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Weaknesses of Punjab System, ATM. (their side not ours) Part 1 : The government


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To begin: Why do I post stuff like this:

Most are scared not of 'death' but of a 'charge' for which they do 'time' knowing 'law I know with god's will I can always beat the charge; the only alternative is to kill me, which is w.e

To start The facts:

1. System exists with our consent.

2. The system is based on a lie.

3. A lie always has some truth in it

4. A lie cannot ever win against the

5. A truth is a more efficient and
stronger version of a lie (read on this is an edit in ref. to a point about
system can't fight itself and a point later on at end of situation section).


The real rulers and elites are those
with IMF, world bank, etc. the ones who control money.

Countries using a fiat currency are by definition bankrupt, as their currency is not backed by anything.

This is why they freely give away their wares, and have people signing up as wards of a corporation (non-living
entity). A corporation does not have to be commercial in nature.

Therefore, aiming at the government is not the long target but is the main one to do. With Raaj you can control
your financial system.

There is not a government conspiracy, any conspiracy is at a much-much higher level. (no conspiracy, bankers know how money works i.e just a signature but just keep it hidden from public, and restrict banks from exhanging promisorry notes for 'dollars' as an example)

TL;DR Government doesn't rule, and while taking down alone is an effort; using even peaceful but offensive methods (prosecution, liens, etc.) numbers much higher than most terrorist cells are
not required (3-4 per town/district targeting highest people). However, just like insurgencies mass support is required and the more the merrier.

The knowledge must be spread, or you turn into high-value easy to take-down targets yourselves.

Section 1:

The Government:

1. If we analyze the government we see that the shield of ignorance cast over our eyes, is on their eyes as well. I would doubt if cm's knew about the real nature of law, or even the Indian
constitution as India being a very connected, and young country has not had time to build a political class that is socially separated from the people the
same way as Canada for example.

The rural nature of the country could also account for this. (i.e governmental workers are much more known and connected to poplace than other places) (apne are with them).

TL;DR they are not smarter than you.

2. The untouchability the higher-ups feel will put them in legal trouble, as they may they do not need to reply to legal notices.

3. They are incompetent.

4. While they are corrupt and incompetent, they are not knowingly working against themselves. I.e will not purposely promote
duffars if they can help it.

5. They are already selfish people, with corrupt interests and 'There is no honor among thieves'. Easy to make them fight against each other. See 6

6. The system, (government) is designed like any corporation, with limited liability in mind. However, you are ALWAYS personally liable for any crimes you commit. See 7 for why this is

7. It is the default course of action, to discard a worker who is too expensive in up-keep (i.e scandals, too much cases against, liens, etc.)

8. Previous cases etc. have not worked because the system is designed to handle small amounts of dis-content.

9. Channels to vent dis-content and dis-arm it exist in all places no exceptions (all countries). (I.e regulatory bodies, de facto statutory courts, etc.)

10. These are only to mis-lead, and mis-direct people in order to dissuade them from acknowledging and realizing their own range (i.e can target top to bottom, anyone, anytime, everywhere).

(Shastar Vidhiya: Understand Range)

11. System is designed to function regardless of leader-ship changes, and power is spread throughout to mitigate disaster’s such Indira/Rajiv killings.


An armed populace (both knowledge, and physical) who is able to overwhelm the walls of the system is the best course of action. This group must be ever open, and expanding in order to
prevent a complete clamp/stamp down of it. A traditional structure of intelligent leaders, and dumbed down recruits will not work as each must be able to to conquer alone. (sava lakh seh ek).

Cannot discount value of moral victories, and structures must be in place in order to train new people who join as it is much harder to teach a person gyan than it is to load rockets,
and bullets.

The system has worked by being rigid and un-moving, a principle that has earned it respect and fear in the eyes of people; it is not designed to be able to counter a threat which is directly a
more refined version of itself i.e using focused over-whelming force, to destroy leaders while sparing followers who are not immediate threat.

They themselves after slowly having their turtle break away, will submit and come to you giving you rule. At thatpoint, it is up to the Sikh to make correct decision based on gurmat.

An example of this is, Baba Baghel Singh and Delhi.


The MO of government has changed from being overwhelmingly based on violence, as it runs contrary to the myths and assumptions this society is based on. Also, a west vs. easy dichotomy is
there with India acting alone but wanting/needing to stay on west's side and vice-versa. They play off each other, India acting a bit nicer, west a bit meaner to give a world-wide view of 'democracy'.

I hope my points have come across, I'm tired and I understand what my next correct actions have to be (hopefully). Past that, I hope you understand you have to start in your own neighborhood, in
order to gain skills, experience, and people.

Realize everything is connected, and that an ounce of freedom in Canada is worth a pound elsewhere.


The system is the same everywhere, same structure same EVERYTHING. Everything, is connected so breaking it here, breaks it elsewhere. However, we don't have to free the world to free the
Khalsa (or The Punjab) as we are people of unlimited liability free in their actions and therefore able to have focus, and vision.

