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The 3 Man Group,

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WaheGuruuJeeKaKhalsaa WaheGuruuJeeKeeFateh

The 3 Man Group. Some Thoughts and Opinions.

May the Keertan of Arjan Dev Guruu Resound on Earth.

The Most Fortunate Mardaanaa accompanied Guruu Nanak and His Rabab brought elixir from the Heavens to Earth. The Keertanee was Guruu Nanak. Can you hear the Keertan? Listen. . . . .

The Keertan turned Murderers into Saints. The Keertan turned Sinners into Saints. The Keertan turned Devotees into Saints. The Keertan turned cannibals into Saints. The Keertan made ritualists into Saints. The Keertan turned non-believers into Devotees. The Keertan mesmerized the Environment Around As Well. The Keertan turned Sour Fruits - Sweet. The Keertan Awe Struck the Creation. Who can speak the Greatness of the Keertan of Guruu Nanak?

The Tradition of Keertan was inaugurated by Guruu Nanak Himself. Blessed is Bhai Mardaanaa.

540 Years Later.

The Harmonium has invaded. The Raags (Moods) have been reduced to the keys of the Harmonium. NO. The Raags are Stronger than any keys of the Harmonium. The Tantee Saaz of the Guruu are to accompany the Moods of the Shabad. The Rhythm (the Taal) – for this too the Guruu has provided the Instrument(s). Beat those drums.

540 Years Later.

There is great demand for Keertan. And Rightly So. The Guruus’ Word is Mesmerizing and Life Changing. But the intention was to Break the Bonds of Greed.

Occupation of the 3 Man Group.

One Key Harmonium Player is backed by another Harmonium Player, where the Rhythm is kept by the Tabla. Nor the Harmonium Nor the Tabla were instruments of Tat Maryaadaa from Guruu Nanak to Guruu Gobind Singh. A fee is expected for ‘Keertanees’ – some higher than others – dependent on their fame and demand. Those who make more desirable tunes at the expense of the Raags of the Guruu charge more for their visits. Their uniform convinces the masses that this is the way it must be. What did Guruu Nanak Charge? What was His Fee? Surely one who sings the Keertan of the Creator will be blessed with all Wealth, No? All Success follows True Keertanees. Why sell the Keertan? The tradition was that out of faith and love, devotees would give them (The Keertanees) offerings to make the earnings of the devotees Holy and Acceptable. This is because the Keertanees were of High Spiritual States and their lives were examplery of GurSikhs. It was an Honor if such Devotees of Guruu Nanak accepted their humble offerings. The Keertan was not done for the purpose of the Offerings. They were accepted out of Love.

Keertanees of the Past were not only GurSikhs in Thought, Word and Deed, they were also Masters of Instruments and Inspiration for Musicians of high regard. The Shabads from the Lips of Such GurSikhs accompanied by Mastership of the Instruments and the Perfection of Raags even astonished the most accomplished Learned People of Music. This is the Glory of the Khalsaa.

The 3 Man Group. The 3 Man Group are not always Masters of the Raag nor Instruments of the Guruus. They find great delight in Deep Sleep at the AmritVelaa. They only Keep Their Kakaars while ‘On Duty’. After their ‘Duty’ they are in a rush to leave the Darbaar. If NitNem is done by them when they are not on ‘Official Duty’, only they know. How can we make sure only GurSikhs in Thought, Word and Deed are Singing to the Sangat? Surely the Spirit behind Devoted Devotees will have a Stronger Effect on the Masses? I am fearful the Spirit or the Lack Off, of Undevoted DutyDaars has caused much damage.

The Guruu surely must Love the ‘NetreHeen – Without Sight’ GurSikhs who in the Sanctuary of the Guruu out of Love Sing His Keertan. Guruu Nanak is Ever Merciful, Brimful and OverFlowing with Virtues that cannot be Grasped. Oh Guruu AmarDaas You are the Shelter for the Shelterless, You are The Source of Food for the Hungry, You are the Honor of the Honorless. Guruu AmarDaas Bless Us All With Your Grace.

Back to you UnPrincipled 3 Man Group.

The 3 Man Group who praise the committee members who use the Guruus Golak to run Pubs. The 3 Man Group whom at the Behest of Committee Members perform the Anand Karaj at Pubs and Clubs. The 3 Man Group who follow the dictates of Corrupt Committee Members. The 3 Man Group who ‘Put On and Take Off’ their ‘Pugs’ like hats. The 3 Man Group who skip or read Paath ‘Asudh’ when no one is listening. The 3 Man Group who do not Stop nor Speak Up Against Committees propagating Falsehood. The 3 Man Group who look upon Sangat both young and old with a ‘dirty eye’ or God Forbid ‘Touch’. Dirty Films. Such 3 Man Groups have caused much damage. The Water needs to be Separated from the Milk. All Committee Members, Ardaasees, Granthees, Langrees, All representatives of the Guruus’ House must be Examplery of The Khalsaa in Thought, Word and Deed. True Devoted Souls need to be the Ones Singing for the Congregation. Most importantly, they need to be Singing for Themselves and to Propagate the message of the Khalsaa in Thought, Word and Deed. The Keertanees should be Inspirational for All in Thought, Word and Deed. True Khalsaa Keertanees.

The New Generation AmritDhaaree RehitVaan NishKhaam GurSikhs will Change the Future. GurDwaaraas/Dharamsaalaas all over the world will Echo Ambrosia. They will be Inspired by the Their Eternal GuruuGranth Sahib Jee, Baanee of Dasam PatShah, Bhai GurDaas Jee, Bhai Nand Lal Singh Jee, Bhai GurDaas Singh Jee. They will not only bring back the Instruments and Moods of the Guruus’ Shabads (Raag), they will also be Filled with the Chardi Kalaa of the Spirit of The Khalsaa. They will surely make Their Father Proud. Mata Sahib Kaur is Forever Their Mother.

Yours Truly,

Temporary Resident of Planet Earth.

WaheGuruuJeeKaKhalsaa WaheGuruuJeeKeeFateh

Other Opinionates

1. The New DharamSaalaas/GuruDwaaras. Some Thoughts and Opinions.

2. Adoption. A Khalsaa Principle.

3. The Importance of Hierarchy. And the New Generation.

4. Cyber Sangat. Some Thoughts and Opinions.

5. The Duty of a Keertanee

6. Veechar Screens Everyday.

7. Inspirational Baanee of GurSikhs from the Time of Guruu Nanak to Guruu Gobind Singh Jee.

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