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Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa

Waheguru Ji ki Fateh....

I am sure this must have been discussed on here a lot...but I cudn't stop myself from praising Dr. Aulakh for his wonderful effort. If some1 hasn't been to www.khalistan.com then go ahead and have a look...he is atleast doing something...

Waheguru kirpa kare....

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I totally agree. This website (Khalistan.com) was one of the first websites i had as a favourite. he meets influential people, but I feel that his knowledge and could be put to better use though if he joined with other organisations, as this would have a greater impact on the sikh community and other communities also.

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Dr Aulakh was the first to realise that lobbying of foriegn Governments was the best way of influencing policy in India. The Jews and lately the Indians have got effective at this. Sikhs still have not got it and are spending their resources on the wrong things.

The act below and a letters from Clinton to stop human rights violations came about through Dr Aulakh lobbying, and around 1995 the killing of Sikhs in Indiadid go down

AMERICAN OVERSEAS INTERESTS ACT OF 1995 (House of Representatives - June 08, 1995)


Burton Amendment Cuts Aid to India

Washington, DC.--Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN), Chairman of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, today won approval of an amendment to the foreign aid bill which would dramatically cut aid to India and other countries that consistently oppose U.S. interests at the U.N.

By including developmental assistance to the list of aid programs which would be denied these countries, Burton's amendment puts some real teeth into the foreign aid bill. The bill, as reported by the International Relations Committee, ties U.S. economic assistance directly to the voting patterns of other countries at the U.N. If a country votes against the U.S. more than 75% of the time, it would be ineligible for economic support funds, International Military and Education Training (IMET) funds, and Foreign Military Financing, three relatively modest programs. The Burton Amendment adds Development Assistance, which is a more substantial program, to the list. For example, India which has voted against the U.S. more than any other country, from 81% to 95% of the time would lose $70.4 million in developmental assistance and $364,000 in IMET funds next year alone.

`This is American taxpayers' money we are talking about here. There is no reason for us to be giving American money to countries who do not support our policies. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect countries who receive our assistance to vote with us 25% of the time. Most countries who do not support the U.S. in the U.N. are noted human rights violators, such as Cuba, Sudan, North Korea, Iran, and India. We should not be supporting countries like this,' said Burton after the debate.

Burton has been a consistent critic of India's human rights record, speaking frequently about torture and extrajudicial killings of Sikhs in Punjab, Muslims in Kashmir, and Christians in Nagaland. During debate today, he spoke passionately on the House floor about India's long record of abuses.

All major human rights groups have condemned India as one of the most notorious human rights violators in the world. It is no surprise that India almost always votes against the U.S. at the U.N. According to Asia Watch, `Virtually everyone detained in Punjab is tortured.' Amnesty International says, `Torture (in Punjab and Kashmir) and ill treatment is widespread and in some cases systematic, resulting in scores of deaths in police custody.' Even our own State Department reported, `Over 41,000 cash bounties were paid to police in Punjab for extrajudicial killings of Sikhs between 1991 and 1993.' This month in Kashmir, Indian troops burned to the ground a centuries-old mosque and hundreds of Muslim homes in the neighborhoods surrounding it.

`It is absolutely grotesque and inhumane to torture human beings in any way, but the government of India makes it a routine practice. There are certain standards to which we should hold countries who receive U.S. aid, and India is no exception. I believe we should cut ALL aid to India until they quit their murderous reign of terror in Punjab and Kashmir, and start supporting U.S. policies at the U.N.,' said a determined Burton.

The foreign aid bill does not cut money from humanitarian food aid, international narcotics control, or antiterrorism programs, even in countries which are effected by the substantial cuts.

[Page: H5716] GPO's PDF


Disregard for Religious Sites and Figures

May 1995--Indian troops in Kashmir burn to the ground the centuries-old walnut wood mosque in Charar-e-Sharies, along with hundreds of homes around it.

December 1992--Hindu mobs destroy the historic Babri Mosque in Ayodhya as Indian troops stand by and watch.

December 1992--Gurdev Singh Kaonke, one of the most revered leaders of the Sikh religion, is arrested, tortured and killed in police custody.

June 1984--Indian soldiers launch an all out attack on the Golden Temple in Amritsar, the holiest shrine of the Sikh religion. 38 other temples throughout Punjab are attacked, killing thousands of Sikhs.

What Human Rights Groups Say

Asia Watch: `Virtually everyone detained in Punjab is tortured.'

Amnesty International: `Torture (in Punjab and Kashmir) and illtreatment is wide-spread and in some cases systematic, resulting in scores of deaths in police custody.'

State Department Human Rights Report (1994): Over 41,000 cash bounties were paid to police in Punjab for extrajudicial killings of Sikhs between 1991 and 1993.

Graphic Examples of Torture and Murder, Punjab and Kashmir

Extrajudicial murders of Sikh youth are a common occurrence. Between 1986 and 1994, 6,017 unidentified Sikh victims of Indian police were cremated in the District of Amritsar alone. There are 13 districts in Punjab. It has been estimated that security forces have had over 25,000 unidentified Sikhs cremated or dumped in rivers during this period.

In January 1995, the water level of the Sirhind Canal was lowered for repair work. One dozen bodies of young Sikh torture victims were found at the bottom of just one short section of the canal with their hands and feet bound. There are hundreds of miles of canals throughout the province.

In January 1993, Indian paramilitary forces in Kashmir burnt to death at least 65 Kashmiri civilians in the town of Sopore. Soldiers deliberately set fire to five separate areas of the town. They also dragged shopkeepers out of their shops and shot them in the streets. The torching of entire Kashmiri villages by Indian forces is a common tactic.

In 1994, Sikh activist Kanwar Singh Dhami was imprisoned along with his pregnant wife and son. He and his wife were tortured in front of each other. When the police were unable to extract an untrue confession from Mr. Dhami, they hung his wife up by her heels (she was six months pregnant) forcing her to have a miscarriage.

In Amritsar district in 1993, Indian police brought a Sikh youth they had tortured and thought was dead to the hospital for an autopsy. After the police left, the doctors discovered that the young man was miraculously still alive and revived him. The police returned several hours later after hearing that the man was alive. They took him out of the hospital, killed him again, and brought him back to the same hospital for his autopsy.

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