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Everything posted by Tera

  1. VJKK VJKF, Set this up and I think it is about ready... www.sikhsearch.net More to come as time goes on but please give feedback and comments etc. Thanks
  2. Finaly... www.sikhsearch.net More to be added as time goes on... Please PM me about any problems or suggestions etc.
  3. I think (may be wrong), but personally, if I for example, went dressed to impress, tight clothing etc, to the Gurdwara then yes. I feel I would get as much paap as whoever's attention I attract if not more. Obvoiusly, if i go normally with simple clothing and still attract someones attention. Then the paap is on them. Some people will always be jealous and envy but there's nothing you can do about that. Surely you get what i mean?
  4. Kirandeep phenji... Wear something you are comfortable in and ask yourself if you would wear the same, do the same, in front of 'sacha pita' Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. If you thought it was ok and 'right' to wear it, then you would not have asked the question in the first place, so my answer is no. Dont wear a Sari. Think about this... A guy's walking down the street, dressed bare minimum, bound to attract attention. A Singhni other side of the road doing simran, glances over and some obvoius thoughts spring to mind. Who would get the paap there? And talk of does a Bana get you closer to God... You must have Bani and Bana. Papee like me have neither. I would so love to wear a Bana everyday but without Bani, Bana is useless. But with Bani and Bana comes great responsibility.
  5. Someone has had to kill an animal in order for 'you' to eat it... I'd say it was just as bad if not worse than adultery. That animals life has gone so someone can satisfy their taste buds... Admin Note: Next time you will be given a warning for starting the meat debate again.
  6. We should offer thanks as its got us thinking again about such things, anyway... Read it, take from it what you think is good and Gurmat... forget the rest.
  7. Tera


    Damdami Taksal Rehat Maryada http://www.scys-online.org/site/Rehat6.html
  8. Bhog is going to be at 10.30am on Sunday. Saturday Night langar will be chips and beans :lol: Tell everyone you know, more sangat we have, the better.
  9. 22, Web designer for computer software company...
  10. Happy Birthday Taran :TH: Dont forget us when you need some beta testers... I'm waiting patiently :lol:
  11. Well, this thread gave me the push to finish off what i started. I've tried to do like a mini Sikh google as you can see from the above link. What are your opinions and what else would you all like to see on there?
  12. I also started working on one a while back after i tried unsuccessfully to list a website in SikhSeek. I tried over a peroid of a month and must have sent e-mails about 5 times at least. Started a test one which can be seen here - HERE Been meaning to do it properly for a while but 1 thing i wanted to make sure is that it only had selected websites on there with correct information on it. You see so many websites with wrong information on them nowadays... All the testing was spot on :TH: so just needs doing fully now
  13. Heard there is a debate linked to India about Sikh based projects and working as a nation on Akash Radio, Satellite Channel 918 today, 8pm till 10pm. Tune in if you can.
  14. As the title really... Akhand Path in Remeberence of the Shaheeds (matyrs) at Singh Sabha Gurdwara (Nottingham Road), Nottingham starting 10th February with Akhand Path da Bhog on 12th February. Try and make it if you can...
  15. Read these transcripts of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale's Speeches at http://www.sikhlionz.com/sant.htm
  16. How will this game promote Sikhism other than the main character being a Sikh? Going around killing everyone in a game sure is fun but sorta defeats the main purpose of the game (promote sikhism), does it not? Unless, that isnt the purpose of the game. Just curious, dont get me wrong... Looks good, good to see something actually being done
  17. Banned or not, i wouldnt say these groups were terrorist organisation. For example, ISYF's aims were: 1. To promote Sikh philosophy and the Sikh way of life. 2. To promote and preserve the Sikh heritage and culture. 3. To speak out against Human Rights violations. 4. To act as a voice of the oppressed Sikhs of India. 5. To peacefully work towards establishing an independent homeland for the Sikhs - Khalistan. Read more at http://www.sikhlionz.com/isyfban.htm Freedom fighters are always going to be labeled as terrorists by India and there the ones that pushed to get these people/groups banned elsewhere.
  18. Just out of curiousity, why tie such a big dumalla? Surely it wouldnt be practical plus I would doubt that he wuld be able to matha teek in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib...
  19. I'd also like a copy of the Tom Tom one if you could. And sorry to throw a spanner in the works, but just had a quick look on the BOSS website for Gurdwara's in Nottingham. It shows 9 Gurdwara in Nottingham when there in fact 6 Gurdwara's. This list may need to be checked. The actual Gurdwara's in Nottingham are... Gurdwara Singh Sabha 26 Nottingham Road, Basford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 7AE 0115 962 2132 Gurdwara Baba Budha Ji 24 Gladstone Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 6GA 0115 978 0530 Guru Nanak Dev Ji Gurdwara 1 Noel Street, Hyson Green, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 6AQ 0115 978 5687 Guru Nanak Sat Sang Gurdwara 60-62 Forest Road West, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 4EP 0115 978 1394 Ramgharia Sabha Percy Street, Basford, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire 0115 979 1595. Sikh Temple 36 Church Street, Lenton, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire I havent got full addresses as i'm at work at the moment, i'll post them here and send them to BOSS when i get them.
  20. A bit of track but whilst searching for quotes i found this which i thought was quite interesting...
  21. Much more info at http://www.saintsoldiers.net Also see http://www.sikhnet.com/s/SikhJustice Also, please put your report the net after so others can learn more about it...
  22. Quotes from Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji... The rehat that we should follow is in the rehat maryada. (Full Rehat Maryada can be seen here) The rehat maryada states... Question answered. No physical relation can take between an amritdharee and non-amritdharee. End of story?
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