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Golee Maro

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Everything posted by Golee Maro

  1. The KIRPAN in the first instance is there for protection - not protection of our own lives, but for the benefit of others. We dont wear kirpans to "symbolise" or "advertise" Sikhi. Therefore, if we should be defending the well-being of others, the kirpan is not the only weapon we can use. Theres no point in wearing a kirpan and not knowing how to use it. And if you train properly in how to use it, you will learn the art of combat with many other items apart from a kirpan. A ball point pen can be deadly if you know how to use it. Your hands alone can kill someone in seconds. My point is, dont focus too much on wearing a kirpan on a plane as a symbol. We are here to defend righteousness and we should be trained beyond the kirpan to do that. There is no point boarding a plane with a kirpan and not knowing how to use it like a lot of people are guilty of. Learn the art of shaster vidhiya / gatka and learn how to become a true modern day warrior
  2. damnnn theres a lot of literature already distributed by Muslims calling for Islamics to forcefully convert Sikh girls. Its scarey to think this kind of literature in Luton is actually just one in a million. If anyone has a copy of such literature, please do post here...
  3. is this the vid ya on about? http://www.ektaone.com/video/ektaone_babadeepsingh.wmv
  4. My little veer/bhain, Do not tell anyone what you do with keertan petaa (donations) you recieve. People percieve it as haumai... hunkaar... pride. Its good you do that but dont tell a soul. Maharaj jaanee jaan han and they know your every actions. As for keertanis, I believe there are SOME who do keertan out of greed. But I tell you something, the point that someone made earlier, you take keertani like Bhai Niranjan Singh, Harjinder Singh, Satvinder Singh, Anoop Singh and so on... they could make a mint out of doing non-Gurbani, non-faith CD's such as Punjabi folk songs or hindi movies. But they choose not to. They do sewa of the True Guru. Now, the reason why you think these keertani are laalchi is because you see that they ask for certain amount of money but you wont know what they do with it because THEY DO NO BROADCAST IT OUT like you just made the mistake of doing. And they shouldnt tell anyone else either which is why you call them lallchi... just because you dont really REALLY know what they do with their maya. I do kirtan as well. Now if i took maya every Sunday from Gurdwara or something and people saw me every week taking maya, they will most likely presume its going into my pocket. But what do they know? I could be saving it all to donate somewhere in India. But i dont need to worry about what THEY think or what THEY know. Oh no. I need to worry about what my Guru thinks and what my Guru knows. And i dont need to broadcast to the whole world to let my Guru know. My Guru is omnipresent... all around me... in every inanimate stone... my Guru watches me and my actions. So please, before you call someone you dont really know something horrific like "laalachi", think twice and ask yourself... "do i REALLY know them to be judging them?" forgive my mistakes too ji for i am also just a child in my thinking...
  5. punjabi can be classed as the culture but it also refers to whether you are from the state of Punjab. I just tell people i am a Sikh, born in England from a Punjabi background. Terms Indian and Punjabi do refer to geographical locations which is confined to Asia. The term "Sikh" is not confined to any area as it is a faith and maybe spread worldwide. I would say if your born in India, and you move country yet remain Indian by nationality, then you can go wherever and say you are Indian. If you move to the UK, change your nationality, then you can say your British or whatever.
  6. its ok man - more events the better. and if they are close, then even better because then you can easily travel from one event to another with ease. As for that world cup comment... i agree! How dare anyone plan any kind of events whilst the coveted World Cup is going on!!! All Gurdwaras should either be shut or their STTM projector screens should be displaying the matches!! (above is a joke just incase some of you "hardcore militant" types didnt realise. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=joke )
  7. we shouldnt complain about keertani who dedicate their lives to seva of keertan on an international level particularily. lets say you have a jatha... three in a jatha (typically). They would split the maya three ways. They have to cover costs too of their own - flights, clothing, food, etc and they are also entitled to luxurious items too. Then most of them have families too... wives.. kids... parents? So when you look at their lives in totality, i dont think we should complain too much about them getting so much "donations". Yes, if someone is minting it totally and creating their own palaces etc, then somethings wrong but otherwise, i think a lot of so-called "commercial keertani" do a lot of good in the world... more than most of us. If they come into fortune, maybe it is in their karam to recieve such fruit of their good deeds? I praise these keertanee's, the katha parchaariks, these dhadhi's and kavishris of our great panth and pray that they always remain in the highest state of enlightenment. Chardhi kalaa. Forgive my mistakes
  8. it happens. besides, not all Sikhs go to AKJ rehansbhais. You should be happy the saadh sangat have a choice and those who do not go rehansbhais will do saadh sangat in Leeds and those who do go to Rehansbhais will be able to go to the Rehansbhai in Bradford. I think its all good
  9. its a metal wire which is worn typically around a dumaalaa to protect the head from any strikes by enemy with a sword...
