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Who today in India is fighting for Khalisthan...


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To all my Sikhs brothers and Sisters,

I’m fairly new to this board and have been really interested in the all the topics and discussion which have arisen.

Since a young age I have taken a keen interest in the struggle for Khalisthan and the movement by our Shaeeds to succeed for the Sikh home land of Khalisthan.

Khalisthan has always been a very sensitive issue for all Sikhs and NRI’s especially in the U.K and USA. I visit India on a regular bases and have travelled vast parts of India. Whenever I travel to Punjab I have realised that over the last few years the movement for Khalisthan has dramatically slowed down and seems non-existence today in Punjab. Apologies in advance, as I may be wrong. Today our Jawans in India are more interested in indulging in alcohol, drugs and other degrading acts.

These are the Jawans I would have hoped would have followed in the footsteps of our shaeeds… but today this isn’t the case. I have seen all across the world that during Visakhi Nagar Kirtans the words of Khalisthan Khalisthan are uttered loudly and proudly by crowds of people. But who actually takes any notice of this and does India take any notice o this?

My question is that Khalisthan is a deeply political and sensitive issue, who today India cares about Khalisthan? More importantly who is heading this cause in India, not us brothers and sisters talking about Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale coming back or sitting on the forum arguing between ourselves ??

My point is that we sitting in countries like the U.K, USA and Canada, how can we ask for Khalisthan when there is no evidence from Punjab itself from the youngsters or even elders there to have a homeland? Wh

en ever I have tried bringing the topic up in India I get told to shut up bye people Punjab. This is because the people of Punjab don’t want to see the pain and blood shed again…..

So who will move forward for Khalisthan do you know who….. ???


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Brother there is NO armed struggle for Khalistan anymore, and i doubt there will be in the near future. Sorry if i am wrong...please.

On the other hands there are still, lots of orgs that do support Khalistan and separate Sikhs state etc.

The main these days i believe is Dal Khalsa www.dalkhalsa.com

If you want history about the dal, please say so. Also they have stopped all armed struggle, but fight through peacefull means, etc. some others also. but no time to mention right now.

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Deep Paji,

thanks for your reply... I'm glad that a peaceful movement is going ahead but is this casue being listened to ?

It just seems where stuck in a strut with Khalisthan, without a more aggresive movement I think where stuck in no mans land for the moment.

SO whats your thought about Sikhi on the decline in India? I think hoestly the Sikhs of India want to foget 84 and have forgotten 84......

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Guest Jahan

I dont understand these many topics claiming that 'Sikhi is on the decline in India'. Well, i dont know where in India you visit but Sikhism is far from being on the decline, ever been to Delhi?

Let me tell you that Delhi is nothing without the Sikhs. In Delhi there is this saying that 'every second face you meet is a Punjabi'. The most noticeable of Punjabis are of course, the Sikhs.

Tell me how many Sikhs do you see sleeping on the streets, rickshaw pulling, slaving away on Delhi metro etc? Frankly, i saw none.

What you do see in Delhi though are rich Sikhs and Punjabis living in all the best areas and dominating life in Rajouri Garden, Punjabi Bagh, Connaught Place, Janakpuri, Karol Bagh, Shalimar Bagh etc etc Sikhs are so powerful in Delhi that in Rajouri Garden keertan and paath from the Gurdwara are blasted through the streets over loudspeaker in the morning and during the night... This is illegal yet no one can do anything... Im sure this is also done in other areas of Delhi where Sikhs dominate life (I was staying with my uncle in Rajouri Garden so know this for fact).

Thare are dozens of Gurdwaras bigger and better built than Hindu mandirs. You will find Gurdwara in every locality in Delhi. I also see that Bangla Sahib and Gurdwara Sis Ganj attract more Hindu devotees than even their own Mandirs do....

Sikhs are most successful community living Delhi, financially, socially, and in whatever other way. If anyone should be mad it should be those Biharis and Bhaiyaa Hindus who are sleeping on the roads and exploited as cheap labour (Often they are exploited by Sikhs, especially those who migrated to Punjab to till the fields..)


ow dont get me wrong, i despise India, not just the government but the country and its general populace also (forgive me if that offends you), but dont dwell on misinformation or flat out lies, just be honest. Sikhs are one of the most successful and richest communities in India.

Sikhs have not seen justice for riots in Delhi and for various military operations in Punjab which violated human-rights, but the religion is not declining at all, please get real.

(Yep, for those on Sikhpal half this post i copied from one of mine there since i cant be bothered to keep on making the same post over and over again in different words)

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Thanks again Paji for your reply...

Very interesting thoughts and very valid, however being rich and power dominant and having larger Gurudwaras then the Hindus doesn’t make us anymore loyal to our religion. You’re correct that every other face you see in Delhi is a Punjabi Sikh and they are successful.

