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Bibia And Singhs-relationships

Tarrandeep Kaur

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Guest peacemaker

^^^ Can i have your msn dunalli bai :D

I wish i could get maha_moorakh's msn .. i really wanna talk to him..but he won't talk wid me no.gif

wow did you read my mind? I was also about to ask dunalli for his msn, but I didn't press "add reply". grin.gif

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^^^ Can i have your msn dunalli bai :D

I wish i could get maha_moorakh's msn .. i really wanna talk to him..but he won't talk wid me no.gif

My homies Slick, and Shanti. Believe it or not I don't use MSN so many people have asked me for MSN lol, I think I should sign up, the reason for that is because I use the PC when I am doing an essay or something, and since today is saturday no homework lol just chillin..i have yahoo ID, you guys have YAHOO?

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Yes I agree wid u very much bro, I know how this goes from talkin then something else.

Sangat Jee

There has been quite a few posts regarding this issue, i do not want to make this into a long thread, so it would be better if no-one replies, as we are wasting time if we are to keep debating about this issue, when we could be using our time more wisely. However, i would like to bring to your attention, this article which was written by a gursikh. Please take time to read it and taken on aboard the advice that has been given.

Thank You

Vahiguru ji ka khalsa

Vahiguru ji ki fateh


Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fathe

Piyari sangat jio, daas has a little request to my maan (mind) and to your feet. Recently daas sent a message around saying that singhs and singhnia can talk but only about Sikhi and it does not matter if it’s for hours. Sadly I was very wrong; I ask forgiveness from the sangat.

Singhs and Singhnia should have no contact with each other, but putting this in mind one should see each other as brother and sisters. We should only say the Gurus Fathe to each other and that is about it, there should not be any other questions. Asking questions after the Fathe i.e. how are you doing? What you been up to? Then it will only lead to a conversation, which we should not get in to.

If the Singhni or Singh has a problem then it will be best to go to the same gender as them. If we need to tell the other person about a program, then ask their sister to tell them or send a quick email across to the sangat.

Daas doesn’t want to use examples but I think we won’t learn until we realise what our mistake is. Daas had a situation where some bibia got together and there was a Singh coming from a far distance to chill out with the bibia, sorry to say but this is totally MANMAT. If we do that then we are just falling in to the trap of kaam, it does not mater how old that Singh is or who he is. We also go on msn talking to the opposite gender as if it was ok. It is not ok! we need change this; it will only cause our Kaam to strike us.

If moni bibi wants to learn about sikhi then give them websites to look at, get them to come forums give them your sister’s number. There is no need for a Singh to talk to a bibia even if it is on sikhi, because Gursikhs souls are very attractive. Even if we don’t have any feelings or intentions for the other gender, there soul will get attracted to yours; they then have a feeling but don’t know what it is so they will just assume it’s the kaami feeling. The same as we are attracted to the elder gurikhs when we see them at rensbhais.

Bhai Anokh Singh Babbar NEVER looked at a bibi in to her eyes when talking to one; he would answer the question then walk away. These days we eye each other up at keertan programs in front of our Guru Granth Sahib ji. Singhs at those times would walk in the streets and when a bibi comes to sight they would put there heads down, these days we see a bibi from a distance we start to run towards her.

A bibi who is still around and in Birmingham was adopted by Bhai Randheer Singh, she told the gursikhs that her brother had to ask permission from Bhai Randheer Singh if she could come along with her brother to the markets. Waheguroo

These days we phone other Gurikhs daughters and ask then direct if they want to go to the Birmingham town centre with them.

It has gone really bad and this the time of Kaljug, people have started to look for there wife and husband to be. Kaljug is standing on one leg and things will get worse and only the true Naam Abhiyaasis will be able to rise the rest will only fall in to the trap.

Look we find it ok to go out with the opposite gender so when we have kids we will think its ok for our kids to go out with a male or female, later on when our kids have there own family it will be ok for there children to go out with there boyfriends and girlfriends. That’s how bad it will get and to some extent it has already reached that stage. Oh Waheguroo protect us, we are only kids we will fall in to the 5 chors traps, and we need your arm to get out of these traps that we fall in to.

Daas begs the sangat and his mind to stop this manmat thinking, so that we can become more like the chardikala puraatan Gursikhs.

Daas knows he has made mistakes, please daas asks forgiveness from the sangat Daas will carry on to make mistakes so please tell me if I ever go wrong. As Sikhs we have a lot to learn we can get there together.

Waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fathe!


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yes, assume if the post is ended with baba amarjeet singh that maha moorakhs brother is making the post

extra feelings does not necessarily mean kaam. stop assuming things.

in fact i was refering to attachment, growing close to the other perosn, but of course i am not going to deny that kaam could become a factor because it could.

i once again say to you, that no one is saying dont talk to opposite gender because all of a sudden ull be over run with kaam. they r saying tht with talking comes freindship, with freindship comes closeness, if you get close to someone of the opposite gender there are obvious problems.

maybe not obvious to those blinded like yourselves.

from baba amarjeet singh

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Guest s133k_s1kh

My homies Slick, and Shanti. Believe it or not I don't use MSN so many people have asked me for MSN lol, I think I should sign up, the reason for that is because I use the PC when I am doing an essay or something, and since today is saturday no homework lol just chillin..i have yahoo ID, you guys have YAHOO?

Yes i do :D its in my SS profile

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