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Everything posted by SunSingh

  1. edit: sorry, just put up same link others have put up before. mods pls delete this post.
  2. Did you even bother watching the play??? No you didn't. Instead you wanted to be seen as a ''reformer'' so you quickly jumped on your high horse and started stirring up nonsense. PLEASE WATCH THE PLAY ***BEFORE*** COMMENTING. Sorry If I sound harsh, it's not my intention to hurt feelings.
  3. bhaji, try to look at this situation with a long term view. you made a mistake and you suffered a spiritual fall b/c of it. But that mistake is such an important lesson, it is etched so deeply into your soul, that it is unlikely you will repeat this mistake. sometimes people have a setback so that they can be saved from future setbacks. now just get back on the wagon and get going.
  4. Bhaji, the concept of soulmate does not exist in Sikhi. In different lifetimes, you will have had different souls who act out the role of your wife. The only soulmate is God, as God is the only mate your soul has in all lifetimes. But it's good that you saved yourself from having to pay off a whole mess of karams that you might have inherited had you decided to mess around as many do.
  5. When describing technology other languages often don't have the terminology for it and so words are imported from the English language. Similarly, when describing God, other dharms/languages sometimes don't have the deep concepts that Sikhi has, so sometimes* it's best to import Gurmat words into English. Referring to our concept of Waheguru as being both nirgun and sargun has a deeper meaning attached than using pantheistic and panentheistic, as those words don't seem to capture the full depth that is waheguru (although no words fully can, some are better than others).
  6. not quite. the universe is created and destroyed, but waheguru is always there, and has never been created nor will ever be destroyed. that being said, God does exist in all spaces (within matter) and all space (where there is no matter).
  7. just google bach flower remedies. businesses sell or ship to all over the world. this way you can maybe find one closer to you and save a bit on shipping
  8. work out. take bach flower remedy called larch. every bit of advice i ever give is based on stuff that i've tried and has worked for me. if it's from someone else's experience then i say so.
  9. wrap the first larr under the ears. the next one over the ears. fold the fabric so that the lowest part of the larr is not the edge, but is rather a fold. you don' t need to fold the fabric fully, just fold it up a bit. in this way, the edge won't be biting into your ear. as you wrap the larr around your head stretch it just the tiniest little bit, but not too much. this way it will be snug but not too tight, and it will be comfortable.
  10. I'm sure you can search for Gurbani qoutations by yourself for this topic. They shouldn't be too hard to find.
  11. In this case, I was referring to a specific organisation --> http://www.gursevak.com/content/going-seva%C2'> That being said, you are right that just b/c an organisation is run by gursikhs it doesn't mean that it will be honest. When I say investment, i mean that when you spend time following the dharmic practices you are investing in yourself, in improving your karma, in reducing the ties that tie down your soul from freedom. japping naam is an investment for the same reason. sitting and listening in sangat is as well. All these things that move you closer to God are a true investment.
  12. mantras are keys to unlock kirpa. some people use them to get things. people with higher spiritual leanings just meditate to realise god. But we have both in our dharm b/c Guru Granth Sahib ji has everything. only thing it does not have is jhooth.
  13. the mayans were a black magic blood ritual human sacrificing cult whose slaves revolted and destroyed them. did their calendars see that coming? i doubt it. so the long count calendar ends probably b/c those who wrote these things were killed for being part of an evil empire. that being said, it is possible to see things about the future, prophecy is real. however, it is not given such prevalence in sikhi as it has in abramhic religions b/c: 1. the immensity of spiritual knowledge in sikhi is greater which shows that prophecy is a comparatively smaller and less impressive power/gian and 2. what is going to happen in the future is not set in stone. the manner of its happening and the timing can all change. this is why sants warn about it but don't give details. but yes, massive changes are coming. they will be painful and difficult, but i don't think anything will happen in 2012 other than possibly financial decline in america b/c of the upcoming ''fiscal cliff''. i believe that war and other disasters will be so widespread that it will prove the truth of the tuk that the world 'is like a wall of sand; it will not endure' (sggs 1429). basically, people will see that money, status, worldly power, government, cannot be their support anymore and many will turn to god. if pracharaks are ready to teach about simran i wouldn't be surprised if sikhi didn't increase in numbers hugely b/c other dharms just cannot offer the same package of Amrit, spiritual method, and logical socio-political philosophy.
