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Everything posted by gupt_paapi

  1. yet anova rolacoastar... Just curious, why isnt this mentioned in Guru Granth Sahib? If these were his true words, then SURELY he would've included these, since this phrase seems very important O yeh I was wondering, have you ever studied Guru Granth Sahib Ji and Dasam Granth Sahib?? If you had, you wouldnt have made this post in the 1st place. Have you read the life story of GUru Nanak Dev Ji - Guru Gobind Singh Ji?? Guru Nanak Dev Ji refused 2 wear the Hindu string, attacked the worshiping of the sun by offering water, etc etc. Sikhism means to learn, not following. This is why Guru GObind Singh Ji made us LIONS not following SHEEPS. IF we were followers, wouldnt we have followed the mughals?!(ofcourse, this woudld've guaranteed us leisure and riches.. n no threat to death.. no?) And about Dasam Granth Sahib, dont know what was going through the Akali's heads, but their mistakes don't really prove anything. Let us go into Dasam Granth a little.. The description of 24 Avtars given in Sri Dasam Granth are the incarnations of god Vishnu. The most important of all the Avtars are Rama and Krishna; It is mistaken belief of Hindus to call them as the Supreme God. It was to clarify the Mistaken Beliefs of people that the Avtars were God, Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote about these 24 Avtars, giving their limitations and pitfalls. It was never the intention to teach to worship them, but to enlighten people to Worship One Creator God Alone, Who is Infinite and is the Ultimate. Dusnt this attack Hinduism DIRECTLY?! Also, you say Sikhs are not distinct frm Hindus. Well give me some similarities in our teachings please. iLL give u a few of the differences ryt now: - SIkh = 1 god strictly Hindu = Many - Sikh = No idol worship Hindu = worship statues like God himself - Sikh = no high/low castes! Hindu = If u not bhramin ur not worthy 2 meet God. - SIkh = equality, women treated highly. Hindu = rituals like Sati - SIkh = no rituals..all pointless Hindu = whole of 3rd ved (or isit 4th) dedicated to rituals Well i think i wrote quite a lot so Ill leave it at that. Ill be looking forward to your reply:) and sorry for any stupid mistakes, i only try PS: cant help noticing this.. So they want to be tortured for it in India? hardliners, so that makes all singhs hardliners den Btw, are u a psychic? u seem to know how 2 read sum1s mind.. plz tell us how woudl luv to learn the art! Theres a Difference between Fact and Opinion. remember that :TH:
  2. yeh!! true indeed!!! dhan guru granth sahib ji!!! dhan guru naaanak WAHEGURUU :doh:
  3. :..: hmm lets all calm down n nam japo ji WAHEGURU waheguru WAHEGURU waheguru WAHEGURU!!! DHAN GURU NANAK! :doh:
  4. GReat question! But isn't this the same as asking "If you aren't a graduate, and are trying to learn to learn in school what is the legal status?" Because graduates are students no? same here, Being a full SIkh is like graduating, and trying to get to that perfection is learning. learner = sikh. therefore, i think the ansa is sikh. But Guru ji has defined what a SIkh is.. so back to your question!! lol damn i AM confusing huna?! I think this a pointless post, dont you? ima stupid fool sowie!!
  5. hmm interesting.. (sorry wot sthe point in this topci agen..?!) anyway is there a alien versoin of taksaal too?? hmm i finkl Kumi an alein agent!! make us fight amogst oursevles to allow his fellow FibiGulu's to take over the earth... be scared.. Kumi's deadly. lol
  6. newayz... during marching they meet K51NGH with Sinner and APDF with Faujan and KUrtas discussing summing very interesting about Princess's arguements with >Bikramjit Singh<'s best friend UntitledSingh abiout how KhalsaFauji should be part of the KhalsaFauj. while discussing this, tableji and Taksali SIngh walked past thinking "wagwannn" (in the holy words of sri kumi ji). So after this they all joined up with a goat to beat up a nang who was chilling in TavprasadSIngh;s mates backyard. (now dats a way 2 add the members in ) Then aftawards a sudden storm hit the world as Fist of Fury entered the story... fer kee hoya??? ......
  7. :doh: @ LOOOL the voice in english soudns lyk a kala n in punajbi soudns lyk me i min same style of saying it not the same voice hahaha!!! ahem newayz yeh nice commercial
  8. influenced?! naw man guru ji wasnt influenced by man. if HE was den he woulda been lyk a modern day baba wid his own dera. if he was to be influenced, wouldnt he haf bin most influenced by his hindu family?!.. but this is untrue. he infact attacked tHe basis of bhraminism! dhan guru naaanak!!!
