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L Kaur

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  1. Waheguru Ji. Sounds like a good idea. If anyone will actually be willing to do anything. Most sikhs are happy sleeping.
  2. Waheguru Ji. Tell them you got morals and standards your Guru has taught you to live by. And dating is not included in them. Say my dad decides who i marry so i have no intentions of seeing anyone. (Dad=Guru).
  3. Waheguru Ji. Our brothers are sleeping. So why not a sister leads this campaign :TH:
  4. Waheguru Ji. I understand rss try and show us as hindus and this is wrong. I think the danger is falling into these traps and being cleverly seen as hindus. Its not that we hate hindus, we love all, its the fact that we are not hindu. You are who you are and you cannot hide from that, so stand up and be counted for what you are. Sikhs are peace loving, but they will speak up against injustice. This is something rss and indian politicians and police have done to Sikhs, so it hurts when we pretend it didnt happen and dont pay attention to this.
  5. Waheguru Ji. I see Guru Ji on a higher level than a human being. I heard a katha once where the katha vachak said Guru Arjan Dev Ji was showing us that if you have to give your life for Guru Granth Sahib Ji then do it and think nothing of it. They tried to show us that we should respect Guru Granth Sahib Ji more than your ownself/body.
  6. Waheguru Ji. If someone slapped your dad would it not be your business? I dont mean to offend.
  7. Waheguru Ji. Wow you guys have soooo much love for Guru Ji. Hope i can also build this inside myself. I will be at the next protest no matter waht happens. Waheguru Ji. Just watched the video. All i can say is dhan Guru Di Sangat.
  8. Waheguru Ji. What happend with it in the end?
  9. Waheguru Ji. Penji i think you should name these people. It is not choogli if you have addressed these people. They have clearly done something wrong for you to stop them coming to a camp. What did they do wrong for you to stop them? You will need to say more if you are trying to convince people they should come to this camp. Sorry if i spoke out of turn.
  10. Waheguru Ji. :TH: I am so happy I joined this forum. Good to see you all love animals soooo much.
  11. Waheguru Ji. Sorry I am new to this forum but does anybody know about the Swindon Situation?
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