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We are all shocked to hear and read about the sickening terror attacks on Isreal by mindless, crazed religious fanatics of Hamas that are supported by Iran and others. I am not saying isreal are angels but theres no justification for they did to children, elderly and women. What Hamas did was what many have faced in times gone by when sword of islam wiped out whole religions and peoples as they were considered a "non believer" with devestating consquences. We witneseed babies throats being slit, children shot, beheadings and cruelty the world has never seen at the hands of these low life scum of the earth. But what happened in isreal only a few days ago was not just an attack on Jews or Isreal. This was an attack on the whole of Humanity. But most importantly and significantly this was not just an attack on the Jewish community alone, but on the whole non muslim world. Yes you and me were attacked only a few days ago. The way the world is at the moment is that it is split in 2 distinct enties and peoples. There are two distinct and very different kinds of people on earth. A non muslim and a Muslim. A clear divide has emerged and it is time people decided which side of the fence they are sitting on. Any attack on a non muslim by muslims is an attack on us all. The whole world needs to unite to eradicate the extremist element of islam. Its going to take unity from Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs and even people that dont have a faith to unite against these evil doers. Non of us can single handedly take on the extremist. When a Buddhist is attacked it is an attack on us. Thats how we should see it. The muslims have unity yet we non muslims are un unified and that is whats is making us weak. Anywhere in the world when the sword of islam strikes on a non muslim all non muslims need to get together and fight these people. Or other wise we are just going to be the next target down the line. Its time we set up a non muslim global defense league or combat force to stand togther in times when minorities are attacked by these fanatics All over the world. Currently muslims are trying to take over countries and enforcing sharia and their religion on others. While us non muslims sit back and watch it happen. Its time for actions. But what lacking is unity. We non muslims dont have its time all non muslims looked at each other and see our common beliefs that we share and try and become more unified and strong. Otherwise prepare for a an islamic world in every country.
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- non muslim
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As I'm banned, much of what I've said before, say now and will say in the future, gets lost or ignored in the guest Gupt section. But, those of you that have taken the time to read some of my earlier messages here will recall 2 things I've said which tie up nicely to the point of this thread. Firstly, you may recall how a Canadian Sikh made a thread a while ago on the main page in which he asked if the 'Sikhs converting to Muslim probem' really was as bad as the UK Sikhs on this forum make out. As I couldn't reply directly to that thread I wrote a reply on this Gupt section in which I articulated that the answer was 'no'. I stated that the UK muslim conversion problem was only about a tenth of the size of Canada and America's massive Christian conversion problem but the UK's problem was magnified because the UK Sikhs, unlike the Canadian and American Skhs, are notoriously pessimistic and negative, perenially seeing the glass as half empty and habitually seeing their problems as earth shatteringly big. Secondly, you may recall that I once wrote about a few Canadian Universities that actually teach 'How to convert Sikhs to Christianity' as a full-time B.A. Degree course. I had obtained the actual syllabus for each semester of the course and I went into great detail how the course covered such subjects as "gaining the trust of the Sikhs" before going for the kill (mentioning Jesus). I stated how the course gave its students detailed knowledge about first visiting Gurdwaras as a 'friend of the Sikhs'......asking questions about the Gurus and Sikhi in order to give the impression that you are interested in Sikhi....but to NEVER mention the word Jesus until you had built up that level of trust a few weeks / months later. And so this brings me to the point of this thread. There is a video doing the rounds of some black girls in Canada speaking pure Punjabi. The video is doing the rounds among the Sikhs because the Sikhs feel honoured and proud that these girls had learned our language so well. Everyone is posting comments stating what a wonderfull thing it was nd how these girls should be role models for our own Sikh children. Call it the typical Sikh gullibility, un-padhness or whatever but nearly all, in their excitement, have either not heard or chosen to not hear, the bit in the video in which the girls state their actual reason for learning Punjabi. The state they learned it because it was a tool to help "save the Sikhs" and bring them closer to the 'Messiah", i.e convert them to Christianity. This is all very very frightening stuff. Frightening not only at the extent the Christians will go to convert us but also in the way that we as a people are generally very very un-padh and gullible:
Girl looks like she wants to convert! in the comments theres even a singh under the name paramprit singh whose a christian