  10. wicked. itll be good to see the sri nagar wale brothers together again.
  11. maybe hes gone underground... literally...
  12. Ahh VGKK VGKF I feel for u bro. Let me start by saying i am far from perfect and so i apologise in advance if i give any reason for u to believe i think otherwise. I feel for you... i feel for you both. I know its easy for me to say - but past IS past. Its like i heard a saying "we've got one foot in the past, one foot in the future and we are p*ssing on the present." Is she a good, honest, and faithful person now? Coz judging by ure opinion of her above.. she is. Maybe bro, at one point she wasnt. But we all go through tough ages and tough points in our lives. Its wrong of you to judge her on that - the past is past. Its dead. I would personally say, she needs to be reborn to cleanse herself from that murky past. Reborn how? Cleanse the soul through naam, baani, simran... and Amrit. (Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Jee). But maybe she wont agree to that in the near future, but u know, if she wants to marry u much as you want to marry her, then ask her to take up naam, bani and simran and explain to her why. Your not being old fashioned. I think you are being human. You have not had sex yourself and have saved that for marriage all your life... something that is sacred in marriage. And its a shock when you find someone you want to marry (who you expect to have "saved" themself too for you) and they havent. But i think you should not punish yourselves over it. Past is past. Move forward. Shes been honest with you about having sex twice... if shes lying about the circumstances of how it came about, then thats on her own head. But by the sounds of it, lying or not, she regrets it and admits to the mistakes... You know deep down whether you can forgive and forget bro... by the sounds of it, you i think you can and i have faith in you. But you need to have faith inyourself, your partner and most importantly of all... Guroo Maharaj... Sorry for any mistakes above. Peace out VGKK VGKF
  13. Forgive me for im a maha-paapi. But something is on my mind regarding this issue... I believe our Guru is our Helper. I believe our Guru comes to us to help us. I believe our Guru will try and help everyone no matter of how they are. I believe he even helps "manmukhs" and "paapis" like me... even if they go pubs, clubs, brothels or whatever. So my problem with this whole "major issue" is that lets say Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee is taken to such a hotel where more people will be than the Gurdwara and people who do not normally go Gurdwara... doesnt Maharaj stand more chance of educating people there in a hotel than an actual Gurdwara? Sorry, i know some, if not many, will disagree. But to me, this whole world is a Gurdwara - Maharaj resides everywhere and in everyone. And i dont believe a Gurdwara is seperate from the rest of the world. Im not saying "allow Guru Jee to be taken to a pub where people are blatently smoking, eating and drinking". Im just saying that its strange because people believe God only resides in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. If a Gurdwara moves location it then seems to be ok for that to be converted into a night club or something like that. Im sorry but i walk in the street where people smoke. My Guru is with me then. I dont believe I will be damned by being in such an environment and i dont believe if i stayed the night in a hotel on a business trip, i would be damned for that. Sorry for my mistakes...
  14. well the way i see it is buy a 6-cd changer, fit in a boom box, go to the mela and drive around the park blasting the tunes. AK-47 g, as for your comments about the double standards, i beg to differ as i am not saying what i think, i am saying what i know and i know what i know. My opinions my opinion. And as i said, i dont have anything against SI albums - its more the aim of double standards. I loved the first two album. I thought the variation in the second album was brilliant especially with the undergroundsikhi.com guy doing his stuff. My opinions are mixed, i admit. Dont know about the use of bhangra tracks but chall
  15. If you're a proper GurSikh, you have panj kakaar, then dont worry because it wont effect you as much. No one will say anything to you wearing a kirpaan but just dont give them cause to say anything to you in the first place. Look Sikh and be Sikh. Dont prat around and dont give them any cause for alarm. One incident involving Kirpaans, and that could spark off a debate and at New St, theres enough amrit dhaari Gursikhs going in and out. Just be vigilent.
  16. ah man, i feel sorry for u both VERY SLIGHTLY. Just dont make any rash decisions. I would seriously tell ure parents BOTH OF U and accept their punishment they give you. If they tell u to marry, then do it. And if they can forgive you in any way, then you should fall before them and kiss their feet. Seriously.
  17. ah please (!) people from every jatha (except GNNSJ from what ive seen) come online and advertise. all jathas seem to have a website - but i dont know if id call that advertising. I would say its people from these jathas who have a passion about what they believe in to create a website to share their love with the world.
