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Everything posted by guptkuri

  1. It is called Khalistan because it is going to be run by the Khalsa. Not by Sikhs that have not taken amrit and aren't khalsa. Everyone is welcomed in khalistan but it will only be run by khalsa.
  2. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh! Bhena Ji, I know its tough. I have had my father tell me that i have a mustache and make fun of me. And recently my bhabi tried to get me to get a facial for a friends wedding. But you know what? It doesn't matter what they say because the say it because they can't do it themselves. They are weak and caught in maya and they can't bear it that you are stronger than they are. Don't become one of them again. You Guru Ji's daughter and you are meant to stick out in a million. Be cool and confident with who you are and your looks and you know what? for the first time in your life you will notice that people will start looking beyond the looks to the real you. -guptkuri Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh
  3. I think they shouldn't show Guru Granth Sahib Ji in Hindi shows because they never show proper respect.
  4. I love the fact that we have events that are organized months in advance. We really need our panth to be more organized like this
  5. Sangat of UK is so lucky for this chance to listen to such a great sant. I hope everyone takes full advantage of this.
  6. guptkuri

    Bad Smell

    I think the reason these kindof questions get posted on a Sikh forum is because most health forums don't understand our diet? I could be wrong?
  7. this is sad...the first thought that came to mind was I hope he is not talking about my dad's business. lol But anyhow, I don't know about where you work but here, the employee is paid by his value. Like if an employee complains alot and doesn't do much work, he is paid the lowest and is the first to be replaced. Then there are employees that go above and beyond and put more effort then others, so they get more money. so, If you really want a raise, make yourself irreplaceable and then walk away. Then watch your employer run after you with better hours and more money. Also, what country you live in? And how do you get paid (like hourly, weekly, biweekly, monthly?)? I ask because those 2 things can play major roles on if you can do something or not about not being paid right.
  8. bump Whatever happen to Sikhsangat poetry section? We want more poems from His Holiness Sant Baba Amardeep Singh jee Maharaj msn walle da 1st Ji.
  9. Yeah, maybe. But for me it don't really matter because where I live we are due for the next earth quake and tsunami, so I am screwed anyways. I heard it is suppose to hit this Saturday possible.
  10. I have checked at my doctors office and people in USA don't really have to worry about nuclear radiation. So please don't stock pill potassium pills and stuff, we don't want to create a shortage for the people that do need it.
  11. I am sure Sikhsangat would love to help with this effort.
  12. guptkuri

