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Lioness In Training

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  1. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! I was watching a video on Yogi Ji, and his message was that...sikhs are the lighthouse..we must shine our light to the world by being open, understanding, not judging, loving and caring...he said that the boat on the ocean is in trouble (meaning the world is in trouble, example-..depression..suicide..unhappiness..not enuf love) and the lighthouse needs to shine it's light to show the boat the way. Meaning to show the world the way...of love, peace etc. Thought i'd share it with everyone..
  2. Extremly sad news....wish i had the chance to meet him...he's done SO much in helping to introduce Sikhism to thousands of people....has changed manyyyyy lives... If anyone is in the t.o area, we will be holding a gathering on remmebering Yogi Ji at the Healing Arts Center in Oakville tonite at 7pm. All are welcomed.
  3. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! ..WOW!.. :wub: ...wish i was there.. :cool:
  4. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! Yup Baba Nihal Singh Ji and his Jatha deffinately helped save lives in 84 attack..baba ji still has bullets in him .. ...lots of respect to them.....by the way..soon as they come to Canada again i'll let everyone know - if anyone is interested in meeting them and so forth.
  5. Try going swimming early in the morning, its quiet, hardly anyone is there and it helps to work out all of your muscles. leg/arms/abs/etc. They have water weights too, its really cool, one should deffinately try it out :wub: plus its reallly fun!! - wjkk wjkf
  6. Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa! Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!! I tottaly agree, just follow the guru granth shaib jee...everyones equal ...pretty much i agree with ya, Daasn Daas
  7. Actually the amrit is triggerd when a person is reiceiting paat and living their life according to it. So in my opinion you dont need amritdabata to trigger it. And you said one has amrit inside of them when they do naam. Well think about it...your doing paat- amrit is shabad/simran/seva..its in you..one decides to follow the teachings of the gurus..stil the amrit is inside of you..what more would you want..then by doing this, the person realizes that they want to be one with waheguru..hmm how do they do that? well by living the way our guru ji wants us to. soo..what is their left to trigger? if one can realize and do this all witout takin "amrit da bata" then? lol. Also, you need to find out why guru ji had to take the "amrit" in a materialistic way to show the sikhs that they have an idenity, strength. it was like a new life for them. it was during war..hmm..i'll explain myself better on thursday when i post again about why i believe guru ji took amrit etc. i hope i didnt offend anyone.. wjkk wjkf
  8. Wjkk Wjkf - Mkhalsa- thank you for welcoming me, thats very nice of you. :wub: I just would like to say that if your really want to learn more about sikhi..were we can understand it in English (Simple english)..check out Hari Naam Singhs Show, Insight into Sikhism on sat. at 9pm i think it is. I've learnt a lot from there. (If you are from t.o, brampton, sauga, oakville etc) i would like to tell everyone that there will be gurmat class's starting up in the Oakville center on Sundays.... The class's wil be teaching everythin about sikhism and guru jis bani in english. As soon as we are done organizing everything thats when it will start..give and take about 2-3 weeks. Teachers will NOT be people from the gurudwara who (most of them) are into politics and dont understand the full meaning of sikhi and the power it holds. Teachers will be people who can explain sikhism and the guru jis messages in english which is coo. Even though there are eng. translations in the Gotka's it still helps to clearly understand the message when you hit camps right, so be sure to check it out. WJKK WJKF
  9. Wjkk Wjkf... Masti - I tottaly agree with you. Amrit is shabad and u get amirt by recieting paat and doing seva. The way i look at things is...i'm going to do everything to follow what the guru granth shaib says right, meaning to be at a high spirtual conciousness and then i'd take amrit, to become the soilder..If soomone follows the gurus teachings right..they are reiceving the amrit by doing naam simran etc. and leading a good life by followin the teachings. I dont think a person HAS to hit the gurudwara to get "baptized" aka. being "amrit tari"...because they will have already have the amrit inside them because they are doing paath and leading the life that guru ji wants people to live. Reason why guru gobind singh ji did amrit the bata was for the sikhs to turn from sparrows to hawks..for them to have strentgth, and identity..its hard to exaplain. When i know more about this i will deffinately post it up and share my ideas on this. :wub: Also..its sad that so many people the youth, older generation dont understand the True concept of Amrit etc. Why are people so worried about being "amrit-tari" (as what majority of the people take it as) instead why not be worried about..being one wit waheguru? lol...just my intake on all this i hope i didnt offend anyone. Satnam If i havnt made any sense to anyone, i 9;m sorry :D
  10. Wjkk Wjkf... Masti - I tottaly agree with you. Amrit is shabad and u get amirt by recieting paat and doing seva. The way i look at things is...i'm going to do everything to follow what the guru granth shaib says right, meaning to be at a high spirtual conciousness and then i'd take amrit, to become the soilder..If soomone follows the gurus teachings right..they are reiceving the amrit by doing naam simran etc. and leading a good life by followin the teachings. I dont think a person HAS to hit the gurudwara to get "baptized" aka. being "amrit tari"...because they will have already have the amrit inside them because they are doing paath and leading the life that guru ji wants people to live. Reason why guru gobind singh ji did amrit the bata was for the sikhs to turn from sparrows to hawks..for them to have strentgth, and identity..its hard to exaplain. When i know more about this i will deffinately post it up and share my ideas on this. :wub: Also..its sad that so many people the youth, older generation dont understand the True concept of Amrit etc. Why are people so worried about being "amrit-tari" (as what majority of the people take it as) instead why not be worried about..being one wit waheguru? lol...just my intake on all this i hope i didnt offend anyone. Satnam If i havnt made any sense to anyone, i 9;m sorry :D
  11. Your right, no one can teach you more than the guru ji. But yoga teachers or whoever it may be that has a good clear understanding of what the gurus say in the guru granth shaib Ji, can help to explain it better and easier for some people to understand. Sometimes i dont understand the meanings of gurbani so i ask my yoga teacher and he'll explain it clearly which is good no? that doesnt mean im putting him before guru ji. And when they do yoga they do it with gurbani mixed..its hard to explain. Guru ji is tottaly right , its pointless to go there if they forget to praise god. Thank god i'm attending a place where they dont forget to talk about waheguru and explain bani through out the yoga class. :wub: - :TH:
  12. WJKK WJKF...... I thought i'd comment on what you said "Khalsa"..you said in your post: "yoga won't get them anywhere, exept discover the body's mysteries, my views on it." I understand that its ur views on it but i'd like to share some of my knowledge about it: hmm..well i've been doing Kundalini Yoga for about 3 months now and your right you do learn about your body but one also learns about gurbani and about reaching the form of high consciouness. Yes we reach it by doing naam,simran, seva etc. but there are ways one can achieve spirtual strength through yoga too. I actually have found that i've learned more things going to my yoga class..than going to the gurd. i've learnt a lottt about god from my yoga teacher. Cause like i said..kundalini yoga is a form of mediation and excersise. One should try it out for themseleves....before passin judgement no?..anyways if anyone that lives in Ontario would like to try a kundalini yoga class, you can contact me and i'll give u the info B) - WJKK WJKF :wub: !!!!! if i've offended anyone i dint mean to or if i didnt make any sense to anyone whatsoever then im sry about that too lol !!!!
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