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Would You Or Would You Not

Bad Girl

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manjot and badgirl.. a sikh is a sikh (one who follows guru's rehat).. to some it may clash their "liberal" vies.. to some ..it may seem fanatic.. but if someone is a sikh.. its just the orders given by guruji..a way of life!!

parneet said ... "she doesn't have a soft corner for khalistan" huh???

who is asking for a "soft corner"??.. u must have seen those news reports or the songs made by users...

but if u saw and heard the speeches of JASWANT SINGH KHALRA ji or jarnail singh bhindranwale ji... and still u say ...abt soft corner then ...baaaah ...y to waste time!!


so ...get into shabad kirtan..nitnem.. and understand and apply !! instead of listening to today's rock/pop!! utilise this time... u may be thinking ..who am i to say.. and how the hell is music gonna effect me..

behn ..its not me saying.. our guru's have already left this message... utilise the time in gurbani!!

trust me... get deeper in sikhi.. u will get the answer of khalistan!!

plzz dont think of modern day.. nachde tappde.. daroo vich rulde punjab as the khalsitan..!!

we need a khalistan ..whre there is no duality... duality of faith in guru's rehat!! which is one of the formost we have to consider !!


Veerji, I am no monster. no.gif I just wish people would respect and understand that I am a confused sikh. That's all. I've been a "sikh" all my life, but don't really know too much about it. Can you understand that? Maybe I just don't have the desire. Maybe it never was there? Maybe I'm just no damn good.

I did watch the videos and learned a lot of things! pray.gif See, now I came back today, and people are not giving me a chance.

Let me tell everyone something. Yes, at first I had some anger towards Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale because I thought he was just some big shot prancing around Amritsar looking for a fight with his spears and such and all the people following him with guns. I thought he was being selfish and why did he allow SRI Harmandir Sahib to get attacked? Who did he think he was?

After watching videos.

I was totally wrong. d_oh.gif The man never asked for anything from anyone and he was very humble. He was just fighting for the sovereignty of the sikhs. I really enjoyed his talks and he was a true gursikh. d_oh.gif

My anger towards Sant ji was holding me back, because I thought he was the father of Khalistan, and that he was the main reason why 84 happened. And that Khalistan was just about ak47s! I was wong in thinking this. See, I am trying to learn. Won't anyone give me a chance? Please?

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manjot veera... who said u r a monster (not me for sure)...

and i m saying from starting.. tht get into sikhi to know the answers...

its good u r learning... thts wht a SIKH is ...always learning...

and u r not confused.. u r learning...

i m a beginner too.. i m still a moorakh!!

:T: gud to see peace here


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bad girl you have no knowledge about khalistan, i dont knwo waht you're doing here.

you know nothing about khalistan, and you are talking S*it about how u will never go there

When i see Bad_Girl my brain tells me "You're about to read BS"

Why do you start such threads? It seems most of your stuff is pointless such as "How b*tchy are you?", (It's pretty sad the admins actually allowed that topic..) These pointless topics and threads causes no development for anyone. No one learns anything except how lame your views are.

When i tried explaining a few things to you, you said i wasn't "liberal" enough. You are like those people who talk and talk, but can never listen. Not listening means no learning, thus your views are the same from before.

Also, someone mentioned the fact brothers were forced to harass and assault their sisters, fathers were forced to beat their daughters by the poice and paapi hindus, and you said "Thi forum has younge people"

Yet, you go on around asking people how b*tchy they are. When someone spoke the truth you warn them about how there are children, but you never look at urself and the stupid threads you make. Putting children apart, Starting threads like this is the same, your targeting khalistanis.

Yes i'm attacking you, I don't really care. You should learn and i told u nicely but u gave me bs, so now you should shut up.

Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ke fateh

LOLz....theres something i've been wanting to say fa a LLOOONNNGGGGG time....thank ju :TH: blush.gif

yo why do the admins allow 2 accounts by the same person here? especially when they act like their two different people...

Admins; do a ip match on Manjot and Bad_Girl, there the same person, so delete the user id

ya i thought they were the same person too, they have the same views on EVERYTHING, coincidence?????i mean how do we know this isnt a single person who is trying to go onto sikh forums in hopes of misguiding the sikh youth??no offense, but sumthing to think about grin.gif

Dude, we are not the same person. I swear to babaji. I write english much better, anyways. LOL.gifLOL.gif We just share similar beliefs. That's all. It is possible in this small world.


LOL....yo guys chill he sayni da truth manjot is a guy while bad girl is a girl....besides....bad girl DID have another account "cookie"....and yeah yo i thought more den one account wasn't allowed wacko.gif

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its so obvious its the same person, i held this conversation with "manjot" through PM, and his/her attitude towards bad girl was hilarious, a sudden change, as to express nooo we are teh same, look i'm making fun of her.

Huh? :D @ You seriously think we are the same person? Ok, I joined dec/05. How come I was under the radar until July? Why didn't you know about me before then? Why would I waste my time to have two names here?

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