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A Rebuttal For A Diabolical Troll.

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Recently whilst traversing the infinite scope of the worldwide web I encountered a diabolical troll of ******* faith who was substituting the Damdami Bir with the Kartarpuri Bir. Of course hes aware of what he is doing but because ***** requires fallacious excuses for conversion he sails ever ahead. Sending him a rebuttal only allows him to heavily edit it and proclaim his own superiority. But let us look at some historical facts in light of his missing intelligence.



I apologise for not being able to post the full articles on the forum.

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I think you would be talking about this sunni posing as a fake sikh convert to islam





No matter what legitimate argument you give him, he doesn't listen or he deletes it. Similarly when christians make websites dealing with islam muslims steal the entire format of the website and give answers plus preach. It requires sewa to go through his arguments and destroy them.

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I've been banned on this lunnies fb page he also private messaged me insults about sikhi.

This is the guy who runs the page


here is his fb profile: https://www.facebook.com/abdurrahimabuadeebah

Such as the following:


Abu Adeeba

Let's have a look at the Mina sect and the many fakes Gurus like Miharban who so successfully faked your so-called Holy Book.

Easy mate


"Abu Adeeba

Dunno, lets see how many wives Gobind Singh had? Oh he had at least two that we ran around with when being chased all over the show"

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By the way I think we should leave his website on, it provides good humor plus gives us a good excuse to expose Islam on a good day. What say you???? It is already evident that he is copying and editing prior arguments answered by us. But as their Koran says, "what a strange matter indeed."

Heres another id, these guys the same or related via incest???


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I think you would be talking about this sunni posing as a fake sikh convert to islam






No matter what legitimate argument you give him, he doesn't listen or he deletes it. Similarly when christians make websites dealing with islam muslims steal the entire format of the website and give answers plus preach. It requires sewa to go through his arguments and destroy them.

Seva like the Americans.

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Guys got an inferiority complex or something, edits all the rebuttals sent to him and then says he sticks firmly to the universal laws of debate. I am sure he means Islamic laws, the sword triumphs over all. I did check out his sources, hes extensively exaggerated them to to blowing point (no I am not labeling him as a terrorist), I have never come across Ratan Singh Bhangu stating that the Kartarpuri Bir was destroyed or abducted. Then he states that the Koran is extremely factual, lovely <banned word filter activated>.

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Look at the daughters of the pagan al-lah god muhammad worshipped, mo worshipped their offsprings in haddiths aswell they were called
al-lat al-uzza and manat

Some great archeological work is decoding the gods muhammad and his fools destroyed after worshipping, it's a great slap across mo's dead face that his work to destroy is being uncovered.


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