Some American missionary guy who apparently had a calling from his god (lmao) was thick enough to go to the Andaman islands which are under India, and preach the local tribal people about Jesus, god, and all that bs, Unsurprisingly he had arrows and other tribal weapons shot at him and died. Its heartwarming to know that none of these tribal people will be arrested, but the Indian police are still trying to find his massacred remains in the ocean. Apparently he did 3 year research into these people, clearly didn't learn much did he. His god had a completely different calling for him than what he had thought. These desperate missionaries have destroyed many indigenous tribal traditions in India especially in the North East. I guess these tribal people were smart enough not to fall for his man god Jesus
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I was recently watching videos of 2 so called young UK ex-sikh guys both seemed to have been groomed and brainwashed by muslim friends and peers that they hung around. They both didnt have a clue about the basics of Sikhi and both seem to come from a criminal or dysfunctional working class family environments. one from a mixed hindu/sikh parents family and other from domestic abusive family. From my observation back in the days Sikh guys especially the younger guys would not leave Sikhi for anything they were proud, tribal and confident in their religion even if they weren't practising or have much knowledge of it. Back in 80s and 90s Sikhs would fight muslim extremists in street battles when muslims tried to sexually abuse, groom and convert Hindu/Sikh females. But now since the early 2000's the era of the new media, 24/7 broadband and access to information, social media they are becoming alot more vulnerable to non-sikh propaganda sources questioning such things as meaning of life? what happens after death? and role religion has answering it. In india we have christian abrahamics grooming and trying to convert them on the sly. In the west we have atheist hedonist propaganda and muslims grooming and converting them on openly no longer just targeting females. I find alot more younger guys know alot more about other ideologies and researching those than researching their own. There is so much atheist and islamic propaganda talking about key issues that Sikh groups are not talking about in terms of faith. Basics of Sikhi was doing a great job until bhai jagraj Singh sadly passed away now there's no one left doing street parchar or even online parchar proper to guide the next generation in practicing their faith in working class urban environments.
Did british empire in punjab ever force christianity on sikhs ?
Guest posted a topic in POLITICS | LIFESTYLE
Mughals forcing islam on sikhs need not be narrated. everyone knows it , but whats not known is if Christians during british empire forced xianity onto sikhs . In other areas of india, such as goa , there were inquisitions set up by Portuguese officials , when they were ruled by portugal. But it seems britishers even though christians were opposed to such barbarism and at times intervened against it . I read somewhere that in punjab during british empire, sikh officers were promised higher pay and promotions if they converted to christianity , but is there any record of force being used , as in torture, or even attempts to undermine sikhism ? I mean something enforced by british empire as such -
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! Here is a question i I received from a Christian who is studying Sikhi: “If waheguru is eternal and encompasses the universe (but not limited to just the universe itself) and has existed always and will always continue to exist, how did ego enter into at least part of the world? if waheguru is inside all things including humans, at what point did parts of waheguru (by parts I mean humans, animals etc) get "infected" with ego? It would stand to reason that something pure like waheguru could never succumb to ego. for example the gurus or fully realized people will never succumb to ego again, correct? so if waheguru existed eternally, how did ego enter? has ego also existed eternally with waheguru? (I don't think this is the Sikhi standpoint). Is it possible for waheguru to cease existing permanently, or for waheguru to tell lies? I would assume that it would not be, since it goes against waheguru's nature, correct? Why would waheguru create confusion/ego/illusion and cause part of itself to be deluded? How do Sikh's know then that the Gurus never made a mistake, if as you say it's possible for a fully realized person to become deluded? Based on this, is it even possible that waheguru spoke some falsehoods or lies, even in the SGGS or part of the Sikh teachings?” How would you answere this question?
Just browsing through facebook. I have seen quite a few profiles of Sikh women with christian slogans in their profiles. At least 4 have converted to Christianity. What can be done about this. Is it the parents fault or has the Sikh community as a whole failed these kids? Many Sikhs are growing up with simply no belief in Sikhism. They say that christianitu makes more sence to them. Which is obviously wrong.
For some reason I don't like Christians and I know Sikh talks about loving everyone but i really don't like Christians and its is annoying me that I don't like them, maybe because most of the population is Christian and people I used to look up to are Christian
If there is One God why is there so many ways to get to God. Hindus believe in reincarnation, Christians believe In Heaven and Hell, and I think Muslims believe in Hell and Heaven too (?) How can there be one God if there is so many different beliefs about what will happen after we die? Also how come Sikhi is one of the religions that believe any path to God is good whereas Christians believe gif your not Chrisitan your going to hell and same with Muslims. Like this is annoying me and making me doubt everything. Sorry if I said anything wrong.
