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Everything posted by Not2Cool2Argue

  1. Are you sure its fat causing the insulin resistance? Wouldnt it just be the excess glucose?
  2. Good point. But ppl have tried vegan diets and have lots of negative outcomes. Such as raw vegans. And for vegetarian diets, indians have lots of diabetes. But that is probably due to lots of unhealthy food. You are right that a paleo plant diet could work. There is even a study in an indian journal about using a paleo plant diet to reverse or better manage diabetes. And they provided a list of protein and fat based meals.
  3. What about the ppl doing paleo and carnivore diet? Theyve had massive benefits. And they support grass grazed cs corn fed, free roaming and sometimes wild meat. Ofc wild meat is impossible for so many ppl. But what about free roaming? There is land in many places that is not suitable for farming but is good for grazing. Even that might not be enough. But it must be said, that meat is better for ur body. It has the form of nutrients that are easily digestible by our body such as heme iron vs non heme iron. But i dont know the effect of meat on our mind. Its probably too tamma gunn.
  4. I dont know either. But perhaps because a takhat was only built during formation of akaal takhat sahib? Before that we had a thardaa sahib. So maybe up to the 5 gurus. Gurujinonly sat kn a pirdi. Not a takhat??
  5. Those are the babey. They made them dress up for the occasion.
  6. I liked bambokaat and Angrej. They show the past really well. But the plot in angrej seems a bit shallow. I just saw the trailer tho so it could be better. Bambokaat was sorta unique
  7. Here in the US, lots of girls will do a beauty course in india then work at a threading or hair saloon or make up place. Also CNA, thats like a 6 month course for very basic nursing like changing sheets etc Or even housemaid, babysitter, medical assistant, receptionist. Day care assistant
  8. Not only lighting. But also to store fire. In case a draft of wind blew in and blew out the other lighting source. A jyot was supposed to stay lit 24/7. Also the smell of burnt ghee is supposed to purify the atmosphere.
  9. Yeah something similar. But it was a sikhi play at a camp. Dont really know the real details nor sources.
  10. I see what u did there. Swam-i singh I had heard that there was also a time when sikhs would go take ishnaan at harmandar sahib to thumb their noses at the guards. But this woukd be the time when the sarovar was not filled up in the seige. Also that there was a grouo of singhs. And they woukd go each night to light the jot. And would get captures each time...
  11. This was beautiful. Thanks for sharing. I always wanted to add the British and Persian sources to our history. And this person has done so. For example they say Dr Cole did the sutures for Sri Guru Gobind singj ji. I would love to find that account. The way he added the last names to the singhs seemed wrong. But it also helps to connect with them. That these heroic ppl really were our ancestors. (Its nice to see my last name there And the infighting and betrayal by our own ppl, is very hard to read about. But hey at least it shows what we were going through now isnt new. The painting that he put for Akali phula singh is so beautifully rendered. I used to think before the enlightenment period (when they started experimenting with 3D painting and lighting) that all olden paintings looked 2D and flat. But even without using the european somber colors and life size figures, the painting shows everything with perfect proportions and depth. The colors are nice too. I love the word warrior-priests. Totally gonna replace saint-soldiers.
  12. Forgive me, I dont mean to be offensive. But what is the Truth? It sounds so vague and hippyish. You can say anything. It is simply the Truth....it is simply the Void....all.these religions are false, there is only the Way. Are you trying to say there is no afterlife, no philosophy, no teachings except of morality?
  13. I meant literally. It is hard to send a spoon thru the computer screen. But figuratively, it also works. If that person had asked kindly for further explanation or the exact shabad. It would be easy to spoon feed that info as you mentioned. But they commanded that I stop quoting gurbani (unless done to their specific guidelines). So yeah difficult to spoon feed a stubborn person.
  14. They have a solution for that. The right wing is claiming that the Taj mahal used to be a shivji temple and was overtaken by the mughals.
