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Everything posted by buddasingh

  1. Excellent post. It may seem trivial, but this is a subject that is critically in need of improvement in the panth and across the globe generally. If we are capable of fighting for sikhi, it is a good idea to also follow some of the advice above so we don’t’ kill sikhi within our families. Btw, the other area that comes to mind is to stop killing your kesh and sikh identity.
  2. A sikh is one who believes amrit is part of life, regardless of where that person is in life themselves. In debate our ego challenges the messengers ego. Our concern should not about what the ‘poster’ or messenger in the post above thinks. Our concern should be each of our personal relationships with the message of sikhi. We all have commitments to make to call ourselves sikh, for some it is blatantly obvious, others less obvious. We should defer our egos to the message of sikhi, always striving to a commitment and better understanding of the message. That means if I am mona, I carry myself very carefully and humbly clarify when necessary, so I don't erode the sikh identity with my ego. If I am keshdhari, I take even more care not to erode the sikh identity with my ego, and in either case do not let my personal ego suggest that sikhi is anything less than Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s command. If I am amritdhari, I am not faultless and I have my own personal mountain to climb. If a person finds it a challenge ( I believe that’s what ks is suggesting) to take amrit, it is different from someone saying “I will not be amritdhari in my lifetime”, the latter person may be a good spiritual person and a good human being, but any claim to ‘sikhi’ is one of ego and caste and they must take care not to have their ego erode and insult our Guruji.
  3. LSB’s query did not warrant the following accusations: “Propoganda, mischief, annoying, same crap, 4th graders, gurnindaks, mental patient, not Sikhs.” LSB took great care to be respectful and made his respect for dasam granth clear. There was in essence agreement, with semantics at issue….. before personal insults sent things off the rails. If we truly revere something, we should take care to use a measured voice to properly represent what we care for. The irony is that everyone involved has made excellent contributions to the forum.
  4. Mala, I don't think fordcapri presented the statement about excluding Muslims as his own view. Rather, I think he was just asking if people on this forum agree with that view (which some people in England and Netherlands hold). That’s true I didn’t come up with this statement, but I think we should note of it as there is truth in the statement. Fordcapri Are you saying your original statement is not 100% true? What, to you, is not true about it?
  5. Fordcapri, unfortunately the fact is a sikhi based reply is along the lines of the point mala is making here. One persons experiences in the hood are not a reflection of a very large and diverse world. How could you spew such hatred on a sikh forum? It is one thing to push the boundaries and speak generally about a particular religious group, however, quite another to spew such irresponsible baseless hatred. I rather have the company of a spiritual muslim than a caste identifying sikh.
  6. Excellent question as to what whether we can do something about such a campaign. Such “campaigns” might be big budget yet are sluggish in their creativity and generally formulaic. However most importantly this one is outright self-mockery of those involved in them. Hard to know if we should roll on the ground in laughter or feel sorry for such low IQ posing as fashion opinion? This in a nation of Sikhs and Muslims amongst others!!! Of course the Indians behind this outrageously broad campaign know and enjoy the attack on minorities through such absurd hype. The leader of the country by faith keeps a beard!!...and they intend no offence to anyone!! The campaign makes Indians look like a disgusting nation of backward, racist, colonized morons! The self esteem and intelligence of the nation must be in the toilet in order for marketers to see this approach as effective. In other words Gillette is saying… “India we are going to laugh all the way to the bank because you Indians are so lost that you can be told that eating feces is cool if we packaged the marketing right”. As gullible as the population is, there are also probably those a tad zombied out at having their intelligence insulted by corporate bollywoodish insults on their intelligence. We can counter it by using the power of the net or youtube…. with a direct counter , respecting the intelligence of viewers, real creativity, humour if necessary, seriousness if necessary and oppose corporate and agenda driven brainwashing….And help people Indians with their intelligence, dignity and self-esteem. Spoofs can be commercials based Gilllette---colonial rule still alive campaign Gillette---neuter the nation Gillette---Spay the nation Gillette---for insecure men Gillette--- for men with gender identity issues Gillette---when a sex change is too expensive Gillette---for the lady in you, Sir. If you’re insecure and you know it, Gillette your face. Gillette---thinks Indians are stupid Gillette---shave the dignity of the nation campaign etc.
