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Everything posted by THE WARRIOR

  1. http://www.flight182.com/book.htm http://www.amazon.co.uk/Margin-Terror-Repo...0628&sr=8-1 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Death-Air-India-Fl...0861&sr=1-1
  2. “Faith and intellect (reason). Where reason ends faith begins.” So where does the prejudice fit in?
  3. You cant it’s a choice people have made; they want to think and behave a certain way and have a certain mentality. Even if we think its wrong we don’t have a right to exterminate freedom of opinion and choice, if we do we become the very thing we were trying to exterminate in the first place.
  4. "True Sikhi lies in between, it's a mixture of faith and intellect" Please explain
  5. Why is the “Golden Temple” ordained with gold? Is it not for beautifications?
  6. The unfortunate reality being bhausariaism is deeply imbedded in the Sikh Religion it’s there because there is demand for it, it fits and suits peoples mentalities. In my opinion the future will support two belief systems The Sikh Religion and The Sikh Dharam. The two may/will appear similar but scratch the surface and it’s totally different substance and depth.
  7. This will be the first of many, Guru Ji’s “Ladeli Fauj” grows globally. :nihungsmile:
  8. Desire is entanglement, simply put the saying “be careful what you wish for” rings very true here. Desire can keep you chained to birth death and rebirth . In essence its always about what you want, what you desire you will undoubtedly receive. This is fundamentally the opposite to living according to Hukam. Living according to Hukam is living without desire. We cannot “attain” true love for the Lord you can only fall in love with the Lord. The two are very very different.
  9. You can’t pre-empt, calculate, hope to be motivated to “fall in love” this is falsehood.
  10. Desire is Desire …..one cannot desire to love. How do you not lose Desire?….and how can you Desire the correct things?
  11. Not necessarily, our focus isn't to "try to become" like anybody... we shudn't want anythin, not even mukhti.. 'raj na chaaho, mukat na chaaho, man preet charan kamlaray' the only thing we shud WANT and NEED is the LOVE of our Lord... once we've imbued ourselves in the Lord, everything else false into place... Want = Desire
  12. Don’t copy no one be true to yourself and understand your true nature...................... crouching niceties are a jackals trait
  13. You could have the “super sarbloh” sword of Conan if you don’t know how to use it its pretty useless.
  14. The ones who don’t jaap Naam, don’t keep Rehit, don’t read Gurbani, have not taken Amrit are they any less a being? Or any less of a Sikh than you?
  15. If we dont read bani, were all gonna be screwed. Please explain Listen to katha, read bani ,and take amrit What happens if we don’t? why should we do this? Our time is coming It is? please explain we need to prepare ourselves what for? please explain
  16. According to another topic I was reading on the forum this morning, dancing by far is the biggest threat to Sikhi. So to all you who like to dance not unlike my very good self according to the topic starter it is you who is the dusht of the panth and to put a cherry on the cake we also have crappy jeevans. To the Jeevan police I would say “go spin” not in a rude derogatory way but like the break dancers of the 80’s letting it rip on their cardboard mat. Get a life if that is too much, get a hobby. :nihungsmile:


    A good slap (I meant for the bully, not you) :nihungsmile:
  18. With all due respect there are no faults in Sikhi, there are only faults with people who call themselves, and proclaim themselves to be Sikhs.
  19. Javanmard, The question is immense however if we boil it down to the final question which you have never been able to address and have yet to prove “what is the Shi equivalent to the Khalsa?” :nihungsmile:
  20. Needless to say I get loads of oppositions from Indian Sikhs but that was predictable. So far none can actually provide a counter argument to what I have to say. They believe I am in some trip to convert whereas I just don't believe in conversion. It's quite simple: if you're made of the sweet clay it will manifest itself one day anyway... Quote Bahadur ali Not strictly true, bahadur had been counterchecked many times. Even his resources the likes of Moojan Momen and Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi to mention a few, have always proclaimed that there is more work and research required in the area on Shiism and that a lot of the substantial claims cannot be accounted for. They, as well as others suggest that the knowledge and research available now is in its infancy and a lot more work is needed. furthermore there is no single collective school which has parallels to the True Khalsa traditions, Bahadur could never prove it, yes there are similar traditions as there are in many other cultures but similar is not the same. Shia Islam is vast and varied from one end of the spectrum God is almighty, the all powerful on the other end He is no more than a mere man. One has to understand collectively there is no single school of thought, there are many that are very contradictory to each other. What Bahadar would do is pick and choose from these and present them as appropriate answers to the debate in hand. Bahadur Ali was always torn between identities and loyalties. He was always against the tribal mentality an issue I totally agreed with him on. Judging on his recent rants and raves ironically he has now settled and become the very mentality he was against! Obviously fulfilling his Hierarchy of Needs I hope he can now find peace within himself. :nihungsmile: AKAAL
  21. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj tells us about the Nirghun and Sarghun qualities of the Avatars like Ram etc, further more Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj stated that there is no Muslim or Hindu…..He did not go on to state there are only Sikhs. Guru Ji message was a simple one; it was not about religions and territories but about the brotherhood of humanity and the awareness of Satnam Vaheguru!
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