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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. That is a valid point that is made. Since India has been invaded and conquered by various muslim hordes. These muslim hordes whether all came from areas where Persian was lingua franca.
  2. Gulkhanna sounds more Persian than Arabic. The kh bit gives it away as well the Gul bit.
  3. They know what it says, but they want to see the positive so they will do all manner of verbal gymnastics. Like the matrix they are blue pill. For them to face the literal truth would be a bitter red pill to swallow. But it would be the best medicine.
  4. I think that with too much individualism, society becomes very weak and becomes very decadent. These societies become very confused and lose their morale compass with cultural relatism. You see this in today's society. It has happened in previous societies in history like the Roman Empire. I think that Indian society became very decadent and weak before the Islamic invasions came. Once you have that, something in society craves the complete opposite and the pendulum can swing the other way.
  5. One of my observations as an outsider to the gora-sphere is that during the 70s and 80's, the traditional left of society used to be working class labour party types, this from a Sikh perspective is where a lot of interests were allied for equal rights to pay and for a fairer society. Somewhere down the line, the Left has become completely difference as they do not identify with the working class, they have become champagne socialists, I cannot say whether that was pre-Blair or Post-Blair. As a Sikh, I have seen the left (which may have been more liberal and tolerant in the past) becoming increasing intolerant and shut down dissent and become more fascist, where they do not allow freedom of speech when it does not agree with their viewpoint. In many ways, the right has become the good guys. It's like things have become topsy Turvey. If I may use a Sikh principle here, when we talk about Miri-Piri or Sant-Sipahi, my understanding that even though we do not believe in the duality of left and right that there needs to be a balance between there somewhere. The extremes of both right and the left are the same. I am just formulating my opinions here and still trying to iron out some of these details.
  6. http://www.ora.tv/rubinreport/2016/2/5/tommy-robinson-and-dave-rubin-islam-immigration-and-pegida-0_62rnhhy7ehb3
  7. Tommy phoned in on Nick Ferrari show on LBC. Same thing happened when Balal/Bilal from Chingwell called and was talking to Tommy. Balal would not answer Tommy's question.
  8. Most Sikhs realise this. Except what we also need to realise is that when people on the right confront muslims, there is always the Ultra left UAF types to fight them. So what you have is the white left and the white right cancelling each other out whilst the muslim can get away scot free.
  9. You have said what I have said. One is overt and the other covert. For many Sikhs on similar websites like this 15 years ago could see the writing on the wall. There was going to be a clash between muslims and the right. It was also recognised that the left protects the actions of Muslims. It was said in those days when will the gora wake up. Well a lot of them have woken up. People on the right of the political spectrum naturally see Sikhs and Hindus as people with a common interest. Let me get this straight, I am not advocating any joining up with any right wing parties nor any collaboration.
  10. The irony is that the BBC as a left wing organisation are probably more racist than the right wing racist. They hide behind all these buzzwords as "diversity" etc etc. If you go on the BBC website you read about how Black and Ethnic Minority is under-represented in X or how women are under-represented in Y. Yet the irony is that their upper echelons are made up of exclusively white dudes. Why have the other lefty organisations such as Guardian/Independent/Buzzfeed/Channel 4 or the many feminist groups never mention this. How come there has never been a woman or ethnic minority or even better for the most Political correct term a Black Muslim disabled transgender lesbian become Governor General of the BBC? At least with a right wing racist, you know where you stand with them.
  11. These are probably actors or regulars that the BBC know will have a particular point of view that forwards their agenda. BBC plays a similar stunt on Question Night on Thursday. They would present the show in a rural conservative area and then bus in left wing agitators to present a particular point of view, whereas the local population would more often than not have the opposite point of view.
  12. Nihal is completely aware what is going on but plays the part of devil's advocate. His job is to create controversy for ratings. Nicky Campbell on Big Questions also very aware but tries to play dumb.
  13. You will never get a fair debate with the BBC, these shows are weighted in favour for a particular agenda. I would suggest that every Sikh should boycott BBC Asian Network. The less you try to answer the more it becomes the leftist echo chamber that it is. The Asian community is built on the backs of Sikhs and once Sikhs don't bother with that pile of junk, the foundations will break until the Government see sense and get rid of that ridiculous license fee. BBC is no longer relevant and sooner it gets cut down to size the better.
  14. This is not Bhangra culture nor is it Heer and Sahiba.Bhangra culture is very 1980s. These girls are born in the 90's or later. They wouldn't know Heer and Sahiba if it bit them in the backside. A lot of these issues begin at home. These are the next generation of girls doing this type of thing, their mothers and aunts were before them. I cannot focus on anyone's daughters or sisters but my own, you can only bring them up the right way. I suggest you all do the same.
  15. Actually he is not a liberal. He is quite authoritarian and does not like people disagreeing with him. If you see what he does on social media to people who have a difference of opinion with him, you will realise.I think there is a bit of myth that people who fall on the left of the political spectrum are liberal, that is not entirely true.
  16. If Islam was just a religion in terms of praying and believing in the oneness of the creator no one has an issue. However Islam is a political ideology guised as a religion and that it is where the issue lies. The type of political ideology that it is espouses is expansionist and totalitarian. I think that is the problem. Who wants live under Sharia law. Why does any muslim want to live under Sharia law let alone a Kafir. It has a political system that has a "them" and "us" attitude where you have Dar-Ul-Harb and Dar-Ul-Islam. It's premise begins aggressively to people that are not muslim. When they run out of non-Muslims, the proponents of this political system turns on itself. People do not want to live under that system, people run from it. Except that some of the people who ran from the system want to replicate that system in their new host societies (why do you want to do that?) This system is parasitic because it infects the host society where people run from it only to spread to the next place. People instinctively understand this.
  17. I just wondering if a boy born into a family full of sisters plays a big part in that too. Even more so if he is the youngest and if he is the only boy in the family.
  18. Just wondering if something has been put into the atta for rotis. :o
  19. Just wondering if the lack of testosterone plays a part. Testosterone levels have been going down in males for a number of years.
  20. Don't you have to be a police officer and move up the ranks to get to Head of Police? Just wondering.
  21. That is why the old school saas is tough on her nohan even if the nau is nice or seems nice. You have to tell them who is the boss.
  22. I personally think a national Dasvandh would help to prevent a lot of tax fraud, not all but it gives the manmukh a lot less excuses. All Google does is shift it's revenue from country to another to one with a lower tax base. It's the complexities that give rise to the loopholes. The Sikhi way would be to do away with these entanglements.
  23. If one is aware in the UK, Google after 10 years has paid over £100 million of taxes, that is just 3% of it's revenue. The problem with tax system is that it is over-complicated with loop holes which means corporations and people will try to weazle their out of paying with off shore accounts etc etc. From a Sikhi perspective, it goes against our Vand Shakna concept. Would a flat rate tax or something like Dasvandh where 10 percent goes for everyone rather than this progressive tax system be a better way forward. Was Dasvandh ever created to cover something like a corporate entity? Your thoughts please.
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