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Everything posted by scali

  1. There is only one of us GOD in many manifestations. Sikh faith is to believe in that concept until one is enlightened via Naam Simran ( repetition of Guru Mantar). So who forgives who is essentially nothing but a ego boost which a Sikh is trying to get rid of (ego)
  2. Yes I believe that we should look at the Guru for answers. I also believe Guru brought me to this valuable information in this book when I needed it most. Reading this book will put ones mind to rest if you are dealing with personal loss. Audio link
  3. Best book on death is “Home with GOD” by Neale Donald Walsh . After reading you realize no one dies before their time. The souls mission is fulfilled it’s moved on. It’s in dialogue form Neale asks questions, GOD answers. Rest you decide after reading if you get your answers.
  4. Gurbani says “ Suraj kiran milea” death is integration , birth is disintegration into body, mind and soul. Death is an illusion it leads to more life and better understanding life review, mind illusion experience, mergence into GOD knowing that we are always one etc. We can’t die we are shape shifters, eternal beings. Gurbani is Brahmgyan. No one is excluded God is inclusive, uncontainable, non judgmental being, we judge because it’s in the nature of duality separation an illusion also.
  5. As for free will look at the condition of the world. God has given us free will to create whatever. We collectively created the conditions on planet earth. God is allowing us to run the show by giving us habitat to survive and allow us to carry our free will. If God was running the show his perfect way he could do much better. We are the part of GOD in illusion or amnesia not knowing our true self of Oneness. We are on the path of going back to oneness remembering more each time we reincarnate. It’s a cycle of separation and unity.
  6. Our current life is based on our previous karams and our current life Karam will dictate our future life events. if we don’t like what’s showing up in our life nowto change or alter them I will say what I read in biography of Baba Nand Singh If you take refuge in the True Guru and do Simran it will alter your karams Guru Sooli the Sool bana ke karam badle da hai. You have free will to all karams but these are the seeds you sow and reap later. As Gurbani says “Ape beej ape he khaau”
  7. First of all Guru Sahibs did not need to have an army for defense or offense. They could appear or disappear at will. They did it all for us who are in this an illusion of separation The only theory that works is separation is an illusion. To dissect things leads to further separation more ego and longer to get out of illusion. Guru Teg Bahadur ji gave Shaeedi for Hindus free will to follow their religion.
  8. You seem to have missed Guru Arjan Dev ji Shaeedi of ultimate acceptance. The lesson was for us. The illusion is we are separate from GOD but in the ultimate reality only one of us exist. Out of body experience, astral travel, samadhi these terms that say, you are way more than the body is just the beginning. Choose else or accept u decide free will no one cares its a impartial law. Gurus came to raise the human consciousness that u are doing things to yourself. Treat all as one Unity consciousnesses. It all leads to one. Living in separation mode is living in illusion. Gurus can pop in an out of illusion by will rest of us are stuck in separation mode and can’t think beyond. As for what I decide when something shows up does not change the real essence of what I am or U are.
  9. Guru Nanak Dev ji was beyond the illusion . Most of us are living in illusion that does not make us any less. You missed the essence of Sikhi. Gurus came to tell us how special we are not to tell us we should adore them how special they were. There is only one us. All your explanations are separation based them vs us and so on....
  10. Gods will is your will and your will is Gods will There is only one of us. By not accepting what’s showing up in our lives and wanting something different, we just feed our ego and make it stronger increase our separation from what our true self is. This is the nature of the game.
  11. Yes sheaj paath about 5 or 6 times by Gurs Grace. it’s has message for people in different stages. Like a Physican prescribe different medicine for different conditions. Dude just chill and move on.
  12. Thanks but I prefer free will as the Gods greatest gift. I stopped listening to people’s lame explanations or read it off the internet by some random authority.
  13. If free will is an illusion then there is no point of existence. If all is on auto pilot then why we did Guru Nanak and ten Gurus came wrote SGGS. Why did Guru Gobind said to take Amrit? To whom were they preaching. Whaeguru should have left us all alone to figure it out whatever it is. Why did other prophets came to preach to who and what? Your answer just like any other leaves one with more questions than any answer or direction.
  14. Everyone has free will. This is the basic building block of creation or the greatest gift of creator. People do stuff out of ignorance due to not knowing their real self. They are doing it to themselves since there is only one of us. Blame or not blame, accept or complain, argue, destroy..... is ones choice. The creation will go on until all realize there is only one of us and then maybe it will start over it’s a play of consciousness.
  15. Not to oversimplify anything. But you are what you think you are And you create an experience with your belief. The ultimate truth is that you are GOD itself and a creator and are creating misery by belief in that you are somehow insufficient and you experience it. Believe in the highest form of yourself Sat Chit Anand and in a matter of time you will start to experience it. This is the real you not what other people tell you who you are and should be.
  16. Most anti-Sikh deras are supported by Hindu government and before that British to keep Sikhs weak and down. They are successful because most sheep need somebody to hold their hand and acknowledge their existence and told its ok to stand here or sit there.
  17. They are 2 types one who fought for independence and the others who fought for British to keep India from getting independence killing their own like jallianwala bagh stuff. Just like we have the good ones who fight for Sikh causes worldwide and in India and those like Badals, Captians, KPS Gills and other Sikh foot soldiers for the Hindu Govt like the Uncle Tom Negro syndrome. History is full of old and current traitors. I was under the same delusion just if the look like a Sikh they should automatically be glorified because somehow they are doing Guru work. Snap out of it Actions speak louder that their looks.
  18. The Sikhs fighting for Britishers no different the robot Punjab police and Sikh army today for the Hindu Governments. Mindless brutal paid to just do a job. Stop glorifying and fantasying about the WW1-2 and other Sikh slaves fighting for other people’s du$b causes.
  19. scali