    Trouble Posting

    try now....you should be able to post
  13. I wish I lived in UK I would have loved to attend. sounds fun
  14. Veer Ji, I have never been through such a thing but the only thing I can think of in this case is 3ho sikhs? Since they are quite a diversity, your wife would have community and you still have Sikhi. I can't think of anything else, right off the bat.
  15. I accept your challenge, veer ji
  16. I would like to add that I don't think my father realized what books he was getting because he didn't get one on my list. He just asked the shopkeeper for some good books. I realize that this book is going to be a load of crap but I am still reading it because I think it is important to know what lies are being spread. I am going to fnish this book. And I was hoping to find a book if any that were written in reply to this book.
  17. Okay, so here is the thing my dad just got back from India and he bought me back a whole bunch of books. None on my list ofcourse, he just randomly went to Singh Brothers shop in amritsar and they gave him a whole bunch of books in punjabi and english. I just began reading this book on opreration blue star "the true story" by Lt. Gen K.s. Brar and it honestly is a horrible attempt by the government to justifiy their actions. I was just wondering if anyone else has read it? And done anyone know if any books were written to counter this one? -guptkuri
  18. Yeah, I didn't mean to say that. What I had in mind was the poojas and havans which are suppose to fix all your problems. Sikhi teaches to live in Waheguru JI's will.
  19. Conversion of Sikh Girls Who falls prey? The Sikh community is waking up from a long sleep of neglect of the female child to find that their daughters are being converted out of the faith they were born in. Websites, blogs, Youtube videos are being made daily to wake up our daughters so we can save them. But sometimes we forget that just as much effort needs to be made to wake up our parents and our leaders so our daughters can be raised never to become victims of extremists that try to convert them. How can we blame the girl alone, when her upbringing left her vulnerable? Sikh girls that are raised to be the perfect obedient daughters or to be the daughter with great independence or the ones that never had to see any problems. Every parents dream is that their daughter is this perfect daughter that is obedient and always listens to her parents. But at what cost? The obedience is taught by force, not by reasoning or friendly explanation. Listening to some of the mothers of the daughters that converted you hear them talk about their daughter never going anywhere without family, being a straight A student and helping in the house; in short being the perfect child. These perfect daughters try to do everything to make their parents happy but somewhere deep down they always feel they don't get the love in return they deserve. They feel this way either because their brothers are treated better even though they don't do half the work the girls are required to do or they feel their small mistakes are punished too harshly. In short when someone else offers the girl the love she feels she deserves, she gets blinded by it and is unable to see past it. And that false sense of love and security makes her lose the real love and security offered by family. But once the mistake is realized it is her family is not always willing to take her back and let things go back to normal. The once perfect obedient daughter is now an outcast, with nowhere to go. The daughter with too many liberties is just as much of easy target as the obedient daughter for conversion into another faith, mostly Islam. The daughter with the strict parents leaves her faith and family for some love, the daughter with easy going parents leaves her faith for some discipline. These girls are brainwashed into believing that all their lives they have sinned and the only way they can be saved is through Islam. Because that is the only religion that forces girls to complete cover up and be protected from the bad eyes of men. What they aren't taught is how the women are treated in Islam. But the point is the party girl is made to believe through Islam, she can finally settle down and live a respectable life. Her parents don't object because they have always given their daughter the freedom to make her choices. For love, for sense of discipline she leaves her family and her religion. Which she could have got in her family but no one tried to teach her about her religion and the meaning of love was completely distorted. Punjabi parents typically want to solve all the problems for their daughters before they can even know they have a problem. But what they don't realize is that they are setting their daughters up for a great downfall later in life. Not only will she be unable to face problems in life when her parents can't be there for her but she is open to being tricked into converting. When her family is not around anyone can come up to her and try to teach her that if she accepts a certain religion she won't have problems anymore. And if by some odd chance of fate, her problem does go away after trying something of a new fate, she is sold for life. Not only she will convert but she will try to get people around her to convert, to solve their problems also. These kindof converts are the worst because they take down a lot more people with them and then they have nowhere to turn when they realize that religion is not a magic solution to make your problems disappear. Religion can teach us how to cope with problems, not magically make them all disappear, that is up to God. Most girls that fall into conversion traps grow up without a strong presence of religion in their lives and are raised on culture values. To really help our daughters, sisters we need to bring Sikhism back into their lives and the lives of their parents. The only way for us to really do that is not by hard core scare tactics talking about all the negatives of Islam nor is it to be done by forcing them to listen to hours of Gurbani. It can only be done by the Gurudwara Committees and parents stepping up the game by hosting fun events like trips to amusement parks, camping, hiking and other similar events that are not against principles of Sikhism and mixing in the fun with education. Once someone learns about the basics of Sikhism, they become more open to learning more on their own. And that is another place where we fall behind; the answer we give for everything is listen to Gurbani. Our Gurudwara Sahibs have to take the first step and hold regular discussions on Sikhism so people can ask their questions and learn more. Educate properly in a fun manner on Sikhism, conversion rates will drop. Simple as that. May Waheguru Ji give us strength to fight the extremist of all faiths and make this world a nicer place to live in.
