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Chatting With My Maker


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Ik Oankar Satnaam Gurprasad|| (SGGS 81)

This is an absolutely incredible piece of writing which we are sharing

with you. It was written by a humble soul with God's grace that

allowed him to connect with the inner voice, the voice of God inside

us all. But to which most of do not listene to and override with our

logic and countless chruning of worldy thoughts. It is an

inspiration to us all to tune into our intuition to find the answers

we need from our inner Guru. God Himself.

Chatting With My Maker


Below is written a chat dialogue with God with Sat Naam Ji's kirpa.

And Guru's divine grace on a few days last summer - it's all his.

Everyone can do this with their inner voice. You know how sometimes

you ask God questions inside your Man (mind) and he gives u answers

well. the following happened with SatNaam Ji's grace. I am a fool

who can't do anything everything was done by him. I don't know

whether all the thoughts are pure Sach and originate from Pure God

himself or whether some have just come into our mind from the books

we have read. either way all this gyan and knowledge is his, so is

our mind, the books we have read and the hands we write this with


He talks to us all. We ask and He answers. Try it. It works. You

can do it too Sat Sangat ji, try it. Ask Him something then wait for

an answer. If it helps you to capture his words then use a

wordprocessor to capture your personal diaglogue with God, it can be

helpful to you and your spiritual path.

Anyway best wishes and happy chatting with God !!

peace. love and light to u. forever !




Dass: How can we be one?

God: You have always been one. forver and ever. You were never

separated from me. even now as we type

and even when mistakes are appearing in your construction of this

text from the thoughts which I send you. Everything is perfection,

even when mistakes are coming. they are not mistakes. it is not a

mistake that I make you see "SQL Network Nam…." I make you see the

Nam in that text.

Dass: your drifting God

God: It was meant to happen. everyone can have a conversation with

God, you are not anything special remember that.

Dass: Thanks for that and also reminding us. our ego wants to be

separate from you. why?

God: Your ego doesn't know what it wants. it just goes after an

illusion of doubt. it wants to reassert itself whenever it can.

Even in this conversation it wants its space and presence. Keep

acknowledging and saying to yourself positive affirmations of truth

e.g. you and I are not separate. We are one and one with everything

and every one. Your mind doesn't see the oneness of everything its

like a drop of water which is at the bottom and can't see that the

ocean is actually one and this drop is the same as everything else in

the water.

Dass: Give us some tips to destroy ego?

God: Obey your Guru, which is Truth. Obey this and you will get

there. Otherwise you'll be back in the land of falsehood. Simple.

When you know how.

Dass: Thank you for this conversation. you have given both of us.

sorry you have given this gyan to yourself. for it is all you. You

are the text, typer and one who sees his body typing. Forgive me for

any mistakes and our paapi ego which is kood and filthy boss.

God: Share this.

Sabh Maya choot hae (All maya is false)

Sabh Ik Hae (All is actually ONE)

Sabh Sat Naam hae (All is SATNAAM)

Dass: How do we know its you who is typing God?

God: That is your ego. which doubts. it doubts that this can come

from God.

Remember you and everyone around this, including the soul which reads

this is God, you are not separated. you are not separated. you are

all ONE BEING. in countless forms. Your energy is the same and so is

your lifeforce which

is keeping you alive and typing this text. It will be Sat Naam who

nexts reads this text. Please the Sat Naam in the reader. remember



Dass: This reminds us of the Conversations with God books by Neale

Donald Walsch.

God: Yep. It is similar. He had a wider audience. Don't let your

fear stop you in your tracks from realisation. the knowledge in you

was put there

for a purpose. to share. to share.



Dass: These conversations are cool. can we talk more Boss?

God: Yep.

Dass: What am I?

God: You are nothing and you are everything. sounds contradictory I

know. but it is truth. You forgot you could have a conversation with

me. I a reminded you with the Conversations with God books. they

reminded you the inner truth that has always been there. . Me, your

real self. now you are beginning to listen and to act. there is

much work to do. you have the desire to serve, I will give you the

opportunity to do so.

Dass : What is the purpose of this dialogue?

God: To remind yourself and others who they really are. again I re-

iterate your not the only one having conversations with Me. everyone

is. its just becoming aware of this chat or dialogue as you kindly

put it.

Dass: What is the purpose of the sangat?

God : To share truth, to serve truth, to become truth. to help each

other in good and bad times. in reality there is no good or bad

times. its what humans call them.

Dass: pause. this is amazing. we are chatting like this?

God: Yes. don't be surprised. Neale in his book showed you the

way. your now practicing what he did. there was a thirst and

yearning inside you to meet the creator I am now here in this spoken

word so we can help one another.