    What is love?

    GOD is Love. Unconditional of course. The two major forces exist love and fear on tha physical existence. Fear is also on the low end of love spectrum. Fear is afraid of loosing something that you love and to hold on to that one does unthinkable things. Mind conditioning happens when one is born and see happenings around them and kind of follows the norm to adapt. The world exist in this way since we choose it as a collective consciousness and we choose to be here at some level either conscious or subconscious level. Soul or mind level. One can choose love or whatever else. The true ones always choose love Guru Arjan Dev ji and Guru Teg Bahadur ji.
  20. Separation is an illusion based on senses. The ultimate truth is that there is Only one not two three or infinite. Belief in it exclusively ignore the rest. We are always merged nothing exist outside of GOD. It’s like jewel and Gold they are not Separate.Melting Gold jewel become Gold in its original form. Thats why Masters don’t choose else they stick to the same choosing GOD over and over even tortured they see the illusion we don’t. But belief is the key to any manifestation. Believing is seeing not Seeing is believing
  21. Needing anything from anyone usually send them fleeing in opposite direction. Sikh or non Sikh. Setting up yourself that Sikhs are better than anyone else will end up in despair.
  22. Only a Muslim would ask a question like this “What powers do they have?” This would be a common way to torture other religion people. After Muslims capture them they would ask them to show them Miracles or convert to Islam or torture them mercilessly just like they eat halal. Dont worry Pappu you are headed for reincarnation into a Sikh family after your demise to get a first hand experience in what Sikhism is all about.
  23. God is Love . Sikhism teaches love and equality for all and even die for other people just causes like Guru Teg Bahadur. Unlike Islam which teaches hate for anyone who is not a Muslim, Justify making them sex slaves and weird concepts of martyrs getting 72 virgins etc
  24. Gurbani is written for all levels of people elementary to higher. Your understanding is based on your level of awareness. If everything is pre set than there is no point of being here. Ones collective deeds brings one to their current state. The belief now will determine ones future from an infinite possibilities where one rest their belief . Two people looking at same thing will reach two conclusions due to their belief. It’s all subjective mind based conclusions. That’s why in science we have doubled blind studies to get any sort of objective conclusions.
  25. Free will is the greatest gift that’s why we don’t remember our real self when we are born or reincarnated again . This opens us to infinite potential or possibilities that we can create any experience we choose. Since GOD is limitless we are too since there is only one of us. Our limits are only learned by mind conditioning as we get older.
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