  7. First apologize to your mom for causing her trouble. You may wish to apologize to your massi also. In both cases tell them you don’t want to hurt them and also tell them that you now understand that if a fact is used to hurt someone unnecessarily, then it is merely a fact but not the Truth. First think hard about how people can make mistakes and become better people. Then sincerely apologize to your massar for bringing something up from 15 years ago for which he has moved on from. That was wrong on your part if he made a mistake and has moved on. Tell him you him you can respect differing political views but baseless slandering of sikh martyrs, is dishonest and not acceptable anywhere, but you’ll leave that conversation for later and you just wish to apologize for venting in a manner that was uncalled for. And then post#6 bhforce,which is very well said.
  8. That's Mr. Shinda on the left, makes it a bit harder to understand exactly what point he is making in the song.
  9. Who needs forced conversion from 17th century Mughals when 2009 Atheists or Casteists attempt to portray themselves as high profile Sikhs. It might as well be 17th century Mughals that role model to our children that this is what it is to be a Sikh. If you respect Sikhi, take care in its public portrayal; show deference to the kes of our martyrs ahead of your ego; understand that "Rehat Pyaaree Mujh Ko, Sikh Pyaara Naahe” would also mean that "guruji nu reyat pyaree, punjabi jatt nahee pyara". Then I can respect you as a brother/sister somewhere on the path regardless of where, and I wish to learn from you. But monkeys like this babbu and major! Shame on you!... go celebrate your monkey-a** lifestyle as a drunken dancing punjabi. Find a religion or no religion or dissolve yourself into the India that has you pegged as a Hindu clown, but please stop disrespecting the blood of our martyrs and leave the gift of Sikhi for innocent children around the world.
  10. Giving clothing to a person who is homeless and addicted is not going to give him/her extra money for addictions. It will simply keep them warm where s/he might otherwise might be cold. Addictions take irrational precedence for people from all walks of life. For a person who is homeless it will take precedence over the basics as they have nothing else. It is not our place to “help” a homeless person but our duty to give back to them what is theirs and TAKEN away by a diffusion of responsibility for common greed. We have a duty to give back their dignity and their inherent basic human right to food, clothing, shelter and health. If there is something a homeless person lacks from which other necessities would follow, it is society’s respect as a PERSON. I read a story from a few years ago by a volunteer coordinator in Canada about a radiant Sikh who volunteered at a food bank for refugees. He was a political refugee himself. She described that in the chaos the organizers and volunteers 'controlled' the crowd. The one Sikh cheerfully extended his hand to those in line and would say something along the lines of "come here WE need YOUR HELP". She talked about how he displayed an amazing spirit of 'helping' others. I am doing injustice to the story and tried to google it, but not able to find it.
  11. You met her 2 days ago! I can assure you that you have not connected with her in ANY meaningful way. The most passionate people will tell you this. You need to act immediately and explain to the second girl that you have a fiance and and stop all contact with her. Then you should get some advice from a trusted source in person older and wiser than you; not just the net. You may wish to go for some counseling as well. Then with personal guidance in place, you will probably need to go to your fiance and be honest. You need to do all this within a few days, not weeks. There is no point in others slating you. That is letting you out easy. YOU need to do the work. There is no damage we can cause with words like the damage that you will cause with your actions to 3 lives if you don't take responsibility. The worse and most long lasting damage by far will be to yourself.
  12. respond to it by popularizing views in society that value humanity and put material wealth back in its worthless place. respond to it by being brave and comfortable marching on our own path.
  13. as others have said, your post is not exactly clear. Papi has wise words, even in the quote. Don't perpetuate the lie by taking the next step in some daydreaming not meant to be...if that's what it is. And read the supportive encouragement in Papi's post.
  14. that's what happens when you combine material wealth with underprivileged exposure to the world and penniless inferiority complex. You celebrate views that are akin to castist/racist views under the guise of pride for something you haven't got a clue about. too many punjabis do well in making caveman like a$$es of themselves...i suppose it impresses the other cavemen.
