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Everything posted by Papi

  1. RajputSingh, will you teach me how to wield a sword?
  2. There should be no 3ho you say. Okay, fair enough, then there also should be no akj, no taksali, no dodra, no naamdhari ... etc (you get my drift)
  3. If it happens at every wedding you guys go to, then I must say you need to change your sangat.
  4. People had nitnem and a lot of other bani's memorized. We have gotten lazy and complacent, we don't even try to memorize any bani. Think about it, if you had the entire nitnem memorized, you could be anywhere and still be able to do your nitnem. If you are going to school or work, this could save you 40 minutes easily as you don't even have to sit down to do your nitnem. You could do it while you are on the bus!
  5. Papi


    The best you can do is explain to your cousins the implications of marrying someone who follows a different path. If they don't understand then let it be.
  6. Papi

    Need Explanation

    Noone it was an empty threat to nobody in particular I was just really ticked off at the time :| And i've taken my Ritalin so its all chill here :lol: Good job son! Pat yourself on the back for not forgetting to take your meds
  7. Papi

    Blockages In Life

    As per Giani Thakur Singh Jee Chaupai Sahib will clear any obstacles in your path. Do this bani as many times as you can daily, and watch the magic happen I am seriously thinking of doing the same as well, my Career is in shambles.
  8. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a good idea to exercise before going to up. You want your heart rate to slow down, not speed up as it gets near to bed time.
  9. What in the blue pajama are you thinking of doing :6
  10. When I read the thread title the Jago song came to my mind "Jatta jaag vai oh hun jago aia, shava vai hun jago aia, balley vai hun jago aia" :lol:
  11. Oye! don't ever call me a body builder <_< There is a HUGE difference between strength building and body building
  12. Jassa is right, if you have a hard labour job, you will get more tired than say a person who has a desk job and thus you will require more sleep. If you are like me and workout hard, then you will NEED to sleep more or in a few days your body will simply crash. Also, it could be the quality of sleep not quantity. A normal person needs only 4 hours of deep sleep/night; problem is it takes 2 hrs to get to deep sleep and 2 hrs to come out of it (roughly speaking). Perhaps a better suggestion would be to figure out how to go into and come out of deep sleep faster.
  13. The concept of 'gut feeling' can be thrown out the window as most of us, including me, are not in touch with our true inner self. But it looks like Pritam Singh is
  14. Nicely built app, good job PS. May be it's just me, but when I view ang by ang, it seems each ang finishes a lot faster than when I do path from Guru Sahib's saroop directly... :umm:
  15. ^ Hai hai, I was eating when I started watching it. At least put a disclaimer man lol
  16. You babies are still fighting over this?! :rolleyes:
  17. "Application Over 10MB Connecto a Wi-Fi network or use ITunes on your computer to download "Gurbani Anywhere" " :sad: Now I have to wait till I get home to install it.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mCCYLC-4xA
  19. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health/scientists-cure-colour-blindness-in-monkeys/article1290015/
  20. People calm down! In India its common for middle and upper class folks (especially upper class folks) to have "servants" who help around the house.
  21. Which bani have you been reading son? All of Gurbani is filled with Naam
  22. Of course the money is going to make everything better :rolleyes:
  23. With that logic, you can get married more than once...Hey I say the more divine_ness the better
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