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Getting Married In The Uk

Guest Singh

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I don’t know whether to get married in the UK or back home in India. It’s probably the biggest decisions will make and it will affect me for the rest of my life. Im not sure what to do. My head is telling me to marry a girl from the UK. Because I don’t think I will be com bitable with a girl from india.

We will be two completely different people. And I may always end up being resentful and wishing I had married a girl from the UK.

What do most British born Sikh males current ly chose? Going back home or finding a girl/rishta in the UK. Like what is the percentages?

What also makes it more difficult is that I have I suffer from hairloss and because of this reason ive been turned down by a few girls. this is mostly to do with the girls family.

I really wish I didn’t have the hair loss as its made it to difficult to find a girl in the uk and will also make it difficult in india. What are most peoples experiences of the two different ways.

A bit about myself. Im 27, currently work full time and a Mona.

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Guest Bachitar Singh

I think really it depends upon what you want out of a partner, if you want someone who you can easily identify with; who knows about the music, movies, jokes, culture you know aswell as having a western fashion sense and communicating her love in a western way then you need a girl from the UK.

I used to think that I just couldn't marry a girl from India as she couldn't talk about things that I have grown up with and I would just not be able to click with someone who was alien to my British culture. How wrong was I? Totally !!

I recently got married in India to a pretty, chatty, vivacious girl. We are not together in the UK yet, and only spent 10 days together (with my family) and it was like we were meant to be. She was a little shy but made me feel brilliant. The conversation was about anything and everything and was virtually non stop. This will obviously depend on the girls personality, everyone is different, but when you talk to her you will know if there's chemistry, tell people what you want in a rishta and I am sure some auntie or another will be able to find the type of rishta you want.

There are many plus sides to marrying someone from India but it will require your full commitment. Once you decide to marry, never doubt your decision, UK or India. If you marry a girl from anywhere she will have faults, full stop. But I am sure that you are not perfect, nobody is. You will have to accept her for everything she is and vice versa, you can work together to make each other a better person and partner and reduce or eliminate each others faults. This article might help you, it really seems to make sense. http://www.webmd.com/sex-relationships/features/the-good-enough-marriage. The expectation of our generation is for perfection, it doesn't exist, me and the Mrs haven't argued yet but both expect to have our ups and downs during our marriage.

I am so happy I chose to marry in India, I am teaching her about British culture and she teaches me hers. She was initially shy but now shows me alot of love, obviously girls from India do not like alot of public shows of affection because that is not the done thing in India, however she feels a deep emotional connection to me. She won't be the same as a westernized girl but everything just feels foreign and exciting. Also many guys I know, even mone get on with their Indian wives as much as UK couples and some better.

You think a girl from India will not find you attractive because of hairloss and you won't get a rishta, I overcame slightly more. I am a disabled Amritdhari and use a wheelchair. I talked to her and sent a DVD of me to her and she said yes to me, we made sure that it was her choice, no coercion or force. Even upon meeting in India I insisted she could back out and that I would respect her as a sister from then and there wouldn't be any malice from any of us, but she said she was happy to marry me and didn't want to hear anymore about it. We were together for 10 days, she was happy, we've spoken on the phone non stop since and still she is happy and can't wait to be with me.

Trust me, you'll find someone in India. Take your time to choose, talk to the girl/s and ask all the questions that matter to you. Whatever you decide, trust your insticts, as neither decision is wrong.

Have faith in God, yourself and others.

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh

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I am a girl but I thought I'd help you and answer.

It depends though, sounds like you have had a few bad experiences through meeting girls in the UK and that's probably why you came up with the conclusion should I marry a girl from the UK or India.

To be honest I think it's personal choice, whether you think that you would be better off with a girl from other country and what or how you want her to be. Not all marriages are sucessful both in the UK or India it's just how you feel best suited.

I'm not married so I can't really offer my experiences.

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Nowadays, girls from india have the same thinking as girls from uk/abroad. It all depends on whether u click together and no harm in talking to girls from both countries.

If u dont talk to them, how will you know you are compatible for each other.

Dont think uk girls are all same, or india girls are all same, its all down to personal experiences. Happy for Bachitar Singh and that he has found a compatible partner.,

But no offence to anybody, please be wary that a girl doesnt use you for a visa..and then leave you, not saying that all do, but there have been cases and nowadays alot of girls want to go abroad for a better future, which is good, but as long as she doesnt leave you, you should be fine.

If then it could happen with a uk girl too, but then thats up to god, you need to be introduced to some and you will know yourself what they want, and if they are the one for u.

Good luck with it....

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Thanks simran345 bhenji, you are right about the visa angle, this kind of thing isn't uncommon in countries like India. There is no guaranteed way of sniffing out a visa-rat, it's just a chance you take, just need to be thorough with getting as much info as possible about your possible partner and her family, generally be very careful. The rest like with me is gurus bhaana.

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