  15. One should think very carefully before suggesting cultural or religious grounds to justify an action. A no body piercing policy was in place. She is a grade 7 student who violated the policy. To do that one should have solid intelligent ground to stand upon in OPENLY DEFYING AND CHALLENGING the EXISTING policy. Nose piercing is currently a very popular fad in NORTH AMERICA and EUROPE. Was this the only way in which she could connect to her indian roots? There would be a thousand ways, why INSIST ON one which violates an existing school policy, and is currently not distinctly an Indian cultural statement. If she still feels strongly that the policy is wrong, then she should be challenging it not upon Indian cultural grounds, but upon more general grounds of choice of dress within America as that is what it comes down to. She’s a kid who’s learning so forgivable. But for the Sikh Times to cleverly design the headline to make it appear to be a Sikh issue is cheap and manipulative.
  16. ask your parents what they think about Bhanda Singh Bahadur or Bhagat Puran Singh...etc, who were not from Sikh families. Then ask your parents if they were somehow unworthy of marriage with a Sikh? Of course, to what extent you canvass this or ask them directly depends on your relationship with them. By the way, don't kid yourself, she is not in love with you. She is in love with her illusion. She will only be able to determine a true liking well after many heated arguments or passive aggressive moments of silence and seeing that you leave your socks everywhere.
  17. Khaalis and gskapoor, may I suggest you rethink your comments. Look forward to your reply. edit....khaalis, i realize you are perhaps sarcastically making my point, if that's the case, thank you for making the point and I apologize for not picking up on earlier and asking you to rethink.
  18. with what? the a$$ that's left of you after making that comment?
  19. Are your parents OK with you marrying a girl/woman originally from a Sikh family who cuts her hair or otherwise discards sikhi? If so, they have absolutely no ground to stand on. I think it is wise to think about what Papi is saying, but I would suggest at the same time that there is no strict Sikh culture about marriage between two families. I have seen intercultural families work things out in far healthier ways than so called Sikh/punjabi families. We live in a world where getting along most often has more to do with the maturity of the people involved than “cultural compatibility”. Besides, guruji’s sangat is your family, not your bloodline, race, jaat, pind, or klan. Having said that we Punjabis are generally immature when it comes to intercultural respect. I also think we generally get a bit too proud of our own ways and ignorant and judgmental (racist actually) (& not Papi, his comment is wise) about other cultures. There is little to go on here, but I would be a bit concerned as to the fact that you believe you are in love. With respect, it will time to know what that is. I would also be concerned to what extent that influences her choice of faith. Despite all else I say here, check that out sincerely with yourself. Nonetheless, it would not be the first time that a non-sikh person sincerely takes an independent love of sikhi, becomes a sikh and pursues a relationship with a sikh. Those who sincerely come to Sikhi from completely outside Sikhi are an inspiration. They take me back to 1699. If we (of sikh/punjabi background) submit and give our heads to the guru, they (non-punjabi’s) climb a mountain, then give their heads to the guru. Re your mom and ….”Your kids blah blah non-sikh blah blah”…. has your mom looked around her lately? Those claiming concern about Sikhi while throwing their guruji’s blessing of kesh down a drain or toilet!! If this girl/woman is sincere in her pursuit of Sikhi as a Singhni, regardless of you, that is what matters.
  20. If you know the basic outline from the ones on the net, then the best personal statements come from your own thoughts and words. Get started on an honest draft without worrying about perfection....try it, you might surprise yourself. The reader will relate only if you succeed in relating to yourself. Maybe you will get more replies if you ask any general questions about personal statements.
  21. buddasingh


    with respect for excellent suggestions above... don't forget 'reciteful living' dishes, laundry, and vacuuming.
  22. You have to start living to see living Guruji.
  23. what would the reply be if a jewish person went to a jewish online forum and asked...."why am i sad that hitler died?" i don't mean to interrupt your tears gskapoor, but address your answer to the sikhs who went to pray and were tortured and murdered by an army.
  24. You have an education, food, computer, a bed, every day. You are spiritual. 1. You are a hard worker. You are learning that you can’t always get what you want. 2. You are getting wiser at 23, but youthful and carefree enough to play video games. Your parents care about you, perhaps a bit too much. 3. Your reported health issue is you want to be taller so you can perhaps get false respect from fake people. Cheer up, sounds like a pretty charmed life, get a perspective and/or be more specific and see if we can help.
  25. Is he fighting a great war where he needs to wear that just seems stupid and is killing his neck .. wouldn't be surprised if he had neck pains why not just wear a regular pagh yes, he is fighting a great war...with a fierce smile. the enemy is blustering ignorance. The doctor told you to get some 'fresh' air, not 'french' air.
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