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For My Sisters

jasleen k

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we are all the soulbrides longing to meet our beloved husband lord!

i saw a bunch of awsome videos on sikhnet yesterday relating to sikh women and they're short so please take out the time to watch them! ;)




and last but not least


P.S. I Love Guruka Singh his videos are really touching plus hes hilarious!

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love the post

but it ticks me off about how ppl take that soulbride metaphor so literally

aatma is genderless, a piece of god, therefore it can have no gender

maharaj used the METAPHOR of soulbride to better explain the relation between aatmaa and parmaatmaa

it doesn't make sens to go about saying that every is a bibi tho

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sakhee milahu ras ma(n)gal gaavahu ham ghar saajan aaeiaa ||2||So join with me, my sisters, and sing the songs of joy and delight; my friends have come into my home.

this is for my sisters who rock the dastaar everyday, at home, at school, at work, and at play.

this is for my sisters who defied their family and offered their heads to their Guru. you know the difference between temporary attachment and true love.

this is for my sisters who's kirpans have tasted the blood of the enemies of humanity. i can never find the words to thank you enough.

this is for my sisters who choose not to look like a hollywood/bollywood starlet, who are happy and beautiful with their hairy legs, their untrimmed hair, and their eyebrows just as God made them. you are the essence of beauty and grace.

this is for my sisters who struggle to get their children ready each day, combing through their tears, braiding their hair, tying their patkas, and never once thinking of taking the easy road. you keep the future of Sikhi alive.

this is for my sisters who are teachers, bringing the next generation up with love, courage, honesty, and integrity. you inspire me as much as you inspire them.

this is for my sisters who nurse the sick. your compassion brings a smile to my face every time i think of you.

this is for my sisters who see seva as a normal part of every day life, not as something they have to do. you make the world a better place for everyone around you.

this is for my younger sisters who have it so together... it's me who looks up to you!

this is for my older sisters who command my respect with every drop of wisdom that comes from their lips. i sit at your feet.

this is for my sisters who stood up for themselves and married for Sikhi rather than for caste, race, or social standing. you are changing the world.

this is for my sisters who wear a kadha instead of jewelry, kachhera instead of mini skirts, a kanga instead of a bindi, a kirpan instead of a designer purse, and a dastaar instead of a fashion hair style. you are the very image of Guru ji!

this is for my sisters who stand up for themselves, who speak their minds, who make people listen, who make people think twice, who make people angry, who keep their cool, and who turn heads in wonder and respect wherever they go. you are my role models.

this is for my sisters. my kaurs. my singhnia. my bibian. my bhenay. i look up to you. i learn from you. i am inspired by you. you have my attention. you have my respect. you have my love.

thank you.

jinee sakha(n)aee ka(n)th pashhaaniaa ho thin kai laago paae ||I touch the feet of my sister soul-brides who have known their Husband Lord.

thin hee jaisee thhee rehaa sathasa(n)gath mael milaae ||1||If only I could be like them! Joining the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, I am united in His Union. ||1||


gur fateh ji !

the wording and the sentiment is just perfect !

may u never waver from the path of the sarab kala samrath guru !


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Jasleen K. Pennji

Your post is a true inspiration and I salute from my heart to all Kaurs out there who have courage of a lioness to be singhnis despite all that peer pressure and stuff. Wish if all Kaurs had mind set like yours.

Keep it up pennji

Waheguru Ji app nu Chadi Kala Bakhshan.

Bhul Chuk Mauf

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Jasleen K. Pennji

Your post is a true inspiration and I salute from my heart to all Kaurs out there who have courage of a lioness to be singhnis despite all that peer pressure and stuff. Wish if all Kaurs had mind set like yours.

Keep it up pennji

Waheguru Ji app nu Chadi Kala Bakhshan.

Bhul Chuk Mauf

i'm nothing next to these singhnia, veerji. i sit at their feet in awe. my sisters make me feel honoured just to know them! :)

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