Dass: Why do you need help. confused?

God: I and you are one. helping you is helping me. .

Dass: this is deep. really deep.

God: In reality I am having a conversation with myself. there is no

Dass and God. We are chatting together as one being. . it just looks

to your mind as there is separation. . there isn't my friend. my

soul. my beloved atma. Even when you send this email out. it will

be read by me (God) not by anyone else, you will help me in that form

I take as the reader. We've been talking before but in the form of

thoughts,its now just being expressed in words. this is like a

teacher for you and for everyone who reads it.

Dass: how do I know this is not the negative part of the mind making

things up?

God: I can reassure you it is not, something has happened to you as

the dear Sant has said. You are remembering again. you have been

battling with your mind for so long and in so many lives. you are

finally beginning to realise truth. That this whole game, this whole

land is all a play. a play of God, God experiencing himself, God

hugging himself, healing himself, loving himself, sharing truth with

himself. the bani has it spot on. it just requires a bit of faith.

and the ball starts rolling your desires i.e. for truth set a

sequence of motions in the universe. that can propel you. hence keep

the thirst for truth ever alive. as Guru Ji puts it:

Puran hoe hamari asa torh bhajan ke rayeh pyasa

(may this hope of mine be fulfilled, that I may always remain thirsty

for singing your praises)

In reality, you don't need to remember Gurbani spot on. you just

need to understand what its saying and where its trying to get you.

home. ! There has been a part of you which has been in fear. for a

long time you have been scared son. . scared of revealing your truth

to people. you've been worried it may bolster your ego and the

reaction you'll get from people, its time to put this fear to bed or

to rest. I talk to you all. there is none I don't talk to . you

just have to listen. ask me some questions, and hey presto I'll give

you some replies.

Dass: this is dhan dhan

God: you can say that again

Dass: ok. this is dhan dhan again. sorry we just want to say we are

feeling amrit in our hands whilst we are typing this text on this

Dell laptop, this is amazing, this breathtaking. this is truth. ;

cannot believe this. people sorry SatNaam Ji in the reader, ask God

inside he really works he is alive and kicking and can give you

answer to anything . he is our best buddy. and our teddy bear dad.

dhan dhan

God: You can call me whatever you like. if you like Teddy Bear, I

can be that for you. a Teddy Bear to hug and hold. you can be the

baby bear.

Dass: Wow this amazing. we did nothing. its all your kindness

Allah, all your kindness dhan dhan Sant Baba Ji, Sant Ji, SatNaam Ji,

and the Gur Parsaad. I am doing nothing. he writes and talks the

way he wants to. dhan dhan Allah !!

God: Thanks

Dass: Wow we are feeling something in our head. with your grace

SatNaam Ji. cannot describe it.

God: That is amrit ras you are feeling. let it flow and let it be

felt. dhan dhan hunnah.

Dass: You know something, its like we are intertwined in having this

conversation. what do you want to do with this text. keep it and

hold it

God: Absolutely not. I would not be having this conversation if

thats what I wanted . I want you to share. share it with the world.

Dass: Sat Sangat?

God: Yep.

Dass: ok. sorry have to stop. there's some work to do.

God: we'll end this one in text for now. Good luck young

traveller. !!

Dass: See you later boss. you are cool and always with us and

SatNaam Ji in the reader. he is with us all. forever and ever !!

Dass: sorry I feel like a fake, a fraudstar, a pakhand. this doesn't

seem to be right, I am no Saint or Guru or anything, I have no right

to do this.

God: Don't say that. you are feeling sorry for yourself, you are not

what it seems you are. . you are part of me, and nothing of me is

pakhand in reality. It is in the play, you are playing a role son.

thats all. Why would I

not share this truth with you?

Dass: I don't know. I don't deserve this, I don't. I'm not trying to

be humble either. it's just I don't. you've got so many better

people out there, better souls, with better and true karma. I don't

deserve this dialogue or chat with u. ?

God: Sure you do. as I said you are part of me. I will not accept

what you have said about yourself as truth. I simply will not. I

speak to you for a purpose, there is a reason behind this. you had

so many questions in your mind, your thoughts were deep or doonga in

punjabi, you were thinking and thinking. a time has come to answer

you. and this is the form son.

Dass: ok sorry I was going to test you. to prove the genuineness of


God: You were gonna ask when the universe was made. yes.

Dass: yes.

God: a long time ago, aeons and aeons, and aeons ago. before time.

Dass: feeling something in our head. God, I don't deserve this. I

simply do not. you have got dhan dhan dhan bhagats out there. .

surely you can ask them to do this.