- Let us now turn to Wells’ analysis of genocide that The Bible warns Jesus is going to unleash upon us. According to The Bible, Jesus would return to the earth holding a sickle in his hand (Revelation 14:14). An angel would tell him that it is time to start a bloody genocide. Another sickle-wielding angel would join Jesus and the duo would start a violent carnage. The blood they spill would cover the ground up to the horses’ bridles in a space of 1,600 furlongs (Revelation 14:15-20). Now, 1,600 furlongs is about 320 kilometers, and a horse’s bridle is 1.5 meters high or so. If we take the bloodbath to be circular with a diameter of 320 kilometers, then the total volume is 1.2 x 1014 liters. Since an adult has about 5 liters of blood, that gives us 2.4 x 1013 (24 trillion) people. That is 4,000 times more people than what inhabit the earth now. Perhaps Jesus would wait till the population explodes to 24 trillion before unleashing this genocide. My Lord, thy mercy is limitless! Wells points out that there is another way to estimate the number of dead on the doomsday. This revised estimate might appeal to those who abhor population explosion. According to this contradictory biblical prophecy, Jesus would unleash the might of the sword and hunger to annihilate a fourth of the population (Revelation 6:8). Assuming that the much awaited Second Coming of Jesus happens today, a fourth of the seven billion human beings (i.e., 1.75 billion) would be slaughtered. Jesus would then let loose four angels, who would massacre one-third of the remaining population (i.e., 1.75 billion). Jesus won’t take the chill pill yet. He would instead command 200 million fire-breathing horsemen to massacre a third of the survivors. In all, 4.7 billion humans would be killed when Jesus returns. The Bible says that only 144,000 male Jewish virgins would survive the slaughter (Revelation 14:3-4) --- We should pass this information along to counter the missionary activity, which focuses on 'love' 'humanity' religion of peace suicide bombs religion of love nuclear bombs
Sat Sri Akal, this may be off topic but... I was born and raised in New Zealand to New Zealand parents, been Christian all my life. The Sikh religion is very eye opening, I'm very interested in becoming a follower, it's goes hand and hand with the culture in Punjab, I just love everything about the culture and religion. This religion just sounds so true & pure. I have a tiny bit of Indian in me, my nana mum was from Assam and came here when she was 18. I guess what I'm asking is how you Sikhs view people outside India becoming a Sikh also, I know Sikhism is a very accepting religion of every over religion, but I want this to be the mothership religion for me. Thanks.
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- christian
- white female
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[] || Stop Obama From Hosting Modi At White House || 100,000 Signatures Needed By August 20. In 2002, Indian PM Modi organized massacre of Muslims in Gujarat. "Mobs of Hindus rampage, rape, loot and kill in a spasm of violence that rages for more than two months. Mothers are skewered, children set afire and fathers hacked to pieces. About 1,000 people, mostly Muslims, are killed. Some 20,000 Muslim homes and businesses and 360 places of worship are destroyed, and roughly 150,000 people are displaced". (New York Times Report of April 16, 2014) In June 1984, BJP instigated military attack on the Golden Temple resulting in the massacre of thousands of Sikh pilgrims. In 2008, BJP orchestrated violence against Christians in Orissa. Instead of hosting Modi at White House, President Obama should condemn Modi and ban BJP for perpetrating violence against Muslims, Sikhs and Christians. While Obama administration and PM office is preparing to forge a new era of Indo-US economic ties, Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) has initiated a social media campaign in support of its petition to cancel Modi's invitation to the White House. US President Obama has invited PM Modi for a meeting at the White House on September 30. A Facebook advertisement "Sign Petition Stop Obama from hosting Modi {Netanyahu of India}. Don't fund another Israel" sponsored by SFJ has gone viral getting scores of hits every hour. On July 21, SFJ initiated an online petition to the Obama Administration urging to cancel the invitation to PM Modi for his role in 2002 massacre of Muslims in Gujarat. “In June 1984, the BJP instigated the military attack on the Golden Temple, resulting in the massacre of thousands of Sikh pilgrims. In 2008, the BJP orchestrated violence against Christians in Orissa,” the petition alleges. The Facebook ad by rights group targeting Muslims, Sikhs and human rights organizations in the United States urges them to "Sign Petition, Stop Obama". “The fact that world's largest democracy has elected a Prime Minister whose party is known for committing crimes against religious minorities should be a matter of grave concern for the western world”, stated attorney Gurpatwant Singh Pannun legal advisor to SFJ, “United States which has acknowledged the role of Modi in massacre of Muslims should not host him at the White House”, added Pannun. Terming Modi as Netanyahu of India, attorney Pannun further stated that online petition will be an eye opener for Obama Administration which is ignoring the track record of Modi and his party BJP with regard to treatment of minorities for vested US economic interests. "Instead of hosting Modi at White House, President Obama should condemn Modi and ban BJP for perpetrating violence against Muslims, Sikhs and Christirans" says the White House Petition. So far the online petition urging Obama administration to cancel Modi's invitation has received more than 1200 signatures. The petition requires 100,000 signatures by August 20 to qualify for a response by the White House. Newspapers Coverage: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []) [] [] [] [] Empire State Building 350 Fifth Avenue 59th Floor New York, NY 10118 T: 201.601.2707 F: 201.601.2610 E: