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In Response To Sohi & Chele Smear Campaign


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Sohi has begun his smear campaign of Local Sikh Youths & Leaders who have exposed him,He has gone as far as openly challenging the Likes of The Sikh Federation UK,AKJ,BOSS,DDT ,Dal Khalsa,The local Labour Party (Gurcharan Singh Ex Ealing Mayor)& Other Jathe,who speak the truth,and expose him.

A list of what Himmat & Co have done.

They let Bollywood Film Crew In to do beadbi

Video link:

Topic Link: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=194167

He has sent his treasurer Mr Dokal to an RSS supported March

Video Link:

Sohi & Co are known to have links with Local thugs in Glassy Junction & the Notorious Tari Kandola(b’ham)

Sohi has been in court for assault,he owns several Pubs.Mr Johal his number 2 Owns Beaconsfiled Wine Stores on Southall Broadway and has several other branches.

Samra on several occasions has stoped Sikh Youth from doing seva in Jhor Ghar stating that ‘you have to have permission’

Samra and a few so called Gursikhs have got Sikh Youths arrested on False charges of robbing a Girl,the Youths simply stopped her entering as she was drunk and intoxicated with Drugs.They were released after 24hrs in a cell.

Gurdwara elections Hindus were allowed to vote,in a Sikh Place of Worhsip,http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showtopic=19812

Police were called everyday to proceed security for sangat.

The Gurdwara is in a bad state and has not been repaird even after photographic evidence,a petition & letters to Ealing Council health & Safety Board

Pics of Gurdwara falling apart: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showto...aded&start=

Petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/singhsabhasouthall

Sohi hasn;’t done any panthic programmes, since hes been in power Jagowala Jatha were thrown out when his gang came to power.

Now finnaly he has been exposed as an RSS agent.

Video: http://youtube.com/watch?v=EfM_7DRJTgI

He let Ramdev RSS supporter into Havelock Gurdwara gave him VIP status and sangat was pushed out of the way ,while Raamdev was treated higher than Sadh Sangat.Local Sikh youths objected to this,and protested but were beaten up and assaulted a statement below was given to all local medias and Radios:

On 21st August 2006 Ramdev came to Sri Singh saba Gurudwara, he was allowed into the Gurudwara also he was allowed to do his ‘ bhajan ‘. The committee was well aware of his arrival since they were the ones that invited him. When he arrived he was wearing a orange linen cloth around his body and he was inappropriately dressed. At the main entrance, when swami Ramdev arrived, several young Sikhs were pushed back by security as they opposed his presence in the Gurudwara. The reason for the opposition to Ramdev was because he is well known to be a RSS agent. He is the main tool of propaganda for the RSS network, he is known as the symbol of Hindutva. Charitable money that is given by his followers goes into actively funding RSS activities worldwide.

As the youths peacefully protested to let their opposition be known, they were pushed back by members of the committee and security of the Havelock Gurudwara. As this was going on women were bowing down, doing matha tekh and rushing to hold his hold onto his body parts as though if he was a god like figure. The committee then rushed Ramdev upstairs and took him for a tour. As this was happening the young sikh youths sat down within the diwan hall. 10 minutes after, Ramdev was escorted into the diwan hall and subsequently all the sangat that was waiting in a line to matha tek was immediately pushed out the way to make way for swami Ramdev to matha tek first as though he had priority over the sangat. Objecting to this atrocious act, a sikh youth stood up and questioned this action by saying “who is he to push sangat out the way and matha tek first? Everyone is equal”. Himmat singh Sohi tried to dismiss the matter as not important. Then the Sikh youth boy protested about this and as soon as he got up the committee members held him by his arms forcibly pushed him out of the diwan hall into one if the fire exits next to the kirtan stage. While this was happening several other youths intervened to help the innocent Sikh being assaulted. Another young sikh sitting down was horrified by this act, he was a gurusikh and would not tolerate this behavior inside the diwan hall. He was dragged from behind by committee members by his dastaar and the chakar on his dastaar. They was also pulling on his kirpan strap. The sangat witnessed this happening and some of them got up to stop this and went to he back exit to see what was happening. At this point in time, approximately 10 – 11 sikh youths were in the stairs where they were physically assaulted by security and committee members.

The gursikh was pushed and held against the wall of the stairs and was threatened with verbal abuse by security guards who themselves were not gursikhs and were self-confessed swami Ramdev supporters.

2 other youths were confronted in the joraghar by 3 security guards who threatened to throw them out and call the police. The youths refused to bow down to the commands set out by the security men. Then the so called “chief of security” who does not have the appearance of a sikh, tried to lecture these Sikhs about their own religion. The young Sikhs would not take notice of what he said and was defiant in the face of threats of police being called. the police arrived and were confused by the situation because the had no understanding of Sikh affairs. Half the youth had left the Gurudwara premises by now as to not cause anymore commotion. Upon hearing this several other youths arrived at the Gurudwara to find the youths who were throw out of the diwan hall in the car park being physically manhandled.

As Ramdev was leaving some of his followers were actually saying ‘Jai Mata’,which is clearly not sikh and shouldn’t be allowed to be sung in gurdwara premises outside the front entrance of the gurdwara and were praising him in the manner of a god.An elder youth tried to enter the gurdwara premises to question the committee and security members of why young Sikhs were being thrown out on the account of ramdev arriving.By then there was quite a large gathering outside the gurdwara in favour of the young youths.They denied any anti gurmat activites taking place and the young man was denied entry to the gurdwara and was also escorted off the premises.The police were then again called by security members,the police said it’s a committee matter and that the committee decides what goes on inside the gurdwara,even after several minutes of explanation to police they still took the committees side.The police than said to the youths to disperse as the security had lied and told the police that the youths were armed and ready to fight.The security than in panjabi said whoever dares to oppose us and step up to us will face the consequences.The youths than did a jakara and walked off the gurdwara premises,as the police does not knw about sikh affairs they had no choice but to side with the committee.Every sikh youth who even slightly looked like they opposed ramdevs presence was thrown out of the gurdwara in a manner that is not acceptable,is this what sikhi has come to today committees throwing out young Sikhs and giving RSS supporters VIP status in guru ghars.Ramdev is a symbol of RSS,and actively funds the RSS which carries out anti Sikh activities,is this how low we have got to funding the very people that destroy our faith? Below are the sequence of events :

* Ramdev had programme at Havelock Gurdwara

* Youth oppose his arrival, and are pushed away form main entrance.

* Ramdev arrives in diwan hall, sangat waiting to matha tek is pushed out the way just for him is he special?

* Youth oppose this move and confront committee,

* Committee/security manhandle and assault youth in back exits, young youths are grabbed by turbans

* Police are called but refuse to get involved

* Some youths leave, and elder youth arrive but are also denied entry

* Ramdev leaves Hindu slogans are heard being shouted by his followers

* Youth go home security threatens and think they have won

* This is not the only incident that has taken place against young Sikhs at sri guru Singh sabha below are a list of incidents.

* Youths were previously arrested under false allegations of stealing chains from a drunk woman who they threw out of the Gurudwara, and spent time in police cells for 24hrs,but were later released as they were innocent.

* A few weeks later allegations of them drinking and looking at girls in the Gurudwara arise.

* Youth are denied jora ghar di seva at park ave and Havelock Gurudwara.

* Are regularly talked to in a rude manner by security and committee. The security guards are not Gursikh but mostly with haircuts and have symbols like strings on their arms, so who are they to lecture young Sikh youths.

Now we ask is this what sikhi is????????? Is this right that sikh youths are being treated like this???????????Why

Note: everything stated above is true and there were hundreds of sangat that witnessed this.

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Lets see if Mr Nazi Himself SARPANCH can let the truth come to the sangat

you have documented the proceedings of the 19th THE SACHA SAUDHA PROTEST it is all captured the march the banners the sangat, the slogans the attitude the language and the disipline, lack off disipline shown by members of the sangat good & bad.

The respect & lack of respect shown to maharaj g's guru kar ,divan hall ,sevadars, saroop and sangat.

The faces will be clear and the voices load lets see it. All you talk about is hate, and you look to blame people outside our community you and others no forwell where the blame lies for our troubles.

Start by telling the truth turn over a new leaf this path you have tacken is a road to nowhere mark my words.

A nation is a society united by delusions about its ancestry and by common hatred of its neighbors.

Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith

The hatred you're carrying is a live coal in your heart - far more damaging to yourself than to them.

We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization.One and all.

"All the sources of creation, and all languages meditate on Him, forever and ever." (Guru Arjan Dev, Asa, pg. 456)

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