  14. re decaf teas, sometimes the decaffeination process makes the tea more acidic. so do some research first to find out if its safe to drink. there are also many herbal teas that are naturally free of caffeine.
  15. basically, in their immense daya, mahapurkh pushed back the terrible events that were to unfold. baba thakur singh ji bhindrenvale explained it to me this way: the world has gone on too dark a path and there is no way to avoid what is to come, this is the karam of the world for turning away from god, but the further back it gets pushed the more souls get saved from hell and the less terrible the oncoming punishment has to be (as some of the karam is paid off through the world's increased ardassan etc). this is the job of the sants, to bring the duniya into waheguru's godh and away from their manmukh natures. by pushing the event in question back, baba nand singh ji was following his own nature of saving he kaljugi jeevs.
  16. if you gently hold the moustache hairs between your fingers in the direction you want them to flow (sideways), then they will over time, with repeated conditioning begin to stay like this without gel. but depending on how heavy the moustache is, you may need to do this repeatedly. but if you do it once a day it doesn't take much time at all.
  17. I don't know anything about the IT fields, but I recommend you google cal newport's blog study hacks and search around for his career advice. he basically recommends you combine your interests with your strengths to determine what career is suitable for you. read his blog for more details. i have researched study skills etc extensively and i think his blog provides the best teaching on that subject as well.
  18. SunSingh


    lmao, so if you have pics of your family members up in your house, does it mean that you automatically worship the pics or do pooja of them?? usually, when people put up pictures or paintings, it's just to remember. if i walk home after a long day at work, i see the painting of Guru Gobind Singh ji on the wall, although it may not be an accurate representation, it still helps me remember the Gurus and God. Also, just like teaching children about their ancestors makes them brave and respectful of dharm, having pictures/paintings hanging around of the gurus and shaheeds encourages respect for them and inspires bravery.
  19. makes sense that some responsibility would fall upon you, as without your funds their actions would not be possible. similarly, if we donate to american cancer society, we would only get phall for less than half of our donation b/c most of their money gets wasted in huge salaries and advertisements etc. if someone donates to gursevak, the founder bhagat ji, has such gareebi (nimrata) that he wears the same chola everyday and all the work is done by volunteers, so its easy to see how one might get a large seva return on investment.
  20. it may interest people to know that some of the most famous american natural healers rely on intensely cold showers, as well as the use of water pressure, to treat people. They also teach that cold showers are very health promoting.
  21. you can't. Jesus couldn't either, despite whatever untruths the Christians may wish to spout. If Jesus had taken on all the worlds sins than why did people keep coming back?? With no more karam they would have been mukt. Truth is, people need pain to wake them up. Explanations and examples of what to do, holy teachings and darshan of sants, don't always cut it. Sometimes people need pain, this wakes them up a bit and forces them to make the necessary changes in life so that they can live according to the promptings of their soul. Pain is the cure and pleasure is the disease - dukh daroo sukh rog paiyaa. By not feeling pain they would no longer have access to the medicine that they need. Your intentions are very noble. But keep in mind that when Raja Janak ji saved all the souls in hell, Raja Janak had an immense amount of naam kamai and all the paap was not even equal to the weight of this kamai. But nowadays paap has increased immensely, and you don't have enough naam kamai to handle it. If you want to help, start walking the path to change yourself, become a mahapurkh, then free others with your teachings, your example, and a little bit of extra push if they need it. If you do enough kamai, you can even wipe out peoples' lekhs with no effort at all!! When you can do that, ji, please come find me. I'll be waiting for you.
  22. no idea about how much is needed. just try different amounts. in english the ingredients are poppy seeds, almonds, and maybe melon seeds?? In indian stores when you go to the section that has bagged ingredients the names may be written in both languages. it provides nutritional support for mental fatigue. so it helps for people who do intense meditation or intense studying. but if it's just normal amounts of meditation i don't know if it would make a difference.
  23. sins (ie bad karam) is manifested in our mind, our body, our habits, who our family and friends are, and in external circumstances as well. they come to us from bad decisions in past lives. the body, similar to a car, should be under the control of the driver. if the driver loses control, the driver is still responsible.we also have more than one body, the physical remains behind at death. but other bodies carry seeds of karam stuck in them. that's how someone is able to be beaten by jamdoots after death. the soul is stuck in the body in this life b/c it hasn't achieved mukti yet. once mukti is achieved, the soul is no longer stuck.
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