  9. bahahahahahahaha 113883[/snapback] cant beleve how right dat is :doh: @ damn! wot mockery
  10. Sorry i dont understand what you mean. Because, the Khalsa is a Strict way of life. Its enjoyable but its strict hence its distinct. Also, the Khalsa is an army, the Army of God hence the reason you pick up arms at the last resort. Hence Sikhs are born Warriors. I must have got this wrong somewhere in my personal learning of Sikhi and also the Sikhi i learned in school... <_< @ 113866[/snapback] Nah veerji im on abt the quotes made by a veerji abt caste rules etc etc. but yeh ur right, spot on :TH:
  11. n afta dat 1 month if u wake up late wont u feel bad inside.. i did :doh: lyk 2day :'( argh! 4 2 weeks i lived wid my uncle 4 2 weeks n got away form rehit n den i realised.. i looked bak wen i was at home ,with rehit it felt lyk i was on a bed of flowers (lol dats how i feel..) and i wanted 2 get bak 2 it wen i came bak i got bak into it n im happy (xcept 4 waking up late 2day ) n i still need 2 take amrit!
  12. gustaphi maaf, but even if you have paag and kes, doesnt make you a sikh. only once someone has taken amrit can they be sikh, remember sikh pehla, singh baad sant siphai works in that way also. also thats dear coming from you bhenji because when i said the same thing to you on msn and when we met you said something, i cant remember but you certainly did not come out like this, you were positive and said something how we are all sikh but with different spiritual level! khalistan, hmmm, well i am in a sense for it because it will be a place where people can practice their religion freely. go to punjab, very few kesdharis, because of discrimination. also, look at the water supplies and electrical supplies, in which 75% goes to other states, making punjab one of the most poorest states. then again, its up these people who claim they are the proudest fanatics in the world to do mass parchaar of sikhism and influence other people to follow a rehat. also its a shame because the foundations of getting this khalistan is when the parbhandak comitee hand their powers to the panj pyare. despite there are some "absoloute strict" singhs, escpecially in leicester, that has not happened. then again, we always cant give up things for the sake of humanity can we? ok, so how many have been able to keep full rehat. and just because you have a paag doesnt make you rehatdhari, being rehatdhari does not mean one should keep paag and do 5 banis, it also contains........... controlling the vices not to diss a singh do not talk to a turk protect the cow never do ninda the last two i found out yesterday, i mean the turk and the cow part, i checked it on google. taksal says not to talk to moonai http://www.damdamitaksal.com/lit_rehat_18.htm and also, one should use oil, ash and sand to clean the hands i ask you here, when you go gurdwara, which person uses this and not soap? http://allaboutsikhs.com/rehat/rehat_09.htm http://allaboutsikhs.com/rehat/rehat_16.htm k, how many have walked to anandpur here then? http://allaboutsikhs.com/rehat/rehat_16.htm http://allaboutsikhs.com/rehat/rehat_17.htm practically, most of people have broken their rehat if thats the case heck i bet some people are breaking their rehat as we speak, this whole thread will probably turn into a, whats the word, a dissing match in the end. also, im intrested in who these people were who write such rehats, and how they were able to write this? gustaphi maaf 113793[/snapback] NO THAT CANT BE THE REHIT! no jopes that is just anti sikh in every way. i mnt he caste thing wot the chutney?!?! this cant be Khalsa.. who follows dis kandola veerji i agree with u n i seem 2 be sur[rised for ur viewpoints to be this (n also that u a monah.. i would never had gessed, n NO its not coz of dat homer pic lol) its not only abt rehit. i min sum people jsut get twisted into rehit so much! its lyk wheres ur sikhi gone? ur better opff in an army camp if u wanta strict discipline. this discipline should at least AID you 4 spiritual gaining idont see how the above mentioned rehit helps this.. Hope u understand this fool.. waheguruuu :doh:
  13. fanx 4 correcting me but i was on abt the actual society, lyk compared to mulsim countries uk is mroe relaxed religion wise.. yh? or am i rong? forgive my stupid mistakes
  14. argh stop this jhatka-non jhatka thing! just follow akal takhat sahib's hukamnama. if u fink its dodgy den dont follow any of it! at least this will only create ONE divide not 100's of em coz of each issue.
