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Punjabi And Sikhs....

Guest Sony

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I signed up on a forum the other day, its about the language Punjabi. and they basically talk about how the language is going, in which direction and how to keep it alive. I am copying one of the posts which really hurt me when i read it, thought i'd share it with u guys......

So... just what are these 'NRI's' investing in their Doaba? Bars, clubs, strip joints? This article by Minna Zutshi doesnt surprise me. Many Punjabis have this habit of pampering their sons well beyond their childhood years and results of this can be seen in countless Sikh communities across the Globe. And while sons are getting pampered daughters get ignored so go look for attention elsewhere. Same trend then among Sikh diaspora also exists in Jalandhar it seems (where most of these NRI's originate from) males lazying about drinking and girls getting into bed with any random guy.

I think basically it is secularism that gives rise to social problems like this. Sikhs can learn a great deal from the Muslims. When something clearly unIslamic is protested against, no one criticizes the protesters. But on the other hand, when Sikhs protest against something which is against their religion they are verbally assaulted the most by their own community.

Alcohol is forbidden in both Islam and Sikhism for casual consumption, so why is alcohol (presumably) scarce in Muslim majority West Punjab but free flowing just across the border in Sikhism holiest city of Amritsar?

What is funny in a pathetic way is if a section of Sikhs tried to impose a ban on alcohol the biggest opponents to this would be the Sikhs themselves! Even though their religion forbids it. Makes you wonder why is it that Punjabis who are Muslims can follow Islam but Punjabis who are Sikh cannot follow Sikhism?

Despite whatever political contacts are being made by governments of both sides of Punjab it is clearly not going to bring about a Punjabi renaissance among the youth. Afterall, how can Punjabi poetry and folklore compare to the all mighty trends set by Western society?

The so-called Punjabi music coming out of the UK now should tell you something about where 'Punjabiyat' (as far as Sikhs are concerned) is headed.


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Another post:

Ikko gull nu baar baar naeen kahida....;-))

It is an illusion that money does this. Other parts of India have same prosperity and more liberal (Madrasis) yet they cling to their culture, values, and language like coconut oil to hair.

There is character flaw. No or little self respect for our values.

Sikhs are notorious for squabbling amongst themselves like roosters, and that over petty issues. There is no AIKA amongst them. This decay is result of that. I talked to many during my visits. There answer is same, "Aapaan ki lanina". "Murga kha kay peg laa kay saun jaaeeda".

The Doabis from UK are one of the worst. Pehlan Niyaanay Wigaad Lainday nay, fir godyan ch sir they kay ronday ain. Pbis in Pb. are immitating these NRIs.

"Hun Kee Kariye, Niyaanay sunday wee naeen, Samaj nu wee wekhna painda....Ehio Umar ey mauj karan di" are the redundant excuses.

Many parents are parroting US - they give money to their kids to keep them away. Parents there have also become dellusional that kids interfere in parents' social lives.

I agree with an earlier post that sikhs should borrow from the muslim trait of uniting in defence of their religion.

I have not yet responded to them, just waiting to see what else they might say, if anyone has any opinions or comments that I could add in, please let me know....



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