  20. I don't think we need false alarms of people burning themselves to get media coverage. If you have multiple rallies on the same day, that is enough for the media to take interest. And if we can get this to happen around the world, that will ensure even more coverage. But the tricky part is gurudwara politics and getting Gurudwara committess to agree and host these rallies......
  21. I have been thinking this for months now, you have stolen the words right out of my mouth sister. I think for sure we need something like this. A global protest all on the same day...
  22. Living in His Will The Good, the Bad and the Ugly One of the easiest things to say is that we should live in His will but it is one of the hardest things to do. And it is not until we actually live in His will during a difficult period in life, do we realize what it truly means to live in His will. In my life and the life of dear ones, I have seen when living in His will was good, bad and nearly impossible. I was nineteen years old when over the period of a few months; I found myself unable to walk for more than a few feet without unbearable pain, riddled with random pain in different parts of my body and unable to stay awake more than a few hours. For six months my family thought I was faking it because the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me. I was miserable and couldn’t figure out why God was doing this to me; what good did God get from my misery? Than six months after all this had begun, the doctors discovered I had imbalance that caused my kidneys to leak. The supplements made the random muscle pain and constant need for sleep go away but I still couldn’t walk. It took them another month to discover that I had a slip disc, which was actually the root of my misery. None of the painkillers were working and the doctors recommended surgery. An impulse trip to India and bath at Harmandir Sahib, my back was cured. Till this day I thank god that I got slip disc and my kidney condition got caught. It was hard to live in His will but when I look back, it was worth it. A person is not always able to look back and be thankful for what seems like a horrible event in their lives that changed their life for the better. Life was finally looking up for my father, he was working hard as a truck driver to support his family back home and then suddenly one day his partner caused the truck to crash. My father was sleeping in the back when the crash happened and was horribly injured; the partner jumped out and didn’t even get a scratch on him. It was during the ride to the hospital the paramedics discovered my father had diabetes that was completely out of control. Left untreated, it could have caused my father to have severe kidney damage, to go blind and loads of other problems. But this crash got him the help he needed, which he otherwise would have never gotten because he just couldn’t afford it. Not only did this accident helped catch his diabetes but the insurance money helped him start his own business. He is 100 times better off today, than he was before that faithful crash. His back often troubles him and at times the pain gets unbearable but today he can afford to say no to work. The memories of the horrible crash still hurt him, maybe one day this will of God, won’t seem so bad. But how does one live in His will when no light can be seen at the end of the tunnel of pain. In recent months a family friend had a stroke due to high blood pressure, the stroke has left him unable to talk, recognize his family and without hope of ever returning to normal. The only breadwinner for his family does not even know that since he has been in the hospital, another daughter has been born to him. All day his family cries and prays that a miracle will happen and he will once again recognize them, it has been months but he has not. Sometimes we wonder if he is never going to get better, wouldn’t it have been easier if God had called him to Himself? But then again, if God had done that would his wife stayed back and learned to fend for herself and her family? Would she have kept her daughter, which everyone is so eager to adopt? Maybe or maybe not. But as of now, she is here fighting, praying and learning on how to survive on her own without depending on others, so she can keep things normal for when her husband does wake up. Yes, those of us around her try to help her out as much as we can but it is not the same as having your husband with you that used to do everything for you. Sometimes to the non-believer the will of God is worse than bad, it’s ugly. No matter how God’s will looks at first glance, for those that believe there is always more to it than that meets the eye. Whether God’s will is good, bad or ugly, there is always some good hidden in it, we just need to believe. Sometimes is pain for small period of time, to help us avoid long time problems. Sometimes its pain in smaller doses to help us bear it in the long run. And occasionally He gives us a big pain to make us so strong that we can not only bear our pain but help others also. He is our father, why would he want to see us in pain? If you can’t see the good in His will, it is because you have yet to turn on the lights. Go to Guru Granth Sahib Ji and ask for help in turning on the minds light because it is only a Guru that can expel the darkness and bring you into the light.
  23. Thanks, Veer Ji! I will call India tonight and let them know. thanks, again and thanks for correcting me and get ready to correct me again and again. I have bad memory. I am from jalandhar area too but I moved as a kid.
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