  18. lol this is why people take da p*** outta sikhs making em out to be jokaz. Singhs nowadays cant even sort out the internal threats, never mind the external ones. We seem to be here there and everywhere and no one seems to be winning battles they are trying to face. Instead, we all splitting to up. Ya need ekta, unity - imagine AKJ, AKJi, GNNSJ, Nihangs, Taksaal, Nanaksaris etc all getting together to organise the rally? WE wont get Khalistan like this. Yeh, i'll be at the rally IN REMEMBERANCE for my brothers, my sisters, my mothers and fathers who have been shaheed since times began and for a nice stroll through my home city... thats my reason for going. For others, their reasons will be to spit on dolls of indira gandhi, burn some flags, make some noise, check out "da talent", link up with some mates and the rest. There are the rare few who do have a passion for Khalistan, deep down. And there are those who will be there for those who were martyred in '84. Basically ONE voice is clearer to hear than hundreds of little ones. We are currently hundreds of little ones... sorry if my opinion offends any of u.
  19. ha we dont need proof... we already know hes a liar
  20. i just want to give my two cents on this i know a few of the people who help in this. Before IP came onto the scene, these guys were "anti-bhangra music, anti-giddha, anti-hindi music, anti- anything thats not Gurbani"... now, these are the same people who are recording for them and bigging it up! Talk about double standards (and double profits!). That dont mean im anti-SI, dont get me wrong yeh, but i just see too many double standards. You know, SI:1 probably had more scope for education than any of the other SI's due to the fact it had a multimedia presentation on it about the goings on of 1984 and so on. Now, it just seems to be "which bhangra/giddha sample can we rip off next?" The thing is though, some of the singers are kavishri and kavishri already tend to use tunes that dhadhi use. But some of the tunes that dhadhi use are sampled from and to bhangra and giddha so you can see where it tracks back to. Sorry if i offend anyone with that.
  21. i dont know about the baba bit, but hes hella famous now if all baba daljeet got was a weeks seva to fix his predicament... then this guy will get it easy then. So no one needs to be worried if they are paedohiles... nice message the akaal takht send out isnt it..................................(!)
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Omw23aoIUPI A man with the screenname “guy-from-mars83,” seems to thinks it’s perfectly legal for an adult to talk online to a 13-year-old about meeting for sex and then show up at her house. He’s 23-year-old Inderjeet Singh. Inderjeet Singh: Well, you can talk, you can converse, but it doesn’t mean that I’m going to do it, unless you catch me at one point doing it. Hansen: So you say I would have to catch you having sex with a 13-year old girl before you could get in trouble. Singh: Before you can put me against the law, yeah. Hansen: So are you a lawyer? Singh: No, I’m not a lawyer. Hansen: Well, you sound pretty familiar with the law. Singh: Well I’m pretty much into academics. Hansen: You’re into academics, well let me correct you a little bit on how the law works. But it turns out, I don’t have to. The sheriff’s detectives are only too happy to give “guy-from-mars83” a crash course in how the law works.
  23. whats that really got to do with anything? He is still entitled to his opinion, regardless of whether he is chummy with Nidhaar Singh or not.
  24. in a nutshell, sukhasan is basically when Maharaaj is put to rest at the end of the day or divaan. (normally at night) prakash is when Maharaaj jee is brought into the divaan and gives His hukamnama. (normally in the morning) Also : Khalsa Camp 2006 is the best camp to go to if you would like to experience a proper week of naam bani and simran as well as sewa and sangat. Im not an advertiser, nor am i part of any group. But i know know this camp has the least problems and the most success rate. Sikh Student camp is good in the sense it does attract a lot of people, non sikhs, to come and learn about Sikhi in an environment they are more familiar with.
  25. Nothing wrong with sharing emotions. This is what pisses me off about people - we as sangat, should be there to support one another when we are down. It seems people only wanna be there for others in times of sukh, but not in times of dukh. When the <banned word filter activated> hits the fan, no one wants to know. This is not true sangat at all. You can talk about these brave warriors all the time, and yes we should be a lot more like them. They werent cold hearted people who didnt feel emotions. They felt the emotions, probably more than anyone, but the difference is they were in control of them. Its something we should all be aiming to do but it is quite rare for people to do it. A lot of people will just show to be all tough but inside, they feel the emotions just as much as anyone else. Just learn how to help each other along and not make them feel worse. Compassion is a quality every human should possess, never mind only Sikhs.
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