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Everything posted by Ranjeet01

  1. Very true. The fact they are Shia also seems to be a way of them sticking two fingers up at the Arabs. Also, the Iranian/Persians along with Arab and Turks are one of the Muslim master races. They do not have an inferiority complex like the subcontinental muslims.
  2. JKVA historian named Tom Holland wrote a book about the origins of Islam and Muhammed and even had a Channel 4 documentary.
  3. We Sikhs are a peculiar bunch. We are tolerant of everyone but ourselves. They say charity begins at home, but we would give that away to others and sleep on the streets and get kicked to the kerb if we expect anything back in reciprocation. How can we be such a naive gullible bunch, it's one thing being equal and live for things egalitarian but not of the expense of ourselves especially in India where everybody is out to screw the next person.
  4. So by these figures, the Hindu Punjabi slightly increased in 2001 compared to 1991. I guess will just have to wait until the migrant figures come out for 2011. It would be interesting to see the breakdown between urban and rural also. I wonder what the impact of a lower Sikh population would have on the Hindu Punjabi population. If the hindi speaking Bhaiyas and bihari are swamping Punjab and become the majority (hypothetically speaking), would the Hindu Punjabi get assimilated? I could see some regret and remorse from certain sections of the Hindu Punjabi population. However, It would probably suit the purpose of the vested interests of the Central government. But this could backfire as Muslims from UP and Bihar would also move in and communal conflicts between Hindus and Muslims would spread into Punjab and with Pakistan would also stir the pot being only next door. Then you have this Christian evangelism and they would also be added into the mix with other foreign vested interests looking to break India ( this is part of the issue in India ' s north east region). This is all theory of course.
  5. Ironically a local Punjabi would probably rather listen to a Western parcharak than a local one, given that any western is valued as being "modern"
  6. My understanding in this Harijan/Dalit issue was that Mr MK Gandhi dissuaded Dr Ambedkar and his followers from following Sikhi. Apparently, he told them to follow any religion but Sikhi. At the time , there were promises regarding reservations and caste quotas. I feel that it could be in Maharaj ' s hukam that they did not because it would have been for the wrong reasons. The reservation way is kind of a welfare/positive discrimination system. The Sikh way would be the empowerment way to pick yourself up. But I feel we are delving away from the topic. It is shocking for a country that claims to be a democracy with rule of law can allow this feudal system to exist.
  7. Aren't these Jatts of UP, these are not Punjabi Sikh Jatts, they are not the same. I hear this so called Jatt domination thing all the time. I hear this story of Dr Ambedkar wanting to become Sikh , but it did not come to fruition and he became Buddhist instead. If this is the case that harijans would have joined enmasse to Sikhi by following Dr Ambedkar, how come we do not see them follow his example of becoming Buddhist as there would be over 200 million Buddhists in India today?
  8. It comes from going on many shopping excursions with female relatives. I somehow get lumbered into going. If you want to learn how to haggle for a bargain, some of our bibian are the best in the business.
  9. I stand corrected He has initiated something that will become more common in the future.
  10. The daaj issue is probably the biggest problem. However, centuries worth of this habit is going to be very difficult to get rid off. Even if daaj was outlawed, it would creep in one way or another. I think that there are anti-dowry laws in India, but there are problems with this as a lot of brides and their families are exploiting this law using it for extortion against the groom's family. Ideally, parchar should be a localised grass - roots initiative, but I have the feeling future parchar is going to be a foreign endeavour coming from outside the Subcontinent into the subcontinent.
  11. Male wiring is very different from female wiring. You are correct in that females always require more validation as they are more social than males. A female dreams about their big day since they were little girls. They want to be the centre of attention, the groom is just another accessorie. They want to be told how beautiful they are, and in our culture to validate you need to have red sparkling lengha with the gold jewellry. A white gown in a registry office does not quite cut it. The comment about wearing nice suits for lunches and dinners is not enough. If the rest of the girl's female peers have had Anand Karaj then they must keep up with them. Female group think is very powerful, males tend to be more individualistic in their thinking. If you use Facebook, you see this validation all the time from females. They change their profile pics and there is over 100 likes and comments about how beautiful they are or how amazing they look by other other females ( whether they actually mean it is another matter).
  12. I think it is more of having your cake and eating it. Hypergamy does not care for Rehit Maryada.
  13. [quote name="Quantavius" post="639995" timestamp="1440939434" I don't believe it's because of 'dress up'. They could always do that during the wedding dinner and all the other celebrations that go with it. I believe it's validation. They want validation from the larger community. You are thinking like a typical male, which is to think pragmatically. A lady needs to have a different outfit with different accessories for each particular event.