God: I chose you. you are the conduit. you. It is your purpose,

your destiny. to deliver . your mind has still got negativity and

doubts, you doubt your Guru who gave you naam, you doubt truth. as a

remedy. you need to keep your simran up, you need to do much more.

much much more. your contact with me will be purified by this. You

are remembering, you are remembering. Still remembering . not fully

remembered. With Gurus grace you will. And so to will the servants of

Naam. They will remember we are all one, there is no other at all,

there is no conflict when remember that we are One, there will be no

wars, only harmony will reign. and joy and peace. SatNaaam Sada

SatNaam. you are all the servants of Naam, every one of you. for I

am the servant.

Dass: I feel like a fake

God: You are a fake. your ego is what is fake, your ego is what

doubts this, your ego is what thinks this to be false, your Atma,

your jolly Atma knows otherwise. I tell it who it is, it has not

forgotten. your dumb mind has forgotten son. And it this mind that

needs the medicine of Naam, it cannot be cured by any other means for

it is Naam too. You will get better at remembering, keep

acknowledging the falseness of Maya and follow your Gurus

instructions to the letter please. We have had conversations before

in telepathy, personal ones you and me. this is now opening this

out. so others may know too that they can have a conversation with

Me. Don't be down or depressed be joyful. celebrate who you are.

love who you are. why do you doubt child?

Dass: This just feels weird.

God: Let it be done unto those who seek . you seeked I came. you

asked I answered. I in you is false. kill this I. kill it, destroy

your identity, destroy your bharams and doubts, destroy your

illusions and man made boundaries. destroy, destroy and destroy.

burn them in your inner fire and become nothing once again. Even

when you remember, it is God who makes your remember, it is God who

strings these words together

Dass: Ok we are one.

















THERE IS ONLY ONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




God: Don't compare youself with another Baba or another person.

where there is one, there is no comparison. this dialogue will help

to heal you and others.

Dass: You write.

God: One of the objectives of simran is to be truthful, so when you

say SAT or SAT NAAM acknowledge the source of your bliss /


Dass: Sorry, we felt something with your kirpa (16:51pm) amrit near

the left ear. thanks to SAT GURU Baba Ji and SAT NAAM JI. I did


God: Right. ok. was gonna say that it is right and truthful to

acknowledge the Source of that bliss. when you do that you re-

affirming SAT and SAT NAAM. If you don't and think you did it on

your own accord, without any divine help then you go back to the

fairlyland as they say, or the illusion of maya

Dass: Sorry. thanks to you SAT NAAM (16:54pm) we just felt some heat

in our right foot. thanks for that SAT GURU SATNAAM. you are the

only doer. And you are acknowledging and saying thanks to yourself

too. so thank you for reminding us to do that. as you write.

Forgive for me all the ego, hankar and bad thoughts. sadh sangat ji.

Sat Guru and SatNaam Ji.

Dass: It's like a puppet, we are that is. you pull the cord and we

go, gone. the mystery is solved and we see who we are. until then

it's illusion hunnah

God: Spot on. you don't have to die to see the mystery. meditation

allows you to see the truth.

Dass: What keeps you from destroying everything in a moment. don't

you ever feel tempted. to wipe it all out?

God: No. Compassion keeps it alive. God is merciful and has no reason

to destroy on whim or quick flash of excitement to see how it

unravels itself back to itself. God has infinite patience, this

patience never ends. it keeps the universe ticking and every object

and stone in place. it is humans who able to destroy in a second or

moment of glory. Everything functions the way it should and will

continue to function until it changes.

5 Jul 04


On this day we were really down, yep down. we wanted to relieved

from the 5 thieves. part of us had enough, however with SatNaam ji's

kirpa, he calmed us down and we had a chat. see below. God seemed

to have done something to us (or himself in reality), whereby the

mind became calmer. and more peaceful than before. when were

getting so many negative thoughts.

Initially SatNaam Ji made us write.

i surrender u win.

u are the controller,

u are feeding the bad thoughts,

u win ego loses.

i cannot do anything

i am a kala man

i am nothing

i am not

i am not

i am not

i am not

i am not

what happens u do.

there is no other. . . . .

ur will wins

GOD: you are really down, on the verge of depression.

Dass: why

GOD: the thieves in you correction were running wild, they were

controlling your mind and sending you negative thought after thought,

you couldn't cope with this onslaught.

Dass: please end them.

GOD: sorry, but that is not the process, it would be easy for me to

just press a button to end them, but where is development. where is

your evolution, you can go from a to b without going through the

road, you've

teleported and not seen the journey, and the experience. this is a

challenge, god knows its very difficult, he fully understands and

sympathises with himself. u need to trust the process. trust, trust


Dass: feel knackered, tired of fighting with them. where are the


GOD: they've been temporarily deactivated, gives us time to


Dass: why not permanently?