The system, is more like a hammer able only to strike out at random, and the actions people within that structure are able to take are limited by: 1. their own morals vs. situation 2. their
posts 3. public support, etc.

We don't need the support of the public, or any of that as Truth always wins vs. lies.


When I said before that system is not designed to win against a better version of itself, I meant that a lie always has some truth in it, but can never stand up to the whole thing.


Can't find original white paper
anymore read it a few months ago:

edit - this may be http://journals.hil.unb.ca/index.php/jcs/article/view/4293/4888

what I read not sure now, but yea just google counter-insurgency doctrine to see how they will deal with this stuff.

Paper details here: kept at bottom to
improve readability of my own points:

which uses a four point strategy for counter-insurgency:

1. Suspend demo gov. start president

Reason: Respect/Fear from stable centre rule, as well as the obvious things (deploy force, etc.) because of internal processes see 11.

2. Flood area with security forces

Reason: Forces severely under-budgeted, under-equipped, and under-trained. Do nothing more than resort to thuggery, and eventually something happens.

Also, fun-times for commanders and show of force to rest of public for
respect/fear in order to win support for continued budget increases.

Third point, to limit AO of insurgents see point 3

3. Target Militant Leaders but spare

Reason: Causes dis-array, and lowers morale as often the most knowledgeable ones are the leaders, and due to point 2 as well as infrastructure of country avg. people are not at full potential. (true with any army, including lok sabha)

4. Force elections, return to

Reason: Show of power, that I can do this and that. To exhaust people mentally, not full analysis. It's their own bs pretty much, can look at it in many ways: army, and police want new kind of females to do mass rapes of, they want 'democracy', keep out of eye of western public, w.e w.e

They act without reason, they are still human, and due to being sheltered and focused on tyranny the saying that criminals have low iq applies.

What is definition of insurgency:

Let us define it as actions taken to change and/or topple the current infrastructure and government.

Therefore, a peaceful action such as prosecuting police officers with a certain mind-state is in fact insurgency.

edit- Spelling

edit2- Dam, word messed up my formatting fixed now hopefully but not orig way I meant it to read. :C

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Let me add:

Path of Evolution

1. Whereas, other systems tried and failed to set populace against each other this one is doing opposite (i.e east germany) (see 2)

2. It is attempting to exert control over regular people, and have tech (drones, etc.) to target the 'problems'

3. The minimal amount of control has 2 main purposes: 1. a person who believes they are free is more productive 2. Fear/Respect are powerful things and do the job by themselves

4. Path of evolution is towards minimalization instead of maximization

5. It is allowing people to be own worst enemies (i.e smart tv records you)

6. It is making the very weaponary we would use against it, work against us.


1. It is evolving to point where it, is less and less effective to have armed struggle as primary means of attack

2. Self-defense, which is what guruji advocated as well, is best for too many reasons to put on here

3. Following rules of keeping the peace i.e don't go after police for revenge, but if you see crime being committed fire works best for many reason

i. Limits Liability ii. Improves image iii. not counterable with propoganda (you'll see why) iv. within law, (real law) so pen will not work either v. defensive actions allow for more resources to be kept in case of need for offensive action.

Real World Examples:

Khalsa fought many defensive wars until mughals were exhausted before embaring on offensive battle to secure just rule.


Worldly Maxim (rule which is always true):

1. There will always be mistakes


1. Much easier to make mistake attacking than defending

2. Let them attack, you get to see what they have, and let them make mistakes let's you remain in control (we are out-numbered just like old-times remember that)

3. They are arrogant they will attack with full force

4. If they don't they will lose anyway Jo bole so nihaal, sat sri akal.

5. Use 2 and a half point method of sikh warfare ( I need to study this more)

i. 1 point for raids on camps ii. 1 point for hit and run warfare iii. only half point for pitched battles where risk of losing own troops is higher.


Further evolution and refinement of system:

Traditionally 3 castes in a society:

1. Rulers

2. Warrior Caste to Protect ^

3. Masses


This 3 prong system is scalable to a sitution.

It is a natural course of action to increase warrior caste, shed petty rulers, and keep masses thinking they can join ruler or that it is just or even just cool for warrior caste.

Again points back to limited liability, and they are willing to sacrifice many of their own with the false belief that more will join later.

We bleed their manpower, rest falls into place on its own.


Biggest strategy of system is to make us think we are fighting against ideas, and not people.

Makes you think the war is un-winnable.

Targetted strikes, maximal effect minimal effort.


What humans do naturally, most efficent and on the cutting edge.


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May, do further reports based on my own research into police and solidery but I think it is not needed as destroy rulers and servants have no interest to fight you. I realize we will have to fight, but for panth to undestand government and how it works is very important.


For those who think they understand government and how it works by knowing how mps are elected; it is akin to reading the ingredient list and claiming you know how to make the food, without HAVING THE RECIPE.

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