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Everything posted by LostSoul

  1. Veer Ji looks so young, how did he pass away, and forgive me for my Ignorance but who was he?
  2. THEY'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! 139701[/snapback] Hows that funny?
  3. WOW you nerd!!! lol yes you got it *rings bell* Hanji Khalsa Girl bhenji you are an <banned word filter activated> but I still luv ya! :TH:
  4. Its hilarious when these people are stumped they jump on the old blame it on the hindus wagon. Bro no one said anything about good luck your post was long but pointless, if someone wants me to wear it hey its not permanent washes off, its not going against my religion, its making them happy hell why not? haha go ahead turn it into your laws against sikhi thing, they keep piling up anyhow, tell me when you get to the its against sikhi to yawn to loud. "THESE ''''''SIKHS'''''' SHOULD BE EXCOMMUNITCATED AND DEN EITHER SHOT OR GET BANGED UP KHALISTAN ZINDABADH DEATH2 TRAITORS AND INDIA FREEDOM 4 PANJAB NEVA 4GET 1984" Your a moorakh
  5. haha I know but these days people want to argue over petty things because ite makes the more religious if they do
  6. ^^ Good post, there are many "amrit dharis" out there who I highly doubt will make it to mukhti. This isnt christianity where you have to accpet Jesus to make it to heaven.
  7. Theyre all the names Of the Lord, chant whatever you feels make you closer to Whaeguru.
  8. Did our Gurus? Veer Suraj Singh made a good point.
  9. "Everything is in the will of god.. if a baby was meant to be born, then it should, if the woman carrying the baby was not meant to make it, then thats gods will" What if it was in Gods will to have the abortion?
  10. But they didnt, it was a tilak, thats what I said.
  11. You got it singstah but if you guys really want a tricky one, heres one thatll make you spend some time on Peter picked one pepper more than Paul. Pat picked one pepper more than Pam. Peter and Paul picked 10 more peppers than Pat and Pam. Peter, Paul, Pat and Pam picked 60 peppers altogether. How many peppers did Peter pick?
  12. I remember once when I used to drive a limo I had a hindu marriage party in the back. They asked me before they drove off if they could put a tilak on my head, as per their tradition of wishing good luck to the wedding party, and blessing the driver for a safe journey. Did I sin?
  13. Thats the thing I cant seem to figure out everything seems nice about them. They are promotng Sikhi correct? What seems to be the controversy surrounding them?
  14. Ok lets kick start this again another semi easy one A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll be off by a few pounds In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?
  15. Does anyone have any information about this Jakara movement and what they promote? Ive been hearing alot about them recently. *I made a topic previously but it seems to be MIA*
  16. Why would you bury the surviours?? Got it!!!!And we have a riddle thread look a little bit down:)
  17. Free will is an illusion to me. I feel that we can not limit Gods knowledge and my having free will wouldnt it challenege him? Meaning it would seem strange if The All Mighty Omnipotent Lord God wouldnlt know how my life would end, like he would say "wow I didnt see that coming!" I feel God gave us Life to expierence it and all the aspects of it, hence birth and death cycle. Every lifetime we have to expeience being everything and anything that God has created with life in it. Murderers, Theives, Saints, Rapists, Rapees, Men, Women, everything so we could grow as souls and take in all he has to offer us. Of course God knows what will come of us but he wants us to expierence it so we could grow closer to him. Thats just my two cents.
  18. "Well, It's silly to even ask this on a religious based site, Obviously the majority opinion of this site is religiously based, and thus the question itself biased" How would it be silly? Religiously based meaning you believe in what creationism? My question what was your take on this or any other theory. I think the statement that "no point in wasting our time, breathe, and resources discussing somethin that has no effect on anybodys life directly.." is silly (No offense). That means we shouldnt waste our time telling stories, laughing or joking with friends, because it has no effect on our spirituality. I agree with Manchester Sikhi and think we should reason with where we came from, and we got here, as sikhi promotes thinking in the line of reasoning I feel this is a important issue. I think the theory of Evolution actually makes some sense compared to other theories out there (i.e. creationism) The strong survived and theyre offspring evolved. Neanderthals were wiped out by the homo sapien race and we have been evolving ever since, science backs this with proof, as of right now doesnt it seem the most legit theory there?
  19. ummm....wow someone sure had a lot of fun with this topic!!
  20. We started discussing this in another post so I thought I would just start a new thread on this issue. What are the sangats thoughts on this, agree or disagree and why? If anyone has any other lines of thought on it feel free to add it here
  21. Thanks for the input but Ill start a new thread on this so we dont mess this one up
  22. So you dont believe in the theory of Evolution? Could you please explain what you do think is true? (No sarcasm in this post Im really interested since Id like to get a variety of ideas on this subject)
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