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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. Neighbourhoods never stay the same. People move on. A lot of our people are moving into the middle classes and therefore they aspire to move into more affluent areas. You cannot get away from Pakistanis because they will always follow us. Even if they try their grooming/conversion tactics, for some reason they see us some kind of model community to follow. We are a canary in the coal mine community for other Asians. We do all the hard work to establish in a new area and integrate just enough to open the floodgates for the rest to follow. An example, is Langley in the Slough area used to be aspirational area for a lot of Sikhs in the 1980s and 1990s. A lot of those Sikhs now are moving out to South Bucks to Farnham Royal, Farnham Common, Stoke Poges, Gerrards Cross. South Bucks has the fastest growing Sikh community in the UK. Who do you think is moving into the areas left behind by the Sikhs? Pakistanis! Give them another 15-20 years and they will follow enmasse to South Bucks.
  2. For you Eastend Cockney Sikhs, how many Sikhs remain in the forest gate, Manor Park areas or are they migrated into Seven Kings/Ilford/Barking or into Essex proper.
  3. Donald Trump is not as dumb as he looks. Being a billionaire he is not beholden to any corporate benefactors (like the other candidates) and he will say what he likes and not care. This gives him no fear in saying things that perhaps need to be said without fear out of being politically correct. Whether he will become POTUS is another matter, as they say Presidents are selected not elected (if you catch my drift).
  4. I think the U.S. is a bit of anomaly. U.S. is founded on religious refugees such as puritans, quakers,baptists etc from the 1600s and 1700s. I think this has made quite a serious impact on the American psyche.
  5. I do not think what you have said is necessarily true. For example there are many 3rd world countries that are quite religious but they are controlled by rule of danda. Some of the more atheistic/secular countries can be far more orderly and there is a respect for the rule of law generally.
  6. There is a theory called the "oil droplet theory" which explains how muslim communities operate in non-muslim societies. Since oil and water does not mix. The moderates are the outer layer which ensures that Islamic core remains unaffected.
  7. If it currently suits the elite to use Islam as a tool then eventually it will back-fire on them. The elites may plan things decades in advance but things never turn out the way you expect.
  8. Their values and ideas would be shaped by the nature of their environment. Like I said before the terrain that they lived on would not support cultivation of crops. This is just my layman view.
  9. The Mongols are from the steppes of Central Asia. It is mainly grasslands, not much fertility in the land for one to settle down in one place to grow crops. That particular environment mentioned would create a nomadic lifestyle that would have livestock that grazes. And then use that livestock for milk, dairy and meat.
  10. I guess it is because of their mercantile mentality. They have their networks but I imagine from their perspective the ones you give a leg up for will compete against you in a few years. I guess this is probably in the back of their minds if they attempt to help their rishtidar.
  11. Can you also point out out the negative female traits that also plague our culture. Thanks.
  12. Those who identify with Punjabiyat before Sikhi are not always necessarily sexist and misogynistic. For all the faults in Punjabi culture there must be some redeeming qualities too, not everything can be bad about it. Some of those qualities are masculine traits too. And not every feminine trait is positive either.
  13. After reading some of the posts on Sunny's facebook and twitter pages you see that a lot of the viewpoints made are that Sikh men are sexist and misogynistic. That is incorrect, I think a lot of Sikh men think of Sikh females as their sisters. There is a natural male instinct to protect. However with the political correctness and the feminist PC dogma and brainwashing that points fingers at Sikh men for being sexist to look out for their sisters, the stroppy Sikh female has to be careful not to alienate the Sikh males who will become indifferent. Because tomorrow you may be harassed by the gang of muslim men you were flirting with and your Sikh brethren will not be able to help you, because helping you would mean that they are being sexist and misogynistic. But I am sure the PC feminist line would be discarded very quickly when it comes to your self-preservation. Who will help you?The likes of Sunny Hundal? He would be the first to throw you under the bus for his own self-preservation.
  14. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnf0I2dQ0i0 The likes of Sunny are also a victim of the indoctrination he has received over the years and it affects his views. The above link is quite interesting.
  15. I would be careful to label people less educated as "pendus" . They can be a lot smarter than the more conventionally educated.
  16. I was not talking about partition. However, this topic has gone way off topic.
  17. It's almost been 70 years since India has had independence, and still Indians moan about how they were robbed. Yet they are very different quiet about how a lot of the current elite of India benefitted and aided the British in the loot whilst they also profited. Even to this day there are Indians who are looting India and putting their ill gotten wealth into tax havens set up by those dastardly white people.
  18. You moan about white man this and white man that yet you still live in the white man's country. If you don't like it here go find yourself another country to live in where there are no white people.
  19. Except we don't go looting and burning our own neighbourhoods.
  20. Funny how black lives matter when a black guy gets shot by a police officer but not when there is so much black on black crime and black people are shooting and killing other black people.
  21. There are reports that some of the gunmen were registered as refugees in Greece.
  22. Multiple attacks like this are co-ordinated well in advance. Sleeper cells have been embedded in for years. Syria or not, the groups in question were going to attack anyway. We have no idea how many attempted attacks have been thwarted over the years.
  23. It should be quite obvious who would be behind these attacks, there is a common pattern of simultaneous attacks in various locations in different cities whether it is in London or Mumbai. We have to remember that the intelligence agencies are probably clamping down on potential attacks everyday that we do not hear about, it just takes one time to slip through. If it was not Syria, it would be some other aggrievance or another. We must remember that France has a much higher muslim population than the likes of UK (their Muslim population is predominantly of North Africans such as Algeria and Morocco ). In the 1990s, Algeria had a big problem with Islamic insurgency with fighters coming back from Afghanistan. France had a lot of this problem stemming back from their North African migrants and a lot of these guys fled to UK. The French intelligence warned British intelligence about this infiltration in the 90's . A lot of Islamic radicalisation in the UK (for example Finsbury Park, University Campuses, Omar Bakri, Anjem Choudary ) has had a lot of contribution from France.
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