  15. Chohan is a clown and so is Mann. These two faggots collected so much money in the name of shaheed families and 84 genocide families but failed to pass it on. These two are disgraceful pucce <banned word filter activated>. 113636[/snapback] Wat are u talking about Sardaar Mann has gone through imense torture for helping Sikh Militants and he is currently in jail for saying Khalistan slogans. This great man gave up his position as SSP after the attak on Harmandir Sahib and since then he has only helped Sikh cause. Sikh marriges wre classed as hindu marriges before but it was Mann who changed this. 113641[/snapback] Yes yes believe what you want. I rather believe the families of shaheed singh who have seen with their own eyes what Mann is all about. Has he really helped the families of shaheed by collecting money and then not even bothering to see the families let alone give them the money he collects in their name. BTW he is not locked up in some rat infested prison he was living in a government rest house which is nothing like a proper prison. As for Sikh marriages they still come under the Hindu Marriage Act 1956 so there goes you idea of Mann having done anything about it. 113686[/snapback] So you think Sardar Mann is in a goverment house well yor wrong, do you even know the torture he suffered find out yourself http://panthic.org/news/125/ARTICLE/1444/2005-06-19.html During the Khalistan movement he had all his toenails pulled out from the roots and they have not yet grown back so think before you diss Simranjeet Singh Mann. He has done more than you can even think of doing. So Curtis- i mean kurtas who do you consider a true Sikh leader? 113840[/snapback] You seriously think they are going to tell the truth that he is in a GOI rest house ? You believe what you want. As for dissing. I will continue to state facts that Mann is a fraud. Read the thread on Shaheed Major Baldev Singh Ghuman and see how Mann ignored the family after his shaheedi. So what has he been doing all these years with the money he used to collect for shaheed, 84 genocide victims etc. Mann has not even bothered to go see the families so I very much doubt he has been dishing the money out. He like many others has taken advantage of people to enrich himself. The 1984 genocide victims claim that no Akali leader has bothered to help them yet you still want to give Mann brownie points. So podjyot - I mean prabjyot have you read the thread on Shaheed Major Baldev Singh Ghuman ? Have you read the sons comments ? Do you still sonsider Mann as a true Sikh leader ? I consider people like Shaheed Baba Deep Singh Ji, Shaheed Baba Banda Bahadur Shaheed Baba Jarnail Singh Ji, Shaheed Baba Manochal Ji, Shaheed Amrik Singh Ji to be true Sikh leaders. People like Mann, Tohra, Longowal are paper tigers who just crave media attention but are unwilling to sacrifice themselves. If you think Mann falls into the same category as these mahan Gursikhs then that is up to you. 113847[/snapback] wow it seems lyk i agree wid u! lol well dats wot happens in politics my tabla teacher was actually there at the morcha agenst nirnakaris where 13 (or more) singhs/singhnis were killed. memba? anyways, yeh he was caught and he was sent 2 jail, baking in the heat, while the politicians who stood beside him were sent to luxurious rooms. it made him ask himself "ARE THEY BETER SIKHS THAN OURSELVES?! if not den Y this extra treatment" . from then on he gave up politics, it still continues now, admit it or not. Politics has becum a business for whoever gets the seat.. actually, can sum1 prove me rong by giving me names of the poiliticains who dint look for their OWN benefits n only the interests of the people?? ofcourse i dont no every1 in this worlld, but as far as i no there hasnt bin ne1 yet.. or prove me rong ill be looking forward to dis... soz 4 any offence plz forgive this stupid fool. n if u fink im rong, then most likely i am. in dat case can u plzz cprrect me waheguru
  16. hey uk ent a christian country... i min look at the society, theres hardly any christianity in it. i would just call it a white coutnry not christian country... think abt it..
  17. i wonder y u hope dat ... lol dont worry :TH:
  18. Kafir means non-muslim.. so adt sums up every1 who not muslim! sounds simple but look, this inclueds christians, jews, hindus, sikhs, buddhists, jain, etc etc! how amny religions r there! ofcourse that point gna be right coz its 1 religion v's the rest. i min sikhs can say dat too "we are united under waheguru and the rest of the non-beleivers fight amongst themselves. but we dont say dat. y? coz guri ji belevies in freedom of religion no offence but arnt they reffering to hindus? n their gods??
  19. HMMsum1 tld me that if any of these benefits dint exist in UK den the muslims would never had any chance of causing such havoc as 7/7. i kinda agree with em. i min wot do we do? pay tax 4 wot? so muslims can make bombs 2 kill oursevles?! sounds lyk suicide 2 me (although, this would mean the REAL truely innocent poor families will lose out on benefits )
  20. well pheena ,maybe thats the reason that they were bporbn there.. to sort it out. i min guru nanak dev ji was born in the peak of kaljug, where the worst stuff was happening. where was this.. india? coz God knwos all. He knew that sikhi woulda bin spread lyk christianity across the world if guru ji's were orn in western countries, but He wanted 2 sort out the real problem. hope u understand where im getting at o yeh notice that this topic is inthe jokes page
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