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Medallion Stallion

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Everything posted by Medallion Stallion

  1. i think it happens when you accept Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as your eternal Guru BUT once you do that isnt it obvious that once you do that you have to follow rehat and start keeping kesh etc. slowly that leads to taking amrit and becoming part of the khalsa. once you decide to become a sikh you evolve as a person and then the final goal i think is to become Gursikh. im no expert on sikhism but thats my opinion hope i havent offended anyone.
  2. this reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons where bart and lisa keep on asking Homer to take them to a theme park and he eventually does it lol.....................maybe we need to keep on asking our parents and elders to do something until they do it (gurdwaras hint hint)
  3. What do you mean by that................anyway im not in that majority ive always had to fight..............in the UK u have to standup for yourself otherwise you'll get messed up.
  4. i live close to queens marys university, i think at the moment is closed (well not closed but you know what i mean) because exams are finished u hav to understand this is all done in secrecy...........why do we give into fear and are scared to ask for help?..............anyway yes the original poster needs to definatly help..........................thats the problem (if you have a rat infestation you dont just kill one rat do you, you kill them all lol all extremists need to be dealt with). muslims et al are lucky we dont believe in forced conversions......................................... :lol:
  5. it doesnt matter if they dont listen we need to TRY TRY and TRY again until they do listen..............of course they are not going to listen the first time but they might listen the 50th or 100th time lol.
  6. Sikh Sangat is slowly becoming a hate forum........yes there are problems but it has nothing to do with sikhi but its the people within our community. this forum has a potential for good especially for the youngsters but i dont know where SS is headed, we know muslims and hindus, christians etc target us and especially sikh women we dont need to be reminded all the time here, everyone who reads this post...................Do this one thing for me and EDUCATE your own parents and when they go to the gurdwara next time maybe they will be able to talk to the committee as the youth are ignored. Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh.
  7. kool, keep it up..................now if only these issues could be raised in front of the entire sangat in gurdwaras in English.
  8. People have good hearts some bad habits thats why i dont judge mona guys and women AND YOU SHOULDNT EITHER. We should all UNITE. We forget that people are different.. we assume that people know as much as us, or we think that we know more than mona because we keep our kesh. keeping kesh doesnt suddenly send our IQs up does it but we've been blessed in that we know we should keep it. So Dont Judge let them get there in their own time :TH:
  9. I feel sorry for his wife what if she's into sikhi, her family, extended family - why are people so selfish dont they care about other people like their FAMILY and how they might FEEL...........what if they have kids BLOODY HELL i feel most sorry for them. some how i dont think sikh kids will want a muslim father (no offence to any muslims reading this but thats reality) if ya wanna convert be prepared to give up a hell of alot................
  10. How is it causing hate? Give me an explanation plz... My motive for the thread was to inform people of what is going on in todays world. People should learn about there own religion rather than rejecting it. There are loads of threads which could cause hate e.g. 1984, Sacha Sauda, Recent conversions but you choose to target my thread? I didnt see you or any other people comment on my posts about current Sikh affairs e.g. universities being built, sikhs achieving success etc. And they were positive matters. People need to start being constructive rather than looking for e-arguments! sorry, what i meant was that u are correct in what u just said BUT SOME individuals will use this story as a excuse to add more oil to the flames. if you get me.
  11. Erm...........................WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM TIRED OF THESESTORIES ALL YOUR DOING IS CAUSING HATE TO BUILD UP IN YOUNG SIKH MINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. gurdwara committees are corrupt they only understand one thing MONEY: all sikhs in my opinion should remove Guru Maharaj from these places and stop attending, may be THEN they will start to to sweat.................i trully believe that blame lies with the parent they dont teach their children enough about sikhi............they think putting a turban on a guy is enough and it will make him good (the man makes the turban not vice versa) and emotionally neglect their daughters. Its only the strong ones who stay on the path of sikhi without any help but the rest need sangat in some way. sikh women have no say or support in the family home and are emotionally neglected and when someone pays them attention i.e. a non sikh guy they mistake that attention for love. all im saying is that our brothers and sisters need support in the home first then there wouldnt be any need for them to go looking for it elsewhere i.e. these non sikh groups who groom them over a period and then indoctrinate and alienate them from the people they love. forgive me if i have caused offence.
  13. does it exist? What proof is there? if you believe in Vaheguru is there any reason to be scared of anything?
  14. theres a problem: sikhs who are about to conert to other religions arent aware of websites like this...............they dont have a network of support..............
  15. I understand what people are saying but Until you do something wrong you dont really realise its wrong but by then its probably too late. however, what if you feel like doing something wrong HOW do you resist that urge..................not that im going to do something stupid but just in case i am tempted.
  16. EXACTLY action is better than no action..............
  17. ever since i decided to choose the path of sikhi and refrain from cutting my hair and stop eating meat............ive noticed that people always say "leave everything in God's hands" when something goes wrong or not to do anything but wait until God intervenes etc and it really P!SSES me off................im having trouble accepting this concept at the moment well i think action is better than no action....................it really annoys me when i talk to some people who lets just have done things in their past and maybe i feel like doing them act like hypocrites and advise me its wrong when they themselves have done wrong things e.g. relationships and are lecturing me on how wrong they are etc...........i know this post my sound confusing well i am confused so need some answers.
  18. HEY! ive got a life it just hurts when you hear a story like this..................you just feel helpless and this forum maybe the only way people can express their hurt and sometimes it may come across as aggressive but what can you do.
  19. we dont really know how many women use this board, also males are usually more angry and agressive. I did see on bbc news a female from Sikh Times no male represnation from sikhs were on tv. you can find out how many female members use this board by using the link above called members (top right)
  20. but one thing though WHY ARENT SIKH WOMEN SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THIS ALSO!!!!!!!!! dont they feel hurt when this sort of thing happens all the replies so far has been from guys...............
  21. yeah i get you all we can offer is support, advice and guidance when our sister comes back lets not hate her but lets show strength and unite against those who threaten us btw there is no such thing as liberal muslims and also sikh brothers who stray and convert out of fear (YES IT HAPPENS).
  22. is the girl still in this country? we cant speculate need more info. The problem is that NOBODY puts sikhi FIRST if they did this then we wouldnt have these problem. sikh girls get blinded by so called love sikh guys are controlled by their d!cks PUT SIKHI FIRST IN YOUR LIFE AS A PRIORITY THEN YOU WONT SUFFER. i think she was blinded by 'love' and now is in too deep she was probably brainwashed then she need to ne deprogrammed or something.................like they do in America
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