  15. That should be us Sikhs. Because our culture is heavily influenced by both. Infact, Sikh panth grew in that clash. Thats why some hindus think we r just warriorfied hindus to protect Hinduism. What we did was get the best from the invadors while kicking out the invadors. We kept persian as state language, used their killeh and probably govt system as well. Same with cannon and army. Maharaja ranjit hired the firangis to reshape his whole army and had the best European cannons too. I bet if he had stayed on, he wouldve brought in the railroad system, maybe not the steam engines ships( as we were mostly land locked). Even in history, we can see that Guruji said to get knowledge from everyone. Like sending sikhs to kaashi, writing jaap sahib using both sanskrit and persian words. And in the subegh singh shabaaz singh movie, the brahmins says that persian is a malesch bhasa snd shouldn't be learnt. But singhs disagreed. Knowledge and art should be boundry less. And ppl who sneer and ban something because it is other, are usually suffering from sour grape syndrome. (Ofc sikhs r also the only ones keeping panjabi too. Pakistaan was replacing with urdu until recently when panjabis protested)
  16. Not2Cool2Argue


    1.You would be neither a manmukh or gurmukh. A gurmukh being someone who follows the Guru. Just like there is Gurmat, Manmat, and Aanmat ( others mat/teachings). Perhaps u could be a manmukh because u used ur mann ie mind to decide to follow christianity. But thats farfetched. 2. There is a line on our nails. Telling us we can cut up to that point. The hair thing. Would u rather follow fickle society? One day beards r in, another day shaved heads, long hair for men, now eyebrows must be shaped too for men as well. Or the Guru? Also does anyone know scientifically why we have long hair on our head? Why men have beards? Without knowing we r messing with our bodys physiology. Like those ppl, who now say deodrant and make up has harmful chemicals, shaving is more likely to give u ingrown hair and who knows what other problems. About women. Do you know there are budhhist monks who r women. And they shave their heads too? They arent worried that ppl think they will lose their femininity. As an amritdhari, one shoukd aim to live a householder-monk lifestyle. So shouldn't really care abt what ppl say. And having a different outer appearance makes it easy to stand out from the world. And reminds one to stay detached and not to act like the materialistic world. And i have seen women married with hair on their chins etc. And these women have kids too so...plus instead of getting rid of the hair, the women should find out why it happened. It is usually a sign of hormone imbalance or other health problems.
  17. If its hard to kill them, govt should at least sterilize them. Australia had a kangaroo problem. They were causing too many road accidents. And so they did a sterilization program. But ofc ppl started protesting. About the tube thing. Do tell us more. Because its not only india. Our professor was telling us how in Gautemala, they also cook indoors with an open fire. And this caused their kids to have COPD and other lung issues. They bought them electrical stove. But the gautemalans didnt really like using it. Maybe the tube thing will be a better more cost effective and more acceptable solution.
  18. I dont know man. I used to have the same view as you. Screw the panjabis. Only the amritdharis matter. But. Most gurudware are supported by the sangat. Which is normal panjabis. We have a lot to be grateful for from the moneh sikhs. They came to foreign counties and did not totally renounce their faith. They built gurudwarey, brought in granthis, saroops of SGGS. Had gurudwarey in homes, then slowly bought land. Most langar and nagarkirtans are run by their seva. Also according to sikh rehit maryada, you are a sikh ifnu believe in 1 god, the 10 gurus, SGGS, have no faith in another religion, and believe in amrit. And sehajdhari sikh have played a huge part throughout sikh history . And amritdharis biggest recruiting ground is these moneh ppl. But their sikh family and sangat failed them in the past, that they were allowed to go lax.
  19. Actually, someone asked a similar question on quora. Why didnt the coronavirus epidemic originate in india? Why in china? The answer was that about 20% of indians are vegetarian. And that u cant get sick from plants. The most that will happen if you eat a rotten tomato is that you will get vomiting and diarrhea ( not exactly true. Plants grown with human feces as fertilizern or contaminant have caused alot of diseases. And in Punjab the roordis are used as bathrooms. But i dont know if plant viruses can affect us like zoonotic viruses can easily cross over.) Moreover, the nonveg indians, eat cooked meat. There is no rare, medium rare stuff. Most meat is cooked and then boiled in curries, tari, tardka and masalas. Maybe its a good thing we rarely eat any raw plants or meats. In europe, they even used to only eat cookes fruit as they believed uncooked fruit coukd make u sick.