  14. The majority of Turkey ' s women do not wear Hijabs even though it is a muslim country. Turkey is a secular country where there is a separation of mosque and state and for the most part it is kept that way although the current president Erdogan and his party are trying to change things there. What I find interesting in Turkey (I went there on holiday) is that there hijab wearing ladies swim in the same pools as everyone else and I have seen hijab wearing women with their husband's who are openly drinking alcohol. You would never get that in the UK. For starters, there would be a women - only time for the pool to accommodate our muslim ladies. There is a difference in terms of how Islam and Sikhi operates. Islam is said to be a political system disguised as a religion and they are expansionist. There is another difference, as Sikhs we have a habit of showing our dirty laundry in public, Muslims have an in group preference/bias and by in large keep their issues swept under the carpet. A Sikh will be on the side of a non-Sikh against another Sikh (which we have seen with mixed marriage cases), a muslim will tend to back another Muslim against a non-muslim even though they know that non-muslim is correct and the other muslim is incorrect.
  15. Societies normally go in cycles, like a mini-yug. The atheistic, ultra - liberalised, consumerist society will lead to a more of a society that is devoid of spirit and full of hedonism. The pendelum will swing back and it will be the likes of the so called "fundamentalists" that will have to pick up the pieces.
  16. My observation of the hijab phenomenon amongst muslim females is that it gives them freedom from their Muslim males to do stuff they wouldn't otherwise do, like go to work. The hijab acts as a purdah for them to do things that will not bring suspicion because they have the appearance of piousness. My observation is in my local supermarket is that for many years there were always our Sikh women working on tills and stacking shelves but you never had any muslim females. But in recent years you see more muslim females visibly working in the stores, and they are all hijab wearers. Ironically the hijab is helping them integrate with society.
  17. A lot of good points made,maybe the best solution would be to have only Amritdharis have Anand Karaj. That way at least the Anand Karaj would mean something and maintain the substance rather than the show business it has become. The most that non-Amritdhari couples know is if someone pokes you in the back, you get up. My observations from attending Anand Karaj's in Punjab is that the 15-20 people attend them (much smaller number than the UK) and people for the most part stick to the basics on Anand Karaj and do not bother with elaborate 2 and a half hours Anand Karaj's we have in the UK with the ragis and the boring speeches made. I have also seen Granthis specifically request in Punjab not to bother with the brothers taking the bride around during Lavaan. I have even heard of Anand Karaj's taking place during Amrit Vela time (if someone can confirm).
  18. Because these bad practicing hypocrite Sikhs will still respect and hold the SGGS as their Maharaj. A non-Sikh doesn't.
  19. The separate marriage act is so that they have one upmanship vs India. Second reason is that they do not see us as Hindus. India see Sikhs as servants to Hindus.
  20. One of the things it is said is that if you want to reduce the fertility and therefore reduce your population, you need to educate your women. Therefore by increasing female literacy rates you reduce fertility rates. All across the world fertility rates have come down. Question is, posters here have mentioned that we need to have more children, tell me how are you going to convince the emancipated, empowered, educated Sikh female to have more children. People then blame female infanticide on lack of education. But hang on, isn't the vast majority of the female abortions happening in the urban, educated areas?
  21. Probably firstly because there are so few left that they do not constitute a threat. Secondly, some pre-partition nostalgia that Sikhs made positive contributions which you don't appreciate once it's gone.
  22. Like it was said in the earlier post, it is quite easy to differentiate between Sikh and non-Sikh brown people. The body language, the features, the speech etc. Females are far more clued on to covert messages,body language, nuances etc than males are, so I am cannot quite believe that they are conned into believing a muslim with a kara on is a Sikh. Their guile and cunning is very much switched onto other things but not to something more obvious. Of course these types of girls never take any accountability of their actions, instead they try to divert the attention to the maybe <5% (I think that is even a stretch in a lot of cases) of males of Sikh origin that go around with non-Sikh females. They justify and rationalise their behaviour by pointing out someone else's behaviour. I find it quite strange that a lot of our females claim to be equal to males and then use their feminine vulnerability when it suits them. If you want to be equal, take equality into accountability for your actions as well as equality into your rights. You cannot have one without the other. If a male has to be "man up", females need to "woman up"
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