Paji but with this great wealth, education etc come the flaws of society. The Western society has impacted society all over India and especially Punjab. Where youngsters of Punjab used to hold a gandassa and cut our Wheat in Punjab today they have exchanged their dastars for caps and bandanas and a plane ticket to USA and the U.K. There answer is who needs Sikhi if we have money. It’s a sad thought but this is what the youngsters of Punjab are saying, who needs Khalisthan.

The Indian government has pumped so many drugs into Punjab the state. Yes of course Punjab has money; it is one of the most richest states in India. But the youngsters with this money power and drugs are revolting to indecent acts. My question again is Sikhi on a decline or am I imagining these drugs and abuses in Punjab…..

We remain a minority in India however society around the world is now seeing us as a dominant force. But I’m sorry to say that the youngsters of Punjab today are on the downside. Amrtisar and Bhatainda have the highest rates of drug abuse. How would Khalisthan prevail if society is changing to these lawful needs. This was the exact message Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale tried to spread to drop the Western ways of life and turn to Sikhi. But the cause is non-existence today.

I’m not sure if I’m making sense here but I apologies if I have offended anyone.


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Guest Jahan

Chind Jee -

First on the drugs issue, i have to disagree with your assumption about the Indian goverment. For starters drugs exist in Punjab becasue Punjabis are growing them themselves. More importantly, Punjab state is on the drug route from Afghanistan. Hard-stuff from Afghanistan goes through Pakistan, Kashmir and into Punjab. It then moves on to wherever else. It is not the doing of the Indians. Amritsar and Gurdaspur border with Pakistan. Gurdaspur also shares a border with Kashmir. Its not hard to see then why drug abuse is higher in these districts. Also note that the Majha region has suffered discrimination from the Punjab government since Punjabi politics is dominated by politicians from Doaba-Malwa, specifically Patiala, Ludhiana and Jallandhar. Favortism to ones own hometown is common in Punjab and we can see this with Punjab's current CM, 'Captain' Amrinder Singh of the 'Patiala House'...

Punjabi youth are running away from Punjab because there are little job prospects or future for them. This is the fault of our own Punjabi leaders who have lacked any vision or desire to aid and develop the Punjab. Punjab state cannot rely on agriculture alone and as we know the 'green revolution' is beginning to turn 'grey'. Tell me what did Badal do for Punjab and what is Amrinder Singh doing? Nothing...

Now, while i am of the opinion that something sinister is going on in Punjab as it relates to the increase of migrant Hindustanis (Biharis/Bhaiyaas) entering the state im not ignoring the fact that Punjabis themselves are keen on giving employment to these people at the expense of the unskilled and semi-skilled Punjabi. This is because t

hey can easily exploit the migrants as they work for lower-wages and for longer hours. Also, Punjabis do not want to do labouring or menial jobs anymore. They'd rather have a migrant till the field and clean the 'nalas'. This despite that there is an already large and unemployed Punjabi workforce...

I can agree with you on the unfortunate rise in rapes, dowry, infanticide... in Punjab. This is sad, but i dont think it necessarily shows a drop in Sikhism, perhaps it just shows that more and more cases are being exposed whereas they were previously ignored.


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Veerji u have been to Delhi...alright......have u been to pinds in Punjab????I have been bought up in Chandigarh...the capital ciy of Punjab...and lived there 19 years....let me tell u onething....in every class I went 1 sikh guy had his hair cut...n the no. went increasing as the higher classes came...n in college???u can imagine I was studying in a Canadian College back in India n there were around 150 students in my course....n out of these 150 more than 120 belonged to sikh families...n out of these 120 so-called sardar guys......there were only 11 sikhs with turbans in all....n 4 out of these 11 sikh guys had beards including me.....so what do u say???

I agree with u that people r going to western countries coz there is no job-prospectus in India.....as I am myself came to New Zealand in January....what I am trying to convinve is that Sikhi is on the decline in Punjab....all my classmates used to say that we shud change with time....they said at Guruji's time one needed to be turbaned and that was good but now in modern times u don't need turban anymore.....isn't it funny.....I can't imagine the count of sacrifices for our religion n all they say is turban is out of fashion.... :wub: @ ....

n as far as the khalistan is concerned....some sikh guys don't even know that Sant ji exsited and he fought for our very own land...Khalistan....all they know is drugs..girls...clubs.....I think there shud be a movement to educate the guys of punjab abt Sik

hi.....Sikhs in west r far more recognised religiously as compared to Sikhs in Punjab.....

Bhul Chuk maaf

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cheema Pajii,

very valid point.... we in the Western world are far more aware of Sikhi that youngsters in in the East. Why? Like we say weve been there done it the Western way, no it's time for us to move back to our roots.

However the youngsters of Punjab have just discovered these strange ways of life of drugs clubs etc etc..... I do think there will be a Sikhi revolution in around 20 years time when we fall flat on our faces again....

Its a sad that youngsters in India neither care about nor know about how many Shaeeds we had in 84.

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