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ladli-fauj last won the day on March 12 2023

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  1. roj karamaat ho re ne, bachitar natak, the world is full of karamaats, shamsheer is a karamat, dhan dolat is also a karamaat, boht kuch hunda ena naal duniya vich amongst others....surprising events or realizations which strike a interest in us, marvel us with sensation; a wonder which goes beyond 'akul di duniya, and akul toh thileh di duniya' goes beyond above the world of intellect and comprehension, where your akul and sochani stops uthe parmatma di duniya hundi ah...jena di surth te jeevan shakti ageh lang ke vin chuki hai ohna de bol sir toh upparo langan ge, keyi vaar pakard vich neyi aun ge... sant te avtar ena doma toh ucha uth jande ne..oh na man di duniya naal boht lamba wahwasta rakhde ne naa sansar naal, dhan, tan naal. Karamats are realized daily through a aghami state.
  2. thanks for all the replies people will surely check all these out soon.....another one is the little budha....never really learned about their way of life before but i think this movie also has a lot sikhs could take out from for example when he overcomes what holds his mind back from true enlightment they show flowers dropping, we can interpret that as 'amrit varsing' from naam simran and connection (yog-becoming one) with waheguru.
  3. what are movies people like with deeper meanings possibly spiritual, movies with metaphors, allegories? believe it or not, hercules from disney has many deeper messages (je vekhan wali akh hove, te sunan wale kan)
  4. You can read "Bhet Bharay Pragtave" here http://www.scribd.com/doc/204968918/Bhet-Bhare-Pragtave
  5. aint no one afraid to debate uklondonsikh, the bani your questioning on here (bachitar natak) i listen to everyday, i've had numerous debates on bachitar natak, in past 2013 iv had 0, reason being i don't even look at the faces of those doubting gurbani, you don't believe in dasam bani to be guru gobind singh ji maharajs thats why you think you are not doubting what guru gobind singh ji maharaj has sad, either way if my believing in bachitar natak is manmat, yes equally yours not believing is manmat as well, i personally have found 0 positive outcomes while discussing bachitar natak specifically with those questioning it, my comment was straight to mods, seen this too many times with the same user, still hold same message to mods to not hold back on certain people questioning bani, , baki i suggest you find proper arths and like others said meet giani sher singh, listin to katha on bachitar nataksant jarnail your questions would be answered by those willing to further deal with such ppl...and another thing dont take no ones silence as a weakness of lack of vichar... staying away from what i perceive as nindaks is best option, though i won't shy away from atleast asking mods to take further action on those continously question gurbani (what is most impt to me in life). Not engaging is also a desicion and many times a hard one cuzz its tempting to bring points down, but iv grown into the habbit of what i call letting people keep themselves busy in their own shankas, though its also impt to make an effort to keep such people away from the younger sikhs...getting some action taken on a user is seperate from not being able to vichar, lets see how above mentioned vichar by other users on has changed any views, a endless foolish cycle, takes 1 questioner to create shanka and mislead the newer ones to sikhi...baaki like i said i dont find it proper to deal with such frequent questioners of dasam bani esp those whoes real views could be more extreme. yes it would be weakest answer to you as im asking mods to take further action on you, not engaging was my choice and not why i commented, only commented to suggest mods to not turn a blind eye to such people, others as well.
  6. why are the rules on sikhsangat bent for a few ? dass is really sad heartned seeing these posts by uk london guy always putting himself in a position to question baani, guru gobind singh ji couldnt do this, he couldn't do that...really?.....you will tell us what guru gobind singh ji can't and can do ? this is not gurmat but this is manmat..whatever you don't like you will discard.....i see no difference when missionaries question shaheedi of guru arjan dev ji maharaj benti to sikhsangat don't flex the rules for some, this person has countlessly doubted baani on here on too many threads and most of it seems to be ignored..creating shankas of all sorts when will some further action be taken ?
  7. . 2nd is shaheed bhai dilawar singh, last is bhai parmar
  8. in our village bhai amarjeet singh billa stayed one night with his friends he was lt general of klf, though our village is next to his (begowal) and he even stayed in our farms something must have been going on tht night that they slept at ours, my grandpa told about how they were strict in sikhi asool, even when they ate they made sure nothing was jooth and when their water was poured they didnt want the jug of water to touch their glasses, they were strict about things....when they slept they were all in 1 room and had locked door from inside, that night the village was surrounded (not sure which forces of india surrounded the village) but my grandpa told the singhs and they told him not to worry and they would deal with it, they soon left without anyone knowing, the forces didnt find them either. anyway ppl implying that singhs who went to ppls houses for shelter and food are police agents etc are totally wrong, for example bha billa came to ours and stayed in our kehta for periods of times ( 1 singh who with bhai billa for 3 seperate periods talks about the loving nature and chardi kala of these singhs) dont infer all khadkus to be bad if they go to people houses, yes there were some police cats doing the same and there were even cops doing same with bhai billa, robbing people on his name. in begowal there was a older singh known as gyani who lived with his son, the mother had passed away, a thanedar who used to loot ppl found out that gyani had saved money for some time and though he was poor he had that saved money, the thanedar looted the gyani at his house and said he was billa from klf, my grandpa asked bhai billa soon after and he said he didnt do a thing, (doesnt make sense either robbing a neigbhor u grew up seeining in the area) that thanedar was later shot dead by bhai sahib...so next time ppl try to label all khadkus bad think again
  9. some photos of kar seva after operation bluestar 1984
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