alive. And he openly accepted worship of himself from his devotees...He promised them peace etc if they worshipped him. He died during British reign of India I think! I think there is a Doc on him on starplus!
  14. O just so everyone knows its this Sai Baba we are talking about!
  15. Afro Sai Baba is a controverisal character amoung the Hindus let alone others...he produces miracles such as producing golden eggs from his mouth etc (Hinuds argue this is not appropriate as its a mircale of maya which is frowned upon)...He has molestation charges agaisnt him in the UK and USA but the Indian Govt wont extrodite him...cases of such have been bought agaisnt him in India but he so soo respected by the Indian establishment that no proper investigations have been carried out. Also there is only ment to be one Sai baba during this period so that fact that there is the existence of two has spilt parts of the Hindu community...usually they only pick between one of them. Here is a petition for all those that want his supposed crimes to be properly investigated. http://www.saipetition.net/ Many Western Charites have pulled support from him because of money mismangement..i.e he spent it on his self...and the BBC did a documentary on him last year which didnt put him in a good light. So yeah he's done good aswell but very controverisal
  16. :D @ The Irony! WOW! he cant have walked around in public like that! Could he? Some people have no Sharam.
  17. Whatever help I can give or do! Whatever it is count me in...and I dont mind going India when its hot...I prefer it then :D I hope we get the momentum going and get this off the ground before it fizzles out! I think we need someone like a Project manger and a list of aims and objectives so we know what we are specifically doing.
  18. I would go back if I knew my family were finacially secure! I would love to go back, it would be my dream come true! If I didnt have soo many responsibilties here and over attached Family and Friends I would go tommorrow but I know people would throw a Hoo-Hah about it. Oh and I'd go back to go Teach English in the My Pinds School...and have an Animal Sanctuary to get all those poor Animals of the roads and have a milking farm cos I like Milking...I could be the Dhood Walla going round every Pind on my Bicycle :D
  19. Did Guru Nanak Dev Ji achieve enlightenment (like Buddha) and thus became became enlightened? or is he believed to be a prophet/messiah sent by God? (like Mohammed and Jesus) Did he ever claim to be a prophet sent by God? 2. Did Guru Nanak Dev Ji say that there were to be 10 Guru Ji's? (Can I have evidence of such) Thank you in advance.
  20. I just heard about it on Newsnight! Its so shocking!...I hope these people get caught and punised severly :D
  21. You know the bit called Media Guide, and it says "opening" like its loading, and you do a Search, In the past when I used to type in Kirtan in the search; A list came up where you just clicked and could listern or watch depending on what it was. Now when I do it a list of websites just come up and I cant specify wether I wanna do a Music search or Vid search any more. Might be a stupid question but whats Winamp? Good website! Havent discovered that one before :TH:
  22. My Windows Media Player has stop listing Music/Video Files for me to Listern/watch and I have asked around and it seems everyone all of a sudden is having this problem. Is this ment to happen? Any way I can get round this using Windows Media Player? If Not any good websites to listern to Kirtan/simran and watch Vids? other than Ekta...I've over done it with that site :D
  23. Sikh people have surnames like Ali, Alam, Khan, Hashmi, Master, Mustafa and Mohammed @ Just shows how diverse we are :D Okey I need to get off this website and get a life
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