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Everything posted by MPKaur

  1. Fateh!, anyone knows the meaning of saalgram? ਹਾਥਿ ਚੜਿਓ ਹਰਿ ਸਾਲਗਿਰਾਮੁ ॥ Hāth cẖaṛi­o har sālgirām. I hold in my hands the Saalagraam of the Lord.
  2. 196 legs is only for 1 bag...each girl carry 7 bags...
  3. This is my last try, (well, I've already made a fool of myself, so I have nothing to lose ) In 1 bag there is 7 cats * 4 legs = 28 legs each cats carry 7 smaller cats= 7*7*4 = 196 legs Thus in 1 bag there is 28 legs + 196 legs = 224 legs per bag Each girl carry 7 bags= 7*224 =1568 legs each girls (without their own) But there are 7 girls so 1568 *7 = 10976 7 girls * 2 legs = 14 legs 10976 + 14 = 10990 Well, it took me awhile...
  4. I've never been that great at math but I'll give it a try: There are 7 girls with 2 legs each = 14 legs Each gilrs have 7 bags with 7 big cats in each with 4 legs each cat= 7*7*4= 196 legs Each 7 big cats carry 7 smaller cats with 4 legs each= 7*7*4= 196 legs so i add all the legs together= 14+ 196+ 196 = 406 legs
  5. Phaji, you seem to make a few post about kids....maybe it's time to have your own?
  6. Waheguru!!! For those students out there: yes it's hard work (most aunties that told me school is easy didn't attend uni) Grad school is even worst, i had a chock
  7. I just finish reading the link, it really seems like fiction more than anything. I also went to the following: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibiru_%28hyp...tical_planet%29 Again Niburu seems more of a myth... I guess that answers my questions
  8. ^^^ Thanks alot, I'll have something to read later today
  9. I think some people do not read the question before answering. I didn't ask about the illuminati. My question was regarding Niburu. But I guess, as implied in some answers, I am very stupid. Please forgive me, I lack in brains. Let me put it simply: 1- Is there such a thing as a planet called Niburu? (it's a yes or no answer) and 2- Can we see this planet from earth? (again it's a yes or no answer)
  10. Usually when people create an apocalyptic type prophecy, it's not usually all invented. Some truth must be behind it. For instance, on one video I can see the sun and a luminous point near the sun. It that the planet Niburu? Or is it the reflection of something else? See if this is planet Niburu, then there is some truth to what people say: that we can see it with the naked eye on our planet. As for the rest that the video claims ... who knows? I'm not going to worry about that, it's a waste of time.
  11. I keep hearing about nibiru's coming in 2012. Anyone here studying science such as astronomy? Is there any truth to that? I'm inclined to believe there is some truth but some stuff are exagerated. Anyone's got additional info?
  12. How's everything phenji?

  13. Hey phenji, How's everything?

  14. I'm glad to see you again! ;)

  15. What a wonderful seva, very inspiring, Waheguru
  16. Happy B-lated B day :)

    From the whole family

  17. So do I (sigh)!! But we do, when we do His will
  18. Waheguru!!! Women, as mothers, do have a profound influence on the children's religious education. However, that being said, if the mother isn't religious, shouldn't the father step in in educating the children? And yes ideally both parents should be spiritually oriented, but sadly that isn't always the case.
  19. Extroverted (E) 70.59% Introverted (I) 29.41% Intuitive 52.78% Sensing (S) 47.22% Thinking (T) 50% Feeling (F) 50% Judging (J) 61.76% Perceiving (P) 38.24% Your type is: ENFJ Accuracy: ENFJ - "Persuader". Outstanding leader of groups. Can be aggressive at helping others to be the best that they can be. 2.5% of total population.
  20. Congratulation, May Waheguru keep you both in chardikala!
  21. It's a really sad but on the one hand, i agree women should stand up for themselves but on hte other hand, isn't it like blaming the victim? IF a woman does get out of an abusive marriage, what's gonna happen to her? To her kids? (in terms of the punjabi community). If she does and everyone ostracize her at the Gurudwara and later no one wants to marry her children, is it worth it? Shouldn't there be an awareness and education on domestic violence in the community through the Gurudwara for instance before we encourage women to leave? What is the role of the Gurudwara? ANd the parents who raise those boys who later become abusive husband? Should there be education on anger management, marriage counsellings? in the Gurudwaras? (i'm just giving a few examples but there are so many). Should these men be shamed by other men? Should other men, when they see on of their family member treating his wife badly, intervene or at least say something? I just don't think divorce should be the first thing, other steps shold be done first. And it start by raising good sons (who are given the freedom to talk about their feelings. However, it seems boys are not aloud to show feelings but can express them in anger and with fists) Maybe the first step is being done right now by lifting the 'let's keep it quiet, let's not talk about it" Hey we can't change what we don't acknowledge...
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