  20. Although there was opression. I think its common for ppl near borders to be a mix. Like nepal and all of southeast asia. Look at thailand. They have asian features but with darker skin and their culture is very like indians. Its funny i can see punjabi culture evolving. Lots of English words are replacing panjabi ones. Our clothes already have collars and more sober colors etc. Ppl teach their kids english And similarly when mughals were in power lots of Persian culture and language entered our vocab. And ppl made sure to educate their kids in Persian. Its a good thing. Keeps our ppl within the times and not backwards.
  21. Agra and those areas are central india. Panjab itself has been heavily influenced by the persians. What with folk tales like laila majnu. Totally persian. And then sufi poetry like bulleh shah also has a bit of islamic influence. Also babar is first of the mughal rulers. So all the nice architecture like laal killah in delhi etc was notnyet built. The mughals would introduce water gardens etc. However it is funny coming from Babbar as he was from the nomadic mongol tribes that live in a boring flatlands and tents. With no soil worthy of farming and deserts and freezing cold. But then again, the mongols ruled in persia for 500 years and thats how they learnt persian and introduced it to india instead of their mongolian language. So i guess he got used to opulence
  22. That the other castes are inferior. Supporting their rights and elevating them will cause choas. That most of the crimes, riots, gang rapes are done by low caste ppl. They have no inhibition and the more free they are of poverty the more chance they have of causim damage. Where do you think that falls on your spectrum?
  23. Not really. The buddhist are way ahead of us. They are actually providing answers and solutions to ppl suffering from lack of spirituality and materialism. And now the new age people are into meditation. And with The Secret and such philosophies they have already learned about how powerful the mind is. Even hindus are pretty good at the abhyaas of simran at their ashrams. And us sikhs are using SGGS as a wish granting genie what with all the akhand paaths. And langars are only for relatives and friends etc. We all know the problems. My point is, sikhs as a collective are not anything to be proud of. We act no better than any other religion or athiests out there. Yes we do have some gems in the panth. But that is due to their personal effort. Basically, its not the religion that one follows that makes a difference. Its how much an individual puts in the effort. Like what studies show with diet. Its not what diet you follow, but how much you adhere to it, that determines your success. So yeah Sikhi is great, but that isnt gonna save me nor the millions of normal panjabi sikhs. And sikhi has great ideals and great history. But once you know it all, have studied it since childhood, and know it is one of the best religions in terms of its 'philosophies'/teachings compared to the others. Then what? So far sikhs are just hung up on talking about how great sikhi or sikhs are. Whats next?
  24. You guys both believe the same thing. But are describing it differently and talking past each other. By sikhi, Akalifauj does not mean being amritdhari or folowing the religion sikhism. He means the truth. Like all the bhagats, they were born in hindu families but rejected most of what their religion and society taught. Instead they focused on the universal truth. And because it was universal truth, their bani is included in guru granth sahib ji. Same with the sufi fakirs like bhagat farid ji. They were born muslims but rejected some aspects of islam. And embraced universal truth. And because they believed in truth their bani aligned with sikhi which is also truth. And Satguru is needed to give naam. But satguru is an aspect of God. It has existed since the world was created. And was manifest as Guru Nanak dev ji. But before 1469, Satguru or sargunn saroop of waheguru appeared to certain ppl and gave them naam. After 1469, that sargunn saroop of waheguru is manofest in sri guru granth sahib ji. I dont think i am describing this right. But bhai randheer singhs book due a good job of describing sikh philosophy. Not jail chittyian that is just an autobiography. He wrote many pamphlets and books. One of my favorite is Is bowing down to Guru Granth Sahib ji idol worship. Anyways. What you guys are both saying is Ganika was not in hindu because she didnt follow strictly hindiu teachings. But she was saved due to japping naam. Which is a sikhi concept so she was a sikh. Some ppl argue that only the name waheguru can save you. But really meditation is meditation. And no one word can limit waheguru or his mercy. This was given by our guru so we should honor it.
  25. Haha. Delhi panjabi is the worst. They add haagi in every sentence. And they speak like the comedic way sikhs in bollywood movies are shown to speak. And they cant pronounce bhabha and other letters correctly Kidhar chali haagi? Oh ohnde haage.
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