GOD: because i can't give u everything u want, u want so much do you

know that. Well i'm sorry i can't give u this, your gonna have to be

patient to blow the thieves out permanently from your system.

Dass: this is so hard. sorry a swear word came in our mind.

GOD: this path was not meant to be easy, if it was easy you'd all be

walking it right now. in time, when souls are ready, they get phased

into it.

Dass: do you want us to share this?

GOD: yes

Dass: whats the answer to beating them?

GOD: Time. give it time. this kind of thing doesn't come

overnight, it can take years, lifetimes and longer to defeat your

self. so there's no rush. don't panic either. you worry a lot

sometimes, the thoughts sometimes stay

stuck in your mind and it takes time to root them out. you know you

need to be like a pipe and let them flow through, where the pipe is

your mind, don't let it (i.e. the pipe) clog up with thoughts, you

then get a backlog, then you get overwhelmed with negativity, and

then your gasping. your body temparature changes, and so all this

from thoughts. your thoughts have

basically hit your body. this goes back to what your Baba Ji said

about excessive thinking (i.e. it takes amrit), hence as you can see

it's not good. your sometimes overthinking trying to look for things

that are not there. your not waiting. not waiting at all.

Dass: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (sighs. . . . )

GOD: i'll join u in that too :-) hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sigh

GOD: look don't give up, keep fighting, keep battling things do get

easier for everyone on this path, the simran you do will pay off and

benefit your sukshum sareer (astral body). but part of this, is you

need to accept reality of where you are and where you want to be and

allow the time factor. can you remember when I showed some info

before. lets remind you of the learning behind it, how you take x no

of years to get a college degree, on the spiritual path you expect

rewards and achievements in a lot less time, maybe you should think

of it in the way of development, and development takes time, whether

your developing a career or a spirit :-)

Dass: right. learnt from you something good God, be like the pipe

and let things flow through, keep the pipe clear like an artery into

the soul and let it absorb truth rather than be cluttered with maya

type thoughts hunnah???

GOD: spot on. right. u need to end this dialogue. work to do ! bye

4 now !!

Dass: see ya later and thanks so much, ap ji charna vich dandaut.

bhul chuk maff karna for the countless sins. and that swear. out of

frustration. sorry !


8 JUL 04

GOD: Hurt can only happen where there is separation and where does

that separation come from?

In the mind. Violence is a natural by-product of that separation. So

stop thinking separation, and start


SIMPLICITY. You just have to be simplicity in the field of complexity

to conquer it, what do you think Humility is. it is a form of

simplicity. Be Simple and Loving. Let Love unite you with Others. Let

the illusion not fool you inside.

Dass: Thanks God for those comforting words.

GOD: "Ik Oan Kar Sat Naam" .. One God who's name is Sat Naam.

Break your bharams (dounts/iilusions), break your fears, stop letting

these thoughts control. talk back now. Break the spaghetti inside,

break all the fears. smash them inside now.

Dass: how do we love, dear God and light?

GOD: love from your heart. start with your heart. Put your attention

there now.

Dass: how do we keep the love going throughout today?

GOD: keep your simran going, put love in it like this. Sat naam

(Feel it, imagine, feel you are love, believe it, experience it).

keep the feeling of love going.

Dass: : what are we really?

GOD: You are Love, you are a healer, you are a giver of peace, you

love all, you are peace with all, you seek to harm no-one and you do

not harm no-one either in thought, word or deed. You love all equally

with your heart. You see all as One and same as part of you. You seek

to not take revenge on another when he hurts you, you gladly take the

pain for you see through the illusion of separation. Love from you

heals another part of you, all are parts of the same being, every

thing you see is a natural part of you. so why think negative or do

negative towards your own-self.

Dass: why do we see pain in life?

GOD: At the level of the soul, there is no harm to another. at the

physical there is pain, at the

soul-level consciousness this is absent.

Final Comment:

Our view of the world shapes our thoughts, only God's kirpa and grace

can change our views. What is everything. Everything we see is light,

and light changed in ways, things in different colours, seeing the

same thing in different ways. the same energy and being manipulated

in different ways by OM (GOD) JI. There is nothing out here but OM,

there is nothing but OM inside too. OM is very mysterious indeed.

All the True ones out there know of OM, can speak truly of OM JI, I

know nothing at all about him, he knows everything and makes us write

from what he makes us learn or read or experience in life. He is the

Master and the student. We can talk of OM all day. Ik Oan Kar Sat


-dust of your feet.

("Become the dust of everyone's feet then come to me"

"hoi sabhna kee renka thao ao hamaraay paas" ... Guru